Thread: 1st time bicep injection
11-04-2008, 03:15 AM #1
1st time bicep injection
3 days ago I injected 75mg prop/75mg mast/33.5mg tren in EACH bicep.....
I wasnt really thinking about was fine in each delt...inject istself was painless
i wouldnt advise this for virgin muscles...It is the most pain i have ever felt...10/10 pain...and i have had some bad pain before...once was kicked very hard in the balls with a direct hit and this hurt worse....
Moral of the story...should have cut it into 1/2 that dose at least....
11-04-2008, 03:17 AM #2
lol nice analogy but i think getting kicked in the balls is a little different pain. more of a dull pain compared to injecting which i would imagine is pretty sharp?
but what made you shoot bi's? just wanted a change?
11-04-2008, 03:28 AM #3
i upped my dose from 2 cc's of this combo (50prop/50mast/25tren)(on for 2 months) to 3 cc's and i needed to add more injection sites...and coming off of that and on to 2 more months of 900/wk Enanth....the way it overlaps is a 3 month cycle...(months 1,2 on that combo and months 2, 3 on the enanth)
Prior to that i was doing delt/delt/pec/pec/glut/glut...and i cant stand my vastus lateralus. The upping of the combo drug in addition to adding the 450mg enanth 2x/wk in the second month made my sites more sensitive....guess i need another day...another site so the others can heal...
Basically to heal and increase my rotation...
In a nutshell...I missed 2 workouts this week because of the pain...I also had to drop back down to 2 cc's of that combo/day
11-04-2008, 03:31 AM #4
no quads? they would seem perfect for injecting a substantial amount. also some people do lats which could probably take the volume better than bi's
11-04-2008, 03:48 AM #5
....not sure....maybe im not doing it right...but i dont see how...i have given 10 thousand or more injections in my life time...i always feel a shock when i stick them and then I cant walk for days...should i try my medial quad (tear drop)???
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