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  1. #1
    OdinsMissingEye is offline New Member
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    Cycling Before/After You've Reached Your Genetic Potential?

    Hey guys, I have a few questions that have been bugging me the last few days and was hoping some of you here could help me out.

    1. Let's say you've reached your genetic potential. You do a cycle and put on 20 lbs of muscle. Assuming you never do a cycle again but your diet and training are spot on, how long would it take for you to lose that muscle? Because I've heard that if you've reached your genetic potential and start cycling, you have to keep cycling or else you will eventually lose the added muscle.

    2. What would happen to someone if they did a cycle before they've reached there genetic potential? For arguments sake, let's say they were a lean 180, did a cycle and gained 20lbs of muscle (which remained after PCT) so they are now a lean 200 which, hypothetically, was their genetic potential. Would that mass be maintainable without doing anymore cycles? or would you eventually lose that even if you diet/training were spot on.

    Just wanted to say so I don't get flamed that I have not used anything yet, and I'm not looking to do a cycle for another year at the earliest, I'm just curious about these sorts of things and was looking for some advice to sate my curiosity. I know there really have not been any scientific studies on the matter but hopefully some members here have observed the situations I've mentioned about and can give me some insight.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    I think that's a good question. Too many start AAS about the same time they start lifting. I didn't until I reached what I believe is my genetic potential. The pic in my avatar is pre AAS, 18.5".

    IMO you will not be able to keep the gains beyond your genetic potential "forever". Eventually you will atrophy to your pre AAS size. How long you are able to maintain the newly acquired size depends on; how hard you train, your diet and supplementation. And, how good your PCT was on the last cycle.

    I also believe if you start before your genetic potential you are limiting the overall size you may become. I know lots of bros who have cycled since they started and they never achieve "real big" status. There are a lot of bantams, lightweight and middleweights who never seem to be able to move up to the next weight class.

    Also, if you are an AAS user and decide to go natural. You're going to have your hands full. When Im off, I make zero gains. I never add size unless Im "on" now.

  3. #3
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Try asking a more vauge question bro...

    Like what is the meaning of life? Why are we here?

    In all seriousness, thats a hypothetical question that cannot be answered, there're too many variables.

    Yes, you can lose your gains over time.

    And no, you can keep your gains over time. It depends... Training, diet, etc...

    Its really a question that cannot be answered.

  4. #4
    OdinsMissingEye is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info cgb. I know a lot of this is probably theory/personal experience due to the lack of research done on the subject so I appreciate the advice.

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Your welcome bro. I made sure I added "IMO". Everyone is different. But there are some generalizations that can be made as Ive stated in my answer.

    I would like to hear more answers. I didn't think the question was vague at all. Don't most think that a new user should reach his genetic potential before using AAS?? Why is that?

  6. #6
    richtries's Avatar
    richtries is offline Associate Member
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    To offer an answer to your first question, i have heard people talk about a time frame of about 6 months to a year before you return to your genetic max after a cycle.

    As for your second question . . . i´m interested to hear some answers?? I guess since you are below your genetic max you will be able to maintain the gains, but like gbp said, i think it may restrict your subsequent growing potential.

  7. #7
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    cruise and blast is the only thing that will keep you AAS sized dude.

    Look at the pros when they stop taking roids and retire , see how much they shrink ??

    You just cant keep all that muscle at a normal test level , ok u'll keep a little , but you will surely shrink a lot. The state in which the body is put when taking steroids is supernatural , its not "normal" for a physical body to look like ronnie coleman dude.

    Ok i understand maybe if you are still under your genetic potential , in my opinion aas will bring you up to your maximum natural size faster, say your natural potential is 250 , that means your body can support that amount of weight and be in homestasis, aas will bring you there faster, BUT if you pass 250 which you will with aas , then when you stop using them , you will eventually shrink to 250 . But aas can bring you up to it faster, capiche?
    Last edited by SilverTest; 11-13-2008 at 07:21 AM.

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