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Thread: Infection at injection site

  1. #1

    Infection at injection site

    This is my 4th cycle, and I'm pretty sure I have an infection. Have been using Sus 250 alternating sites on each hip. Was using the thighs, but had too much swelling.

    Usually the swelling at the injection site is about a week, then goes away. This time around the whole hip area is vissibly swollen, hot, starting to itch, and deep in the swelling is a knot. Being that I've injected a lot in the past, this is completely different, and I'm pretty worried about it.

    I have access to any anti biotic that I want, what is the recommendation? I have Cipro, Zithromax, Amoxicillin, Tetracyline, and Cephlaxin. Trying to avoid going to the I'm overseas, and don't want to draw the wrath of the mil doc.

    Also...side note...I notice on this cycle that my body seems to react worse and worse to the Sus 250...used to just be painful for a few days, now it's a big lump, really painful, and lasts over a time to take a rest and go to orals.

    Any thoughts on the anti biotics would be welcome.

  2. #2
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    i'm not a doctor or would take my word for it, but i would think penecilin (sp?) or amoxicilin would be fine.

    on another note, you're not supposed to react worse to injections, you're supposed to react better. like even after a couple you shouldn't get pain and swelling that bad at all if any. i don't know what you'd expect orals to do after a good amount of test cycles, they're are pretty weak besides a few, which you shouldn't run on their own.

    also, when you say hip do you mean glute, or actually into the side of your leg

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by reconrover View Post
    This is my 4th cycle, and I'm pretty sure I have an infection. Have been using Sus 250 alternating sites on each hip. Was using the thighs, but had too much swelling.

    Usually the swelling at the injection site is about a week, then goes away. This time around the whole hip area is vissibly swollen, hot, starting to itch, and deep in the swelling is a knot. Being that I've injected a lot in the past, this is completely different, and I'm pretty worried about it.

    I have access to any anti biotic that I want, what is the recommendation? I have Cipro, Zithromax, Amoxicillin, Tetracyline, and Cephlaxin. Trying to avoid going to the I'm overseas, and don't want to draw the wrath of the mil doc.

    Also...side note...I notice on this cycle that my body seems to react worse and worse to the Sus 250...used to just be painful for a few days, now it's a big lump, really painful, and lasts over a time to take a rest and go to orals.

    Any thoughts on the anti biotics would be welcome.
    Z pacs are always the bomb. Do you have any buddies that are medics? Pick a good one and have them look at it if you can find one that is cool. Or just ask friends that you trust and they might know one. You don't want to go all orals. Good luck and thanks for all that you do!

  4. #4
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    cipro is a very good and powerful anti bacterial antibiotic (an opposed to anti viral)- should be perfect for this. just dont take it with NSAID's (ibuprofen,naproxen,aspirin) id get right on this though ...dont want it to spread if it is a infection.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    cipro is a very good and powerful anti bacterial antibiotic (an opposed to anti viral)- should be perfect for this. just dont take it with NSAID's (ibuprofen,naproxen,aspirin) id get right on this though ...dont want it to spread if it is a infection.
    an anti viral is not an antibiotic......(anti=against and biotic=life) Virus' are not alive

    NSAID's dont cause infections to spread

    cipro is ONLY good against bacterias that are sensitive to it

    aspirin is not an NSAID

    where do you get your information?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by reconrover View Post
    I have access to any anti biotic that I want, what is the recommendation? I have Cipro, Zithromax, Amoxicillin, Tetracyline, and Cephlaxin. Trying to avoid going to the I'm overseas, and don't want to draw the wrath of the mil doc.

    if you have an abcess it needs to be antibiotic will cure a fully innoculated intramuscular abcess...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    Z pacs are always the bomb You don't want to go all orals.
    Z packs are only the "BOMB" against pathogens that are sensitive to them...

    Why would it be a big deal to stay all oral if that is substantial?

    You guys dont know what you are doing....cultures need to be made to determine the actual cause of the infection...

    Messing around taking every antibiotic under the sun will give you an infection that you cant get rid of and the only cure will be amputation...

