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  1. #1
    Iceman69's Avatar
    Iceman69 is offline Associate Member
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    Normal BP ranges while on Cycle?

    Hey bros,

    I've been a member for a while, but I've also been natural for about the last year. My last cycle was Deca /Test and I noticed at one point my blood pressure hit 155/90 and I freaked out and went into PCT.

    Before that all of my cycles I never got into that range, but my bodyweight was up to 247 and I'm 6'3, so I know my bodyfat was a little high.

    Over the last year I've been training hard, doing a lot of cardio and I'm down to 232 and starting to look pretty solid.

    I intend to drop down to around 225 or even as low as 220 at which point I'll be around 12% bodyfat.

    I'm considering taking a 10 week Anavar cycle because it's: A. extremely mild, and will help keep me going (I hate being natural for a year straight jeez) and I won't freak out when I drop another 10lbs and start thinking I'm getting all skinny and shit.

    In the meantime:

    I am in the process of doing my research because I'd like to plan a kick ass, Deca/Test cycle for Summer of 2009. (This will give me time to get into awesome condition, plan an intense 12 week diet, get my gear, get my pct and be totally prepped)

    Here's my current stats:

    I'm 31 years old
    232lbs (4lbs heavier than the pic in my Avatar and about 4% less bodyfat...I'm probably around 13-14% bodyfat right now)
    Arms are about 17.5 inches
    Lifts are all fairly strong for my size/weight

    Should I freak out at a 155/90 BP if that should occur on Deca/Test?

    At night time when I laid down to go to sleep, I could sometimes feel my heartbeating in my head...(scary)...but after I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning I did not have this sensation. No headaches etc.

    I anticipate in the summer of 2009 that my Cardio will be superior to any other time in my life. My bodyfat will be lower, and my diet will be On Hit.

    Thanks for your time fellas,


  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman69 View Post
    Hey bros,

    I've been a member for a while, but I've also been natural for about the last year. My last cycle was Deca /Test and I noticed at one point my blood pressure hit 155/90 and I freaked out and went into PCT.

    Before that all of my cycles I never got into that range, but my bodyweight was up to 247 and I'm 6'3, so I know my bodyfat was a little high.

    Over the last year I've been training hard, doing a lot of cardio and I'm down to 232 and starting to look pretty solid.

    I intend to drop down to around 225 or even as low as 220 at which point I'll be around 12% bodyfat.

    I'm considering taking a 10 week Anavar cycle because it's: A. extremely mild, and will help keep me going (I hate being natural for a year straight jeez) and I won't freak out when I drop another 10lbs and start thinking I'm getting all skinny and shit.

    In the meantime:

    I am in the process of doing my research because I'd like to plan a kick ass, Deca/Test cycle for Summer of 2009. (This will give me time to get into awesome condition, plan an intense 12 week diet, get my gear, get my pct and be totally prepped)

    Here's my current stats:

    I'm 31 years old
    232lbs (4lbs heavier than the pic in my Avatar and about 4% less bodyfat...I'm probably around 13-14% bodyfat right now)
    Arms are about 17.5 inches
    Lifts are all fairly strong for my size/weight

    Should I freak out at a 155/90 BP if that should occur on Deca/Test?

    At night time when I laid down to go to sleep, I could sometimes feel my heartbeating in my head...(scary)...but after I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning I did not have this sensation. No headaches etc.

    I anticipate in the summer of 2009 that my Cardio will be superior to any other time in my life. My bodyfat will be lower, and my diet will be On Hit.

    Thanks for your time fellas,

    Dude that BP I would consider normal for a cycle. You wouldnt want to go much higher than that but on a cycle that is not unusual at all. I am always around 115/60, when on cycle I have been 160/80

  3. #3
    rhino1's Avatar
    rhino1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    me too

  4. #4
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman69 View Post
    Hey bros,

    I've been a member for a while, but I've also been natural for about the last year. My last cycle was Deca /Test and I noticed at one point my blood pressure hit 155/90 and I freaked out and went into PCT.

    Before that all of my cycles I never got into that range, but my bodyweight was up to 247 and I'm 6'3, so I know my bodyfat was a little high.

    Over the last year I've been training hard, doing a lot of cardio and I'm down to 232 and starting to look pretty solid.

    I intend to drop down to around 225 or even as low as 220 at which point I'll be around 12% bodyfat.

