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Thread: Prop/Anadrol

  1. #1
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    192 lbs, fairly lean
    done about six cycles
    28 years old
    In a few weeks I'm starting a prop/anadrol cycle. I have done plenty of research but I'm looking for some opinions on this cycle. I will have 40ml of prop and more than enough anadrol. My proposed cycle is this:
    week 1-4 75-100mg drol
    week 4-8 100 mg prop ed
    I have letro for gyno(I'm a little sensitive to it) and clomid and nolvadex for pct. Is it cool starting the prop week 4? I've read drol sides are worse with test, and sometimes it's better to do the drol and then switch to another compound. Has anyone tried this?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    start the prop at week 1.

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Doesnt make any sense to me. I have run drol and prop along with NPP and never had any issues. Personally I would run the Prop for at least 10 weeks from week one.

    But let me make this comment, six cycles and only 192lbs ? Dude you are doing something badly wrong. Show us your cycle diets. !!!

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
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    if you don't mind me asking, what was your weight before you started cycling?

  5. #5
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    definately agree..

    prop 1-8/10
    drol 1-4

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I might have been 170 my first cycle. I've never done a heavy cycle. Out of those six I've never taken more than 400mg test in any given week. No pct for the first two. Last cycle was 250mg prop, 500mg tren a week for 6 weeks and prop and winny for the last 4. My diet is good. I eat evey 2- 3 hours. protein with every meal. I take the diet seriously....remember, I'm only 5'8"

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I might have been 170 my first cycle. I've never done a heavy cycle. Out of those six I've never taken more than 400mg test in any given week. No pct for the first two. Last cycle was 250mg prop, 500mg tren a week for 6 weeks and prop and winny for the last 4. My diet is good. I eat evey 2- 3 hours. protein with every meal. I take the diet seriously....remember, I'm only 5'8"
    i personally would like to see your diet

    not trying to flame but something is up, i mean i'm 5'7 on a good day and last time i weighed i was 195 and around 10-12% bf right now would be my guess and i haven't cycled yet

  8. #8
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    nothing is up man. I know how to eat. Everyone is different. Congats on your weight without cycling. I would like to know from someone with experience why the prop has to be started week one. If I have to do that it's fine but I won't be able to do 100mg everyday. Should I maybe do a lower dose and then ramp it up after I drop the drol in week 5? I want to keep as much of the drol gains as possible so my thinking is a nice test dose should help do that...

  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    nothing is up man. I know how to eat. Everyone is different. Congats on your weight without cycling. I would like to know from someone with experience why the prop has to be started week one. If I have to do that it's fine but I won't be able to do 100mg everyday. Should I maybe do a lower dose and then ramp it up after I drop the drol in week 5? I want to keep as much of the drol gains as possible so my thinking is a nice test dose should help do that...
    Last edited by Phate; 11-02-2008 at 11:17 AM.

  10. #10
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    weeks 4-8 is five weeks not four, and prop kicks in within a few days not weeks. Anyone who has ever actually done a cycle have anything to add?

  11. #11
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Doesnt make any sense to me. I have run drol and prop along with NPP and never had any issues. Personally I would run the Prop for at least 10 weeks from week one.

    But let me make this comment, six cycles and only 192lbs ? Dude you are doing something badly wrong. Show us your cycle diets. !!!
    I think he's doing less workout and more cycles.

    Dude... u gotta pump that iron .....that's the only way you gonna gget big.

  12. #12
    AnimalGear's Avatar
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    bump for diet with macros.

  13. #13
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    the diet is good

    meal 1: 2 whole eggs
    5 egg whites, 1/2 slice of Lf cheese
    1 cup oatmeal cooked
    meal 2: 8oz. skim milk
    Tbsp. peanut butter
    1/2 banana, 1/2 cup dry oats
    2 scoops whey
    meal 3: 6-8oz. chicken breast
    1 1/2 cups brown rice
    meal 4: 2 scoops whey
    4 scoops ulta fuel (twin lab)
    meal 5: ham or turkey sandwhich
    meal 6: cicken/steak/or fish with a green veg.
    meal 7: another shake or omlette

    That is my diet. I work harder than most in the gym. I'm surprised at some peoples comments on here. I really don't think 192 lbs. at 5' 8" is small at all. Of of my early cycles was winny only and another was 100mg of cyp every five days. Most people on here tell newbies who have never cycled to take 500mg of test a week. I still have yet to take that much but plan on it for this next cycle. That last tren cycle made me strong but I was taking t3 with it and that I guess is why I didn't gain much weight. quality not quanity

  14. #14
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    so back to the original question, why is it a must to start the prop at week 1?