    SEE YOUR DOCTOR....f king idiots

  8. #8
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    Just go to the doctor & tell him you brushed a thorn bush.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    Z packs are only the "BOMB" against pathogens that are sensitive to them...

    Why would it be a big deal to stay all oral if that is substantial?

    You guys dont know what you are doing....cultures need to be made to determine the actual cause of the infection...

    Messing around taking every antibiotic under the sun will give you an infection that you cant get rid of and the only cure will be amputation...

    SEE YOUR DOCTOR....f king idiots
    This guy knows everything apparently, go see him. You don't need to go to sick call or none of that shit, just find a young medic, don't tell them too much if you are scared, they love doing their job.

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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    This guy knows everything apparently, go see him. You don't need to go to sick call or none of that shit, just find a young medic, don't tell them too much if you are scared, they love doing their job.
    ok well im sorry DOCTOR....yea so i happen to know medicine...what do you know? bigmacks? ok then...go make a fvcking big mack....but dont tell people who are scared and may have posssible serious infection to "go to the medic"....what the fvck does he know? It takes 1 semester to be a "medic"....

    dude...just see the is a HIPPA violation to discuss medical information with anyone who does not have a pertinent and viable reason to know the other words...its have nothing to loose...

    So you have two choices...listen to this whiz kid or go to your doctor...i suggest you go to your doctor

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    ok well im sorry DOCTOR....yea so i happen to know medicine...what do you know? bigmacks? ok then...go make a fvcking big mack....but dont tell people who are scared and may have posssible serious infection to "go to the medic"....what the fvck does he know? It takes 1 semester to be a "medic"....

    dude...just see the is a HIPPA violation to discuss medical information with anyone who does not have a pertinent and viable reason to know the other words...its have nothing to loose...

    So you have two choices...listen to this whiz kid or go to your doctor...i suggest you go to your doctor
    Ok this is my last one, cause this isn't my thread. But obviously you are one of them types that likes to hear yourself talk, I'll give it to you, you do seem knowledgable, but you don't know everything. Obviously you are no military expert, HIPPA don't mean shit in the military, you don't go to a doctor in the military and tell them you use drugs, or they send you to a substance abuse program. Which this guy is in the military, so I'm sure he knows that. And don't insult military medic and corpsman training, in combat they see more trauma, and perform operations that would be unimaginable to the normal E.R. MD that works in the states.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by illwillogical View Post
    Ok this is my last one, cause this isn't my thread. But obviously you are one of them types that likes to hear yourself talk, I'll give it to you, you do seem knowledgable, but you don't know everything. Obviously you are no military expert, HIPPA don't mean shit in the military, you don't go to a doctor in the military and tell them you use drugs, or they send you to a substance abuse program. Which this guy is in the military, so I'm sure he knows that. And don't insult military medic and corpsman training, in combat they see more trauma, and perform operations that would be unimaginable to the normal E.R. MD that works in the states.
    Hmmm...ALL of my statement is based on lets get this staight...a corpsman should knowingly help a fellow soldier cover up his drug use? Well that is interesting...I didn't know they tought you to lie...if he came to me and I were a corpsman...I def wouldn't get reprimanded for his poor uncleanly injection technique. Besides...who said he had to tell them it was from an injection? UGH no one....

    I didn't insult being a military corpsman AT ALL....It is a fact the he does not have the training related to septicemia....his job is to keep blood flowing to the wounded soldiers brain until he can get to a....where? guessed it...A HOSPITAL where they have RN's and MD's....

    and just so you know.....I work in the 3rd BUSIEST TRAUMA ER in the NATION....TRUST me i see more trauma than you will EVER SEE in your life....and just beacuse the mashed potatoes and meat product you serve your fellow army men looks like guts and brains strewn across a lunch tray doesn't qualify you to comment in this post

    so to the guy with the possible infection...tell them you think you were bit by an insect and GO SEE THE DOCTOR....


