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Thread: Nipples turning white?

  1. #1

    Nipples turning white?

    Hey I am in about my 7th week of test e ~250 2x/wk, about a week or so ago my nips got real sore and I was using armasin and adex with no sucsess. This week I decided to use some of my tamox at 20mg ed. It's been three days and the sore nips feel so much better. However, now I am noticing that the tips of my nips seem to be turning white, there is no lump behind them and there not sore or swollen any more they just seem to be getting specks of white around the nip and the nip is turning color. What's the deal?

  2. #2
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    May 2008
    Where there's food!
    Quote Originally Posted by connex202 View Post
    Hey I am in about my 7th week of test e ~250 2x/wk, about a week or so ago my nips got real sore and I was using armasin and adex with no sucsess. This week I decided to use some of my tamox at 20mg ed. It's been three days and the sore nips feel so much better. However, now I am noticing that the tips of my nips seem to be turning white, there is no lump behind them and there not sore or swollen any more they just seem to be getting specks of white around the nip and the nip is turning color. What's the deal?

    I've never heard of someone's nips turning white. You may need to get another AI. Letro has been found to work best.

  3. #3
    I was using liquidex but I think after taking it and it not helping I learned it was bunk, that's when i jumped on the aromisin. The aromisin worked, it helped make them not so sensitive but it really upset my stomach. That's when I gave up and just started some tamox. It helped quick, the next day my nips weren't as sore as they have been for a couple weeks now. I ordered some new liquidex should be here soon but I am worried about the fact that i am getting a funny color showing up right on the center of my nips.

  4. #4
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    Raynaud’s phenomenon occurs more commonly in women than men, and can be often associated with illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis.
    Here, we will refer to both conditions as Vasospasm. Vasospasm can also occur in nipples. In fact, it is much more common than generally believed. It can occur along with any cause of sore nipples, and is, in fact, probably a result of damage, but it may also, on occasion, occur without any other kind of nipple pain at all.

    Typically, vasospasm occurs after the feeding is over, once the baby is already off the breast. Presumably, the outside air is cooler than the inside of the baby’s mouth. When the baby comes off the breast, the nipple is its usual colour, but soon, within minutes or even seconds, the nipple will start to turn white. This is likely due to accelerated drying of the nipple. Mothers generally describe a burning pain when the nipple turns white. After turning white for a while, the nipple may actually turn back to its normal colour (as blood starts to flow back to the nipple), and the mother will notice a throbbing pain. The nipple may go back and forth between colours (and types of pain) for several minutes or even an hour or two. Sometimes, the mother does not even notice her nipple turning white and instead sees it change form pink to red to purple and back to pink again. That it changes colour is not the concern, that there is pain with it is.


    Treatments for Raynaud’s phenomenon (blanching of the nipple)

    Identify and Fix the original cause of the pain: i.e. Poor Latching and/or Candida.

    Stop Air Drying. The first choice for treatment is to stop all air drying. When baby comes off the breast, immediately cover the nipple with your warm hand while you get your bra done up. This should be done very quickly as even seconds of air exposure can cause pain. After talking a shower, avoid going out of the shower enclosure until the breasts are completely covered and kept warmed so the cold air cannot reach the nipples.

    The All Purpose Nipple Ointment may also help, especially when ibuprofen powder has been mixed in. See Handout Candida Protocol

    Olive Oil. Warming olive oil in mother’s fingers and then gently massaging the oil into the nipples during the burning may be very soothing. We have heard from many mothers that this gave them instant relief and seemed to decrease the occurrence of the vasospasm overall.

    Vitamin B6 Multi Complex. This has shown to work by trial and error, but it does seem to work. There have not yet been studies done on this to know scientifically that it works, but enough anecdotal evidence has come forward to support that it does work nevertheless. It is safe and will do no harm. It is best that B6 not be taken on its own but instead as part of a B complex of vitamins that includes niacin. Depending on the overall dose of the B complex, the amount of B6 itself should be approximately 100 mg 2x/day for at least a couple of weeks. So, for example, if the overall capsule is 125 mg of B complex and there is only 50 mg of B6 in that capsule, then mother would need to take 2 capsules at a time to equal one dose and that dose would need to be taken 2x/day. The mother continues it until she is pain free for a few weeks. It can be restarted if necessary. If you have been pain free for a week or two, try going off the vitamin B6. If vitamin B6 does not work within a week, it probably won’t.

