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Thread: Acheiving Bigger Body Mass

  1. #1

    Acheiving Bigger Body Mass

    Ok so i was on here like a month or 2 ago wanting to hit steroids but i was put off and said i had natural growth my problem is im pretty much naturally small and i no that no matter how hard i work ill get cut up but i wont be a bigger person

    Basically what i want to know is. is there any cycle out there that will make me grow or do i need to take human growth

    Obviously i dont know much so dont come on and just abuse me im just asking for suggestions or sum information cause id really like to grow alot more

    i am 21 at the moment

    My stats and body pics are on the link below the previous steroid post i made

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Yeah its called foodabol..... It does wonders when stacked with restabol and liftabol....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    you wont get any answers you want to hear.
    why dont you just read in this forum for a basic steroid cycle and pct for your first and follow that.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Manorexic View Post
    Yeah its called foodabol..... It does wonders when stacked with restabol and liftabol....

    if u have a small body frame ur solution is bullshitabol if u catch ma drift

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    LOL....Judging from your pictures, your frame is not nearly as small as you think it is.. it sounds like you are using a small frame as an excuse to use aas.... U cant reach max potential working out on and off for 3 years...

  6. #6
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    i can tell by how your body looks that you aren't eating well at all. Take a look in the diet and workout sections. will do a WORLD of wonders for you. You are not ready for AAS bro. take my word

  7. #7
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    Take the same advice Lats gave u 2 weeks ago when you made almost the same post....

  8. #8
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    I've been doing this a very long time.
    List your daily diet, in detail, and your training regimen. If there are no obvious problems I would be amazed.

  9. #9
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    you're definitely not at your natural max. it takes years to get there, and you would be a lot bigger than that. look into your diet first, training second, and years later maybe steroids. not two more weeks

  10. #10
    im not looking for a excuse to get on steroids if anything from the last post he put me off it for a long time

    im just worried that like no matter how much im gonna train that i wont get bigger ill alwayz have that small body frame but if u guys think eating alot and setting up a good diet will make me grow alot more and acheive bigger body then im happy to try it out

    just gotta understand that im asking for advice so obviously i need some help not sum idiots trying to make me look stupid thats wat these forums are

    ill try fix up my diet and train harder and see how i go thanks for the input guys much appreciated

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by vitale87 View Post
    if u have a small body frame ur solution is bullshitabol if u catch ma drift
    lol. agreed.

  12. #12
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    Guys I know these threads get old, but what about the effort to tone down the flames on newbs we talked about? Most of us here have very thick skin, but thats not true of everbody, again we need our noobs

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitale87 View Post
    Ok so i was on here like a month or 2 ago wanting to hit steroids but i was put off and said i had natural growth my problem is im pretty much naturally small and i no that no matter how hard i work ill get cut up but i wont be a bigger person

    Basically what i want to know is. is there any cycle out there that will make me grow or do i need to take human growth

    Obviously i dont know much so dont come on and just abuse me im just asking for suggestions or sum information cause id really like to grow alot more

    i am 21 at the moment

    My stats and body pics are on the link below the previous steroid post i made

    there are no drugs in this world that will make you grow taller at your age if thats what your asking. as for steroids, maybe your not ready but i know i wasnt when i started and still had good results so do some research and find what is best to suite your goals, draw up a cycle and we will judge it for you. good luck bro
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  14. #14
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    Lift weights, eat steaks
    Looking at your pics, you need atleast another 20kg before you should juice

  15. #15
    I agree with what eveyone is saying here and can see why youd want to get on AAS.

    I started at 19, and am now at a competive level a year and a half later. But believe me bro i wouldn't have gained half my size and thickness without a good balanced diet of fats, carbs and proteins. Also as previously mentioned, REST. Train hard and rest hard, feed your muscles.

    May i suggest you train some more back, front/rear/side delts etc to make your shoulders and back wider which will make you look much better.

  16. #16
    chuck up your diet that will tell a better story id be waiting pending your diet once you tweak that train 4 a minimum 6 months 1 year if the diets worked then keep goin if not then hit the juice you only get one chance to make the decision to start gear i was in a similar situation fixed diet and boom results id be waitin bro

  17. #17
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    Congrats on pulling off the shaved head, i'll be there by next year.