  13. #13
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    I had a thigh infection 2 years ago. I believe I forgot to clean the top of the vials on retrospection. My leg became swollen and read with edema. I could push into my thigh and the dent would stay for a while. I had NO fever. I waited 2-weeks before I saw my doctor. My doctor examined the thigh and said "yep you have an infection" then gave me 2 shots of penicillin in the ass and a prescription for an oral antibiotic. After a couple of days the thigh looked better but seemed to stop improving. I saw my doctor again and he doubled the dose of oral antibiotics and that took care of it.

    It was not an abcess though. I read Lee Priest story of his shoulder abcess. It sounds like a much more painfull recovery. Antibiotics alone would not work on an abcess.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    an anti viral is not an antibiotic......(anti=against and biotic=life) Virus' are not alive

    where do you get your information?
    Says who? Where do you get your information from? Know it all...

    Anyway, for what its worth, all cycline antibiotics supposedly hinder an anabolic environment and should be avoided on cycle. However, your primary concern is your leg. Go to a doctor. Or do i need to find some graphic pictures for you?

    Like Rhino said...say a bug bit you or just play dumb.

  15. #15
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    zithromax.....ive taken it a million times......normally its a sterile absess and it will go away within a few days

  16. #16
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    Just a thought, Why dont you tell them that you did an injection of alflutop because you have soar joints and it gave you an infection. Alflutop is a legal drug so you wont get in any trouble for using it other than they might tell you your a dumbass for injecting something in your body that a doctor didnt perscribe to you but just play dumb and tell them you didnt know any better and problem solved!!! You arent admitting to anything illegal and thus no reprocussions.

  17. #17
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    This might shine a little light into the seriousness of this situation.

  18. #18
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    Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup:
    Cipro is a very good and powerful anti bacterial antibiotic (an opposed to anti viral)- should be perfect for this. just dont take it with NSAID's (ibuprofen,naproxen,aspirin) id get right on this though ...dont want it to spread if it is a infection.

    Quote Originally Posted by rhino1 View Post
    an anti viral is not an antibiotic......(anti=against and biotic=life) Virus' are not alive

    NSAID's dont cause infections to spread

    cipro is ONLY good against bacterias that are sensitive to it

    aspirin is not an NSAID

    where do you get your information?
    Antibiotics are used as atifunguals/anti virals/antibacterials. This type of infection, if in fact it is one, is probably bacterial based.

    The nsaid comment has nothing to do with spreading BUT it does have to do with the fact that cipro + nsaids can possibly produce seziures ...if that does happen the seizures can tend to be followed by/include severe anaphylatic symptoms. Cipro is certainly an effective broad spectrum antibiotic used mainly in many baterial type infections see below -

    FLUROQUINOLONES. The fluroquinolones are synthetic antibacterial agents, and not derived from bacteria. They are included here because they can be readily interchanged with traditional antibiotics. An earlier, related class of antibacterial agents, the quinolones, were not well absorbed, and could be used only to treat urinary tract infections. The fluroquinolones, which are based on the older group, are broad-spectrum bacteriocidal drugs that are chemically unrelated to the penicillins or the cephaloprosins. They are well distributed into bone tissue, and so well absorbed that in general they are as effective by the oral route as by intravenous infusion.

    Aspirin IS an NSAID:see below:

    Are there any differences between NSAIDs?

    Yes. NSAIDs vary in their potency, duration of action, and the way in which they are eliminated from the body. Another important difference is their ability to cause ulcers and promote bleeding. The more an NSAID blocks Cox-1, the greater is its tendency to cause ulcers and promote bleeding. One NSAID, celecoxib (Celebrex), blocks Cox-2, but has little effect on Cox-1. This drug is referred to as one of the selective Cox-2 inhibitors and causes less bleeding and fewer ulcers than other NSAIDs. Aspirin is a unique NSAID, not only because of its many uses, but because it is the only NSAID that is able to inhibit the clotting of blood for a prolonged period (4 to 7 days). This prolonged effect of aspirin makes it an ideal drug for preventing the blood clots that cause heart attacks and strokes. (Most other NSAIDs inhibit the clotting of blood for only a few hours.) Ketorolac (Toradol) is a very potent NSAID and is used for moderately severe pain that usually requires narcotics. Ketorolac causes ulcers more frequently than any other NSAID and is, therefore, not used for more than five days. Although NSAIDs have a similar mechanism of action, individuals who do not respond to one NSAID may respond to another.