    Warm dry compresses can be very effective at stopping the vasospasm as it is occurring and for treating the pain. Lying down after a feeding and applying a heating pad to the breasts for a few minutes or more may help considerably. Certainly, it will allow mother to rest and this may help to deal with the pain, as well.

    Magnesium supplements with added Calcium taken as 2 teaspoons 300mg Magnesium/200 mg Calcium (gluconate) 2x daily has been thought to help with the symptoms of vasospasm.
    Last edited by CeeLo; 10-31-2008 at 06:19 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by connex202 View Post
    I was using liquidex but I think after taking it and it not helping I learned it was bunk, that's when i jumped on the aromisin. The aromisin worked, it helped make them not so sensitive but it really upset my stomach. That's when I gave up and just started some tamox. It helped quick, the next day my nips weren't as sore as they have been for a couple weeks now. I ordered some new liquidex should be here soon but I am worried about the fact that i am getting a funny color showing up right on the center of my nips.
    You need Letro.. End of discussion.

    Letrozole is also known as Femara. It is 10-30x more effective than Arimidex in it's ability to pass through the cell membrane of lipid (fat) cells and inhibit the activity of aromatase -- in other words, Letrozole is far superior in lowering estrogen levels in fat cells. This has two benefits for BBs;

    (1) Estrogen 'attracts' water, thus water retention.

    (2) An average male BB is around 6-10% BF, that's a lot of lipid cells with aromatase inside them, so a substantial percentage of aromatase is left untouched by Arimidex due to it's poor ability to enter lipid cells. Arimidex is approximately 80% effective at inhibiting aromatase, Femara is around 95-97% effective.

  6. #6
    Damn the Vasospasm if that is what is going on sounds pretty serious. I thought I had myself covered with what support supps I had on hand for this first cycle. Now I have to try and find some letro and figure out how finish out this cycle without messing things up to bad. The white color on my nips seems to come and go it's weird, I have been checking it thru the day since I noticed it. When the nip gets hard it's more evident then when it's not. Even when it's relaxed it seems to come and go. I have run the tamox for 3 days, I intended to run that maybe 2 more days and then cut back to 10mg for 2 or three days, then come off and see where things stand. If this new liquidex comes should I bother dosing it at .25 eod or just hold off until I get my hands on some letro? Could the nip issue be a side of the tamox?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    sound sexy

  8. #8
    Not really sexy!,, It seems like every week since I started this cycle something new crops up to deal with or figure out. Is this normal to bounce from one problem to the next on cycle? Do you ever run cycles that go smooth? It's just wearing me down, once I get one thing calmed down something else starts. The gains in the gym are great, I have never experienced anything like it, however I can't imagine fighting my body for 6 more weeks.

  9. #9
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    my cycles normally go pretty smooth. I run letro at .25 ed with my cycle and if I feel gyno creeping up, I bump it up to an appropiate dose. I did get some gyno when I threw dbol in mid-cycle an I went up to 2.5 mg to get rid of gyno.

    What dose your cycle look like. Maybe your levels are all over the place and you aren't dosing correctly or frequently enough.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    keep us updated bro. this is something new to me

  11. #11
    Cycle is test E, I do shots Sun and Wed at 240mg/inj. 240 only because my test is is 300mg/ml so I just round to the nearest line which happens to be 240mg per shot. I am fine with that amount. However after the bumps I have been hitting I am thinking of bringing that dose down until some of these side back off. 30yrs old, and weigh about 212 that's up from around 200 at the start of my cycle. I have been eating clean for almost 2 years straight just eating, chicken, shakes, rice, lots of water every day steak once a week, salads. Support supps for my liver, kidneys, multi, fish oils, extra fiber, immune and diegestion. I just ran the test solo to see how my body would handle things and learn from it.

  12. #12
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    480mg per week should not be an isssue. I ran it at 500mg / wk and actually 750 for a couple of weeks w/o any sides. I just wanted to make sure that you were doing it every 3.5 days. Not really sure what's causing your sides.

