Maybe you guys can help me with this. Toward the end of each cycle(about the last two weeks) that I include tren in, I get a very odd reaction after(or in some cases during) the injection. I get the strange taste in my mouth(read that this is actually common), but the really odd part is the burning sensation that I get all over my skin. It originates in my lower back, and spreads out from there until every part of my skin feels like it's on fire. The best way that I know to describe it is that it's almost identical to getting bit/stung by hundreds of ants. It's very painfull and lasts about 30 minutes. Sometimes I get short of breath as well. Scared the hell out of me the first time it happened.
I'm currently in my fifth cycle, 3 of which I've included tren (always homebrew). This has happened at approximately the same point each time, week 5-6 of the tren. I add the tren for the last 7-8 weeks of the cycle at 75mg ed. It also only happens when it's straight tren being injected. Doesn't happen if anything else is mixed with the tren(as little as 1/2 cc of prop will keep it from happening). Thought the first time that I might have accidentally injected into a vein, but since then I have made sure to aspirate and it still happens. Has me puzzled as hell. You guys have any ideas?