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Thread: You guys pick for me! :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    You guys pick for me! :)

    First off, my cycle history :
    weeks 1-12 Test e ( switched up to sust in week 6, reason - couldn't get all the test e )
    weeks 1-10 deca
    Proper PCT after

    My stats :
    21 y/old
    6'2" , 202 lbs , 14%(aprox) bf

    Have in mind, that i will be going through an academy and i will need to keep everything on the down low

    Okey, so i have 2 cycle options in mind now (from which should i expect better gains ? ) :

    1. Option :
    week 1-10 Test E (500mg/pwk , 2x p. week )
    Proper pct, starting 14 days after last shot

    2. Option :
    Week 1-7 Test Propionat ( 100mg ed injections )
    Proper pct, starting 3 days after last shot

    Now what do you guys think that will be a better cycle ?
    I am expecting a gain of 10-20 lbs, and will try to keep atleast 10-15lbs .

    Pros :
    option 1 : Only 2x pwk injections, cheaper cycle
    option 2 : Less water retention, maybe gain more quality muscles

    Cons :
    option 1 : More water retention, less quality muscle ?
    option 2 : Maybe painfull injections, and more expencive cycle, ED shots

    So tnx for all your help guys,
    Last edited by rokipoki; 11-03-2008 at 10:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    age, weight, height, bf%

    why test only?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    stats? academy?... what's your age?

    test e is better because the 2x a week will help you keep things on the "down low"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Sory man , i updated my post up there with my stats.
    Test only, because i want a light cycle, and i think that test only will be my best solution, plus like i said i cannot use anything that leads to more water retention ( like deca ) because i don't want to look like a full moon in the academy .

    What did you have in mind to mix with the cycle ?
    Also i don't mind waiting for the test e to kick in, so i don't need any kickstarts :

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    P.s. cannot mention what kind of an academy, lets just say it's one of these : police, army, air force , navy, ... now you guess which one (do not want to be to specific on it) .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I think you're kinda young to be cycling...I would put some thought into visiting the diet forum at your height and weight. You could make a lot of progress without steroids.

    But anyway, Test E on it's own should be fine. I would do that rather than the prop. Take a little arimidex (maybe .25 mg ed) on cycle to keep the bloat down.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    okey, tnx, any other guys opinions ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    if you are determened and what to do it anyways than in that case iwould go with test/e
    for 10 to 12 weeks make sure u got everything in hand as "reminder". good luck with keeping it low at the academy. i was enlisted in the army academy before people r very fuvken curious.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Ok guys, so test E it is, what do you think about this for PCT :

    week 1-3: proviron 50mg / day
    week 2: nolva 40mg / day
    week 3:nolva 20mg / day

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