    Are you really an RN?
    One thing u said is true - he should see a DR - he said he wouldnt at least I gave him accurate info. Wouldnt you agree?
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 11-17-2008 at 06:50 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuD View Post
    This might shine a little light into the seriousness of this situation.
    thats phils abcess story. seen it b4, but its still bad tho, makes me cringe every time I see it. how could anyone let it get that bad, like in his story he got told a few times it wasnt an abcess, but if that was me I would have gone straight to hospital after the first time. But thats me. Touch wood I wont have to experience an abcess

  20. #20
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    hmm i got sarcastic above - sorry.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 11-17-2008 at 06:51 PM.

  21. #21
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    Swollen, hot, red, fever equals abcess!

  22. #22
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    Hi, this is my first post here:


    48 yrs old
    190 lbs & 5'8"
    10% BF

    In & out of the gym for 33 years.

    I've done cycles over the last 8 years.
    I get all my gear from a prescription via my doctor. (compounding pharmacy in the USA)
    Brand new needles, used only once and disposed of.

    This summer I did 750mg of sus in the upper thigh and my leg turned hot, red and very swollen within 2 days. By day 4 it wasn't better, so I immediatley went to the ER and was 100% honest. They gave me a strong antibiotic and said I had either a staff incection or abcess.
    The antibiotics worked and I took some time off from cycling.

    Yesterday (after 5 months) I took 750mg of sus in the same thigh and it is so sore I am limping. Brand new bottle from the pharmacy, cleaned the top of the bottle with an alcohol pad, brand new needle 1 & half inches long 21 guage, plunged about 1.25 inches to the outside of the thigh one hand length away from the knee. My thigh was swabbed clean as well with an alcohol pad prior to inserting.

    I cleaned the whole area after taking the needle out as well with alcohol.

    If by Monday this isn't better, I am off to the doctor AGAIN.
    I cannot figure out what the heck is going on.

  23. #23
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    welcome to the need to start your own thread. you will get alot more responses.

    alot of people react differently to injections...just keep an eye on it and like you said if it is not better by Monday go see a dr.

  24. #24
    There is no such thing as anti virals, that's why you cant cure aids, herpes ect.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BloodyBillAnderson View Post
    There is no such thing as anti virals, that's why you cant cure aids, herpes ect.
    There are anti-viral drugs out there. HIV and Herpes all have anti-viral compounds developed for each. The reason that HIV and Herpes can not be cured at this point is because they mutate vary rapidly in vivo.

  26. #26
    anti-viral in that the drugs treat the symptoms, (valtrex, etc.) but no drug destroys the virus like antibiotics destroy bacteria.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BloodyBillAnderson View Post
    anti-viral in that the drugs treat the symptoms, (valtrex, etc.) but no drug destroys the virus like antibiotics destroy bacteria.
    Anti-virals work directly on the machinery that help the virus replicate, enter the cell ect ect. Since viruses do not have a metabolism of their own they do not work the same way as anti-biotics. A lot of drugs that are effective against bacteria inhibit one or more of the metabolic processes of the bacteria they are designed against. For example penicillin's mechanism of action disrupts the cell membrane of certain types of bacteria (gram positive).

    I will admit though I do not know much about anti-virals and how they work. My lab was working on west-nile virus just before I left so I only had a second hand knowledge of how this stuff worked.

  28. #28
    Guys please....stop giving medical advice. The misinformation represented here is *dangerous*. If you suspect you have a medical condition you need to see a licensed medical doctor.

    I did not read the Glute Abscess page so I wont vouch for the text, but the pictures represent not just possible consequences. They represent the *likely* consequences of an untreated intramuscular abscess.

    Are you going to take the word of random posters when it comes to this?

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