  13. #13
    Lotion bro..lotion!

  14. #14
    Update: I ran 4 days of tamox 20mg and then 2 days of tamox 10mg that ended yesterday. It helped the soreness in the nips better then anything however I got a really weird side from the tamox. About 15-20 min after taking the tamox starting on the 3rd day of 20mg I got a super fast irregular heart beat, to the point of dizziness and a tight chest that lasted maybe 15-20mins. Afterwards I felt like I had run a marathon race and just had to lay down. The following two days I cut the pill in half so I was getting maybe 10mg sat and sun and it was still causing the irregular heart beat afterwards. That is a problem on a couple fronts. Nolva/clomid are the base of my pct, and the nolva to begin with really helped the nip soreness. If it's going to speed out my heart like that I know I won't be able to handle the typical 40/40/20/20 pct. Hopefully I can get some alternative advice. The White nip issue is still there I snapped a couple pics They are not that great but it was a bit of trial and error trying to get close enough for the cam to focus and still see what I was photographing. Still you can kind of see the whiter nip area. I cut my dose of test down yesterday to try and get these sides to back off. If I can't get these things under control I may have no choice but to stop this cycle early and regroup, learn from what I have experienced and try a different path next time around. I got my new liquidex from lion sat and started that .25mg eod, I am also going to try and get some letro on order, just one more thing to add in the mix I guess.
    Last edited by connex202; 11-03-2008 at 06:48 AM. Reason: pics didn't work.

  15. #15
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    Oct 2008
    WHITE NIPPLES ? HMMMMMMM....No problem bro ! I know a few dudes who had the same problem . They just painted them brown and went back to school !
    Why did u bleach them in the first place ?

  16. #16
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    Depends on the gear. On my cycle my nipples flipped inside out.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Depends on the gear. On my cycle my nipples flipped inside out.
    Holy shit....Ur an idiot... lol... thats some funny stuff.....

  18. #18
    Nip issue seems to be stable or not getting worse as of today, Coloration isn't as bad either. I guess until this cycle and getting sore, I never really paid attention to my nips to know what they used to look like. Started my new liquidex from lion a couple days ago and stoped the tamox. Hopefully my other liquidex was just bunk and that was the problem. I also have some letro on the way which I might replace my nolva with in pct becuase of the crazy heart rate thing.

  19. #19
    Guys on the subject of Gyno. I did my last cycle two years ago, which was deca and sust. Previous to that I had done a cycle on orals and picked up gyno. I had Lumps behind the nipples.

    During and after my last cycle I took tamoxifen to try and reduce the swelling. It worked very well. However never got rid of the hard lumps behind them totally. These aren't that noticeablee whatsoever apart from me noticing them. They look a slighly lighter flesh colour. Doctors said these would dissapear in time when body returns to natural balance-

    However 2 years down the line they are still there . I haven't done a cycle since through worry of them coming back. I have been using normal test boosters and creatine to supplement my training.

    However I have reached a plateau and was looking to just gain an edge by taking some pink stars dianabol, to supplement my training. They are 20mg tabs. I was proposing to take these 1 a day for a 8 week period along with milk thistle and also some small doses of tamoxifem.

    My worry is tamoxifem is toxic and potent and the side effects on this drug is quite powerfull. Such as tight chest as mentioned above in prev post. I do suffer with this slightly when on them.

    Not to talk too much - I was hoping to gain some guidance and opinions from the wealth of that is on these forums.

    1. Has anyone had gyno. Not manage to clear it up completely? And then later down the line tackled the gyno and wiped it out completely? A mins nips need to be perfect, any slight bulge looks rediculous!

    2. Also when I do start my cycle - I am unsure whether to take a small 10mg dose of tamoxifem each day with them and then if it gets worse I will up the dose of tamoxifem and come off the tablets.

    Any advise on dealing with gyno so long after the cycle would be helpfull.

    Also anyone have any particular problems with the dianabol. I know its better to jab, however as I am doing such small doses for only small gains to overcome a plateau, I would prefer just small dose of orals.

  20. #20
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    Look in this subforum, there are several threads dealing with gyno.

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