  15. #15
    AnimalGear's Avatar
    AnimalGear is offline Little Monster in the making
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    Yea alot of ppl will say 'oh thats tiny', but i don't think they have justification unless they've compared your growth charts with your dads' and brothers' etc...and also try to find the Macro values for that diet

    Prop is a short ester and will kick in in a couple days..why would you not want that testosterone in you ASAP...?

  16. #16
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    Hank, I hear where your coming from. Many on here don't understand how much muscle weight can be lost when off cycle also. I can loose 30lbs. in just a year off cycle because naturally I just can't hold that much no matter what my diet and exercise is.

    Anyway, it would be best to run the drol and prop together week 1. Its always good to have test as a base in any cycle as its the foundation. I'm guessing your prop is 100mg./ml and you only have 40 days worth. If so you'll need more.

  17. #17
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply. I'll try to get more test. Animal gear, what do you mean by macro values?

  18. #18
    Gym Freak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    meal 1: 2 whole eggs
    5 egg whites, 1/2 slice of Lf cheese
    1 cup oatmeal cooked
    meal 2: 8oz. skim milk
    Tbsp. peanut butter
    1/2 banana, 1/2 cup dry oats
    2 scoops whey
    meal 3: 6-8oz. chicken breast
    1 1/2 cups brown rice
    meal 4: 2 scoops whey
    4 scoops ulta fuel (twin lab)
    meal 5: ham or turkey sandwhich
    meal 6: cicken/steak/or fish with a green veg.
    meal 7: another shake or omlette

    That is my diet. I work harder than most in the gym. I'm surprised at some peoples comments on here. I really don't think 192 lbs. at 5' 8" is small at all. Of of my early cycles was winny only and another was 100mg of cyp every five days. Most people on here tell newbies who have never cycled to take 500mg of test a week. I still have yet to take that much but plan on it for this next cycle. That last tren cycle made me strong but I was taking t3 with it and that I guess is why I didn't gain much weight. quality not quanity
    Have you tried adding more complex carbs to the mix. It seems after meal 3 you have cut out the carbs. Use your ultra fuel strickly as a preworkout drink 30-45 minutes before workout. Seems like you need more essential fats in your mix as well. How are your workouts? I see plenty of guys whom go to the gym but they either just don't have that crazy intensity or they aren't lifting heavy. Heavy basics will make you strong and pack on the weight. Like Ronnie says, "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift heavy ass weight".

    Go tear it up bro!

  19. #19
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    The whole grain bread in the sandwhich is a complex carb. The ultra fuel I use only PWO I most likely lift more intensely than you gym know nothing about how I train. I've probubaly been at it longer than you to and I make my living in the gym. You are right about one thing however, I could def add more EFA's to the mix.

  20. #20
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    The whole grain bread in the sandwhich is a complex carb. The ultra fuel I use only PWO I most likely lift more intensely than you gym know nothing about how I train. I've probubaly been at it longer than you to and I make my living in the gym. You are right about one thing however, I could def add more EFA's to the mix.
    calm down bro, we're just throwing out suggestions to you, no need to get all high and mighty with us, we're trying to help

  21. #21
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    sorry but your an ass.. you got it all figured out already.. why are you asking questions..

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    The whole grain bread in the sandwhich is a complex carb. The ultra fuel I use only PWO I most likely lift more intensely than you gym know nothing about how I train. I've probubaly been at it longer than you to and I make my living in the gym. You are right about one thing however, I could def add more EFA's to the mix.
    you need to chill out there buddy!!! hes trying to help and your rippin him up! damn.

  23. #23
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I don't have it all figured out. I am however tired of people saying I must not work out correctly, it's insulting. For my frame my size is good. I had a question originally about prop and anadrol and got flamed for being to small. Of coarse I got defensive.

  24. #24
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I don't have it all figured out. I am however tired of people saying I must not work out correctly, it's insulting. For my frame my size is good. I had a question originally about prop and anadrol and got flamed for being to small. Of coarse I got defensive.
    Sorry but you didnt get flamed for being too small dude. you are big for your height. However after SIX cycles you should be a lot bigger. And just for your information just because you make your living in a gym means nothing around here. Most of the muppets I have seen who work in gyms are complete morons and know fvck all about training and less about steroids . (I am NOT referring to you here either) !!!!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Doesnt make any sense to me. I have run drol and prop along with NPP and never had any issues. Personally I would run the Prop for at least 10 weeks from week one.

