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Thread: new power cycle

  1. #1
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    new power cycle

    please let me know what you guys think about this doing it mostly for power..

    1-4 halo 50mg/day
    1-5 test prop 100mg/day
    1-10 75mg/day proviron
    1-10 hcg 100iu/day sub q
    7-10 d-bol 50mg/day
    5-10 test suspention 100mg/day

    1-5 adex 1mg/day
    5-14 nolvadex20mg/day
    1-20 1000iu viamin e
    10-20 ZMA,TRIBULUS,maca
    1-20 glucosamine-chondrotine-msm complex

    im hoping to stack 150 on my bench

  2. #2
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    im gonna have some kinoselen tomorrow

  3. #3
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    how large are you?

  4. #4
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why so many different compounds? Why 1mg adex ED? Why then switch to nolva ED?
    Iv'e got some more yyyyyy's but thats a start lol.

  5. #5
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    how large are you?

  6. #6
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post
    Why so many different compounds? Why 1mg adex ED? Why then switch to nolva ED?
    Iv'e got some more yyyyyy's but thats a start lol.
    ok im using adex at 1mg/day because its the dose that has the significant increase in test after 10days...that because i'm running hcg /ed and adex not for estro but mostly for hpta preservation..a .5mg/eod dose of adex is enough for estro but no increase in endo test wich will stay comming because of the hcg...also will have me tight real tightas i have seen since halo and bdol both give massive strength but each work differently i decided to be in both worlds also dbol is less toxic will add some water but will get rid of it with some lasix and cant run halo all the way...i'm also switching to nolva after that because it will be better on cholesterol profiles...kinoselen i have always wanted to try..and this because of some girl in the gym years ago on anavar -kino..she ws so powerful and had so much endurance i remember her reppin bar curls with 85kg for ten reps a woman!!!she must have been on something more butshe was jacked and strnger tha all the guys in the gym lol..small lil gym nothing special equiped tho..anyway so yea thats the reason i have planned the cycle this way...only thing is i eard somewhere that halo decreases the responce to lh so hopefully it wont had a negative influence on hcg if it does then it would be better t just run .5eodof the adex ...also i was thinking that maybe its a better ide to run the adex in the end with he dbol for less retention but i figure that retention helps wit the strength so halo is more powerful then dbol so thats aother reasn why i placed it before the nolva.

  7. #7
    john1181's Avatar
    john1181 is offline Associate Member
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    btw...i feel that by using the different drugs i will be excied throughout the wole cycle and try and get the best of the diff drugs and look forward to sitching up and seeing the difference....suspention is much more powerful than prop..
    btw im now at 101kg from loading up on carbs hopefully i wong get 2 puffy as them carbs tend to blow me up like a balloon....what do you guys think about some t3 shouldnt that help stay at the current weight? also what do you gs think of t3 in conj with t4 would that be worston the thyroid or more balanced exo thyros maybe keep thyroid balanced better for recovery....gotta do some research on that

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