    I'm considering taking a 10 week Anavar cycle because it's: A. extremely mild, and will help keep me going (I hate being natural for a year straight jeez) and I won't freak out when I drop another 10lbs and start thinking I'm getting all skinny and shit.

    In the meantime:

    I am in the process of doing my research because I'd like to plan a kick ass, Deca/Test cycle for Summer of 2009. (This will give me time to get into awesome condition, plan an intense 12 week diet, get my gear, get my pct and be totally prepped)

    Here's my current stats:

    I'm 31 years old
    232lbs (4lbs heavier than the pic in my Avatar and about 4% less bodyfat...I'm probably around 13-14% bodyfat right now)
    Arms are about 17.5 inches
    Lifts are all fairly strong for my size/weight

    Should I freak out at a 155/90 BP if that should occur on Deca/Test?

    At night time when I laid down to go to sleep, I could sometimes feel my heartbeating in my head...(scary)...but after I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning I did not have this sensation. No headaches etc.

    I anticipate in the summer of 2009 that my Cardio will be superior to any other time in my life. My bodyfat will be lower, and my diet will be On Hit.

    Thanks for your time fellas,

    No such thing mate, who can i say, if your BP is high on a particular cycle/stack it doesn't mean the next guy will be the same.
    Just keep an eye on it, take appropriate action if necessary.
    I can pretty much take what i like, but there are some, dbol is one, jacks my bp if i go to high, so if i do use it i stay within a dose thats safe.
    It's same old same old, just be cautious and sensible.
    Learn from your cycles and stacks is what i'm saying, find whats best.

  5. #5
    LATS60's Avatar
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    As a side, i'm running now, 1250mg sust wk 500mg deca , 50mg dbol ED.
    My bp now is,,, 169/96, sh1t, let me take that again.Other arm, calmed down a bit, 160/86, thats more like it, Always do both arms.

  6. #6
    Iceman69's Avatar
    Iceman69 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks fellas!

    I'll probably run 250mg Test/200mg Deca ---I know that's fairly low dose but I am one of those users that gets really good results off lower doses.

    I could gain 20lbs in 10 weeks on that cycle so my challenge is keeping it as lean as possible.

    I might get brave and run 500mg Test/200 Deca

    Plenty of time for planning.


  7. #7
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman69 View Post
    Hey bros,

    I've been a member for a while, but I've also been natural for about the last year. My last cycle was Deca /Test and I noticed at one point my blood pressure hit 155/90 and I freaked out and went into PCT.

    Before that all of my cycles I never got into that range, but my bodyweight was up to 247 and I'm 6'3, so I know my bodyfat was a little high.

    Over the last year I've been training hard, doing a lot of cardio and I'm down to 232 and starting to look pretty solid.

    I intend to drop down to around 225 or even as low as 220 at which point I'll be around 12% bodyfat.

    I'm considering taking a 10 week Anavar cycle because it's: A. extremely mild, and will help keep me going (I hate being natural for a year straight jeez) and I won't freak out when I drop another 10lbs and start thinking I'm getting all skinny and shit.

    In the meantime:

    I am in the process of doing my research because I'd like to plan a kick ass, Deca/Test cycle for Summer of 2009. (This will give me time to get into awesome condition, plan an intense 12 week diet, get my gear, get my pct and be totally prepped)

    Here's my current stats:

    I'm 31 years old
    232lbs (4lbs heavier than the pic in my Avatar and about 4% less bodyfat...I'm probably around 13-14% bodyfat right now)
    Arms are about 17.5 inches
    Lifts are all fairly strong for my size/weight

    Should I freak out at a 155/90 BP if that should occur on Deca/Test?

    At night time when I laid down to go to sleep, I could sometimes feel my heartbeating in my head...(scary)...but after I fell asleep and when I woke up in the morning I did not have this sensation. No headaches etc.

    I anticipate in the summer of 2009 that my Cardio will be superior to any other time in my life. My bodyfat will be lower, and my diet will be On Hit.

    Thanks for your time fellas,


    You dont want to have high BP for a long extended period of can damage to body. 120/70 is what you should shoot for.

  8. #8
    PingPang's Avatar
    PingPang is offline Associate Member
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    first time i took tren (5 weeks) it jumped up to 161/73 at its highest...

    Now on my second tren cycle i have been on about 6 weeks now (higher dose too) and it is staying low... about 130/70...

    Consider that. maybe your BP won't go up so high the second time around like mine hasn't

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