    But let me make this comment, six cycles and only 192lbs ? Dude you are doing something badly wrong. Show us your cycle diets. !!!
    I too would run the TEST PROP for 10wks

  26. #26
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    You'e right Kale. They're a lot of trainers who I wouldn't even want to work out with let alone train me or someone I know. As I've already stated, out of the six cycles I've ran only 3 were done correctly. Two were winny only and the first one was test cyp 100mg every 5 days with almost zero pct. I take at least 16 or so weeks off in between cycles also. I am really looking to blow up off this one. I'm going to get more test so I will start taking it week 1 and all the way through instead of just the drol for the first few.

  27. #27
    Big's Avatar
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    Good call.

  28. #28
    T_Own's Avatar
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    if you are trying to "blow up" you need to do it right, and 4 weeks of prop is definitely not right. i would really add more food to your diet, believe it or not, 192 is not that big even for 5'8. i'm 5'9 and 185 and 18 years old. like it or not, you don't eat perfectly. i don't care if you want to listen but you need to hear it until you do.

    also, 700mg/week of test is pretty substantial. i think you would do fine with just 75mg ed = 525mg/week

  29. #29
    thestreaker's Avatar
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    100mg cyp every 5 days. bet your regretted that one eh

  30. #30
    thestreaker's Avatar
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    pipe down t_own... im 5'8 185 and i look ****in jacked... maybe you dont at that weight cuz your fat.
    the guy didnt want to here it anymore, maybe you should wait till your a little older than 18 to take roids buds

  31. #31
    fanatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    nothing is up man. I know how to eat. Everyone is different. Congats on your weight without cycling. I would like to know from someone with experience why the prop has to be started week one. If I have to do that it's fine but I won't be able to do 100mg everyday. Should I maybe do a lower dose and then ramp it up after I drop the drol in week 5? I want to keep as much of the drol gains as possible so my thinking is a nice test dose should help do that...
    You'll see much better results running test p the entire cycle... even if you had to drop down to 75mgs/day. Can you not get more test p?

  32. #32
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I'm not doing four weeks of prop and thank you streaker.

  33. #33
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I am getting more test but it will have to be test e and than I'll switch over to the prop.

  34. #34
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I am getting more test but it will have to be test e and than I'll switch over to the prop.
    you could run the prop and enth at the same time and use the prop as a kickstart with the drol until the enth kicks in

    just a suggestion

  35. #35
    Gym Freak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    The whole grain bread in the sandwhich is a complex carb. The ultra fuel I use only PWO I most likely lift more intensely than you gym know nothing about how I train. I've probubaly been at it longer than you to and I make my living in the gym. You are right about one thing however, I could def add more EFA's to the mix.
    Whoa, your a real winner. I wasn't implying that you lift light. Nor did I come out and say that you are light for your height. I was just asking how your workouts are and making a statement in general. I can't help it if you take things out of context. I was trying to help you. So what if you make your living at the gym, that doesn't make you better. In fact this goes to show that you know little in terms of training, diet, and lifting to gain weight.

    By the way I weigh 215lbs. at 5'9 with 8 percent bodyfat. I have only done one cycle of testosterone Propiniate at 75mg ed for 6 weeks. I weighed 204 the start of my cycle and finished at 220 lbs. Now you don't have to make assumptions about my training and diet.

    Hope you get it figured out.

  36. #36
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    or could even run the enanthate kicked off with the drol and finish up with prop.. jump on pct in 3 days instead of waiting 2 weeks.. many options..

  37. #37
    thestreaker's Avatar
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    drol 1-4 @100mg ed
    prop 1-7@75mg ed

    this would still be a pretty good cycle. thats what i would do anyway.

  38. #38
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I'll only have 6ml of test E. I'll take two shots a week(500mg) for the first three weeks. Should I throw the prop in immediately or wait a week or so because of the long ester?

  39. #39
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    I'll only have 6ml of test E. I'll take two shots a week(500mg) for the first three weeks. Should I throw the prop in immediately or wait a week or so because of the long ester?
    I wouldn't even mess with the Test E. Test E is long estered so it wont kick in after 3 weeks. If you seriously can't get any more prop, then you can run it at 50mg/day for 11 weeks or bump it up to 75mg/day for 7 1/2 weeks. Personally, seeing as how you haven't run that much test, I would run it at 50mg/day.

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