Hi there....
I've been posting this thread on the over 40's, like I'm, forum but no answer whatsoever.
Probably vet bros are way too pro to give advice on this!!
I've been browsing the web for quite a bit and I'm positive to get started with my 1st cycle on Albuterol (rather than clen ) + Provi rather than on AAS.
Reason of not using AAS is based on 3 basic of assuptions:
1) first of all easy access to products! here in my country both are prescription medicines but it's absolutely easy to get 'em even w/o it.
2) even though AAS would work better and probably faster, I'm not going to compete therefore the enhancements I'm looking for (cutting more fat I can and reducing my bf) might be achieved with a minimal impact on the sides arising out from the use of AAS;
3) I don't need to bulk since as an ex sport pro (stocky builted with a limpomasty and lower abd fat) I don't wonna become the incredible Hulk.
I've also opted to use albuterol instead of clen due to the huge difference in sides and, even thought this might be related with individual results, the opinions of those they've been using albu instead of clen stating with albuterol they've felt leaner, harder, stronger.
In addition albuterol can also be used for longer period than the usual 2 weeks with or w/o add benadryl/zaditen to keep receptors clean.
I'm 47 y.o., 5'7", 205 lbs no idea abt lbm and/or bf and I'm on cardio 3-4 times a week for 1 hr.
I'm going to do the albu on a 2 w on + 2 w off (like the clen cycles) plus a 75 mg ed of Provi 1-30 day tapering to 25 mg day 30-40.
Has anybody out there used the same stack even in the more common clen+provi combination? What I'll be expecting out of such a cycle?
Any suggestiong will be appreciated.