  18. #18
    Thanks for the good replies i no im inexperienced but we all start sumwhere ill work on my back and that more like u said atm i dont really have a diet i just stick to vege meats and my protein shake i avoid take away food and if i have to have it i get a salad or sumthing i also dont drink soft drink

    Ive never smoked pot / cigi's
    Ive drank once in ma life
    and never even touched drugs until considering steroids

    if u need to know anything else or u could help me better my diet it would be appreciated and for the guy that said if im asking to get taller with a drug no what i mean is like sum people grow and there body mass and structure is alot bigger than others

    u no how u see some body builders and they have a reall small body frame but for there actual size there huge but then u compare em to sum one thats been training the same amount of time but just has a bigger body frame and there alot bigger

    i was asking how if possible to acheive a bigger body structure

    sorry if it sounds dumb but ye thats best way i guess i can describe it

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by vitale87 View Post
    Thanks for the good replies i no im inexperienced but we all start sumwhere ill work on my back and that more like u said atm i dont really have a diet i just stick to vege meats and my protein shake i avoid take away food and if i have to have it i get a salad or sumthing i also dont drink soft drink

    Ive never smoked pot / cigi's
    Ive drank once in ma life
    and never even touched drugs until considering steroids

    if u need to know anything else or u could help me better my diet it would be appreciated and for the guy that said if im asking to get taller with a drug no what i mean is like sum people grow and there body mass and structure is alot bigger than others

    u no how u see some body builders and they have a reall small body frame but for there actual size there huge but then u compare em to sum one thats been training the same amount of time but just has a bigger body frame and there alot bigger

    i was asking how if possible to acheive a bigger body structure

    sorry if it sounds dumb but ye thats best way i guess i can describe it
    Up your carb intake mate, plenty of rice and potatoes along with the protein, your body needs carbs to grow!!

    And to get that V taper look, and get wider like i prviously said you need to train the 2nd most under trained muscle in bodybuilding, your back. upper back mainly!!

  20. #20
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johnathanjames69 View Post
    Up your carb intake mate, plenty of rice and potatoes along with the protein, your body needs carbs to grow!!

    And to get that V taper look, and get wider like i prviously said you need to train the 2nd most under trained muscle in bodybuilding, your back. upper back mainly!!
    No it doesn't.

  21. #21
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    also i don't know how you come to the conclusion that the back is under trained. i would say forearms, traps, glutes are all less worked on purpose.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    also i don't know how you come to the conclusion that the back is under trained. i would say forearms, traps, glutes are all less worked on purpose.
    or legs even. i see lot of big guys in the gym with pencil legs.

  23. #23
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    Lift weights, eat steaks
    Quote Originally Posted by johnathanjames69 View Post
    Up your carb intake mate, plenty of rice and potatoes along with the protein, your body needs carbs to grow!!

    And to get that V taper look, and get wider like i prviously said you need to train the 2nd most under trained muscle in bodybuilding, your back. upper back mainly!!
    Carbs can only be converted into energy, they cannot BUILD muscle.
    Carbs can INDIRECTLY build muscle by fueling intense workouts, which may LEAD to muscle growth.

  24. #24
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitro29 View Post
    Guys I know these threads get old, but what about the effort to tone down the flames on newbs we talked about? Most of us here have very thick skin, but thats not true of everbody, again we need our noobs
    Agreed, and its usually the same dudes doing it over and over again. If you dont have anything nice to say dont post it. Its ok to joke around with a guy we all do that but to outright flame them for not knowing then thats another story or make them look like an ass in front of everyone that just isnt cool.

    I mean when i first got on the board. I though tren was another version of testosterone. I had no idea I read many many months ahead of time and I visited other boards where the info was not so great before I made my first post here. My first five threads were some of the stupidiest stuff you ever heard.....LOL

  25. #25
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish&Andy View Post
    Carbs can only be converted into energy, they cannot BUILD muscle.
    Carbs can INDIRECTLY build muscle by fueling intense workouts, which may LEAD to muscle growth.
    Carbs can be directly incorporated into muscle. Have you never heard of a glycoprotein?

    Plus non-essential amino acids can use the carbon skeletons of sugars to build the rest of the amino acid.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Carbs can be directly incorporated into muscle. Have you never heard of a glycoprotein?

    Plus non-essential amino acids can use the carbon skeletons of sugars to build the rest of the amino acid.
    Nicely put my friend. Anyone who knows anything knows ur gains r gonna b minimal without carbs!!

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    also i don't know how you come to the conclusion that the back is under trained. i would say forearms, traps, glutes are all less worked on purpose.
    If you wanna b like that about then carry on!! I mean't in comparison to how much it should b trained. You would intentionally not train your forearms, traps and glutes as much as your back clearly...... But of all the PRIMARY muscles APPART FROM LEGS your back is universally more undertrained than say your chest, arms and shoulders etc!!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I do have to comment on what is trying to be pounded into his head...

    Your body grows with food, if you use AAS and your diet is still the same or basically still shitty then you will not grow. You have a long ways to go naturally before thinking about AAS so check out the diet section and look under the bulking diet stickies. While learning to eat more and then actually doing so and growing research out AAS so when u are ready for a cycle you will know what to do. You will thank us in a couple years.

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