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This is my 4th cycle, and I'm pretty sure I have an infection. Have been using Sus 250 alternating sites on each hip. Was using the thighs, but had too much swelling.
Usually the swelling at the injection site is about a week, then goes away. This time around the whole hip area is vissibly swollen, hot, starting to itch, and deep in the swelling is a knot. Being that I've injected a lot in the past, this is completely different, and I'm pretty worried about it.
I have access to any anti biotic that I want, what is the recommendation? I have Cipro, Zithromax, Amoxicillin, Tetracyline, and Cephlaxin. Trying to avoid going to the docs...as I'm overseas, and don't want to draw the wrath of the mil doc.
Also...side note...I notice on this cycle that my body seems to react worse and worse to the Sus 250...used to just be painful for a few days, now it's a big lump, really painful, and lasts over a week....so....maybe time to take a rest and go to orals.
Any thoughts on the anti biotics would be welcome.