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Thread: Need some Anavar advice

  1. #1

    Need some Anavar advice

    Hey everyone, i'm new to this so don't get angry if I sound stupid lol.
    I've been thinking about trying Anavar 2.5mg tablets. i'll give you abit of info about myself. I'm 18 almost 19, 6'1 190lbs, been working out since I was 16 and I feel like i'm in a rut and I want to gain about 10-15 more pounds of muscle, also want to gain some mass but I don't want to get too huge. Just wondering if people think the Anavar will help me complete my goal of 10-15 pounds. Also wondering if theirs a chance of side effects, if so what are they? I've researched it and heard its not a major steroid and the chance of side effect is slim, but i'm just looking for input from someone who has tried it or knows alot about it.

  2. #2
    You shouldn't be in a rut at your age.

    Fix what's causing you not to gain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro, you can gain 10-15 pounds by adjusting your nutrition and training...anavar wont do it ....compounds help but YOU will get the gains you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Youre too young to cycle IMO. Not to mention, at your age, you should have NO PROBLEM gaining on a good diet and training schedule. Obviously, one of those is off if you think youve hit a plateu.

    If You Are Under 24 Then Read This

    How to Write a Post That Gets Your Questions Answered!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    ^^^there you

  6. #6
    I've been using BSN N.O Xplode and Cellmass, my body has adapted to it so I don't get a good pump anymore and i'm finding it hard to gain weight and increase lifting weight? any other supplement suggestions?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    ^^^ Thanks again bro!

    I try to tell it like it is...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Quote Originally Posted by backcheck View Post
    I've been using BSN N.O Xplode and Cellmass, my body has adapted to it so I don't get a good pump anymore and i'm finding it hard to gain weight and increase lifting weight? any other supplement suggestions?
    How about foodadrol?

    But in all seriousness, your problem is most likey a diet one.

    Show me your diet summary/# meals per day.

    Please go into detail and include how much you think the food weighs, as well as macros if you have them.

    Show me in this format;

    Meal 1
    8egg whites
    100G's of oats
    4oz of mixed fruit

    Meal 2
    6 oz of Chicken breast
    7.5oz of Sweet potato
    150G's of Lentils


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    definitely work on diet and exercise!! bro being that age you have enough test. floating around!! to young becaus eprobably haven't maxed genetic potential yet!!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by backcheck View Post
    Hey everyone, i'm new to this so don't get angry if I sound stupid lol.
    I've been thinking about trying Anavar 2.5mg tablets. i'll give you abit of info about myself. I'm 18 almost 19, 6'1 190lbs, been working out since I was 16 and I feel like i'm in a rut and I want to gain about 10-15 more pounds of muscle, also want to gain some mass but I don't want to get too huge. Just wondering if people think the Anavar will help me complete my goal of 10-15 pounds. Also wondering if theirs a chance of side effects, if so what are they? I've researched it and heard its not a major steroid and the chance of side effect is slim, but i'm just looking for input from someone who has tried it or knows alot about it.
    at your age your hormone levels are sky high, use them to your advantage now and save the AAS for later. With proper diet,training, whey and some creatine you could gain that 10-15lbs naturally.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by backcheck View Post
    Hey everyone, i'm new to this so don't get angry if I sound stupid lol.
    I've been thinking about trying Anavar 2.5mg tablets. i'll give you abit of info about myself. I'm 18 almost 19, 6'1 190lbs, been working out since I was 16 and I feel like i'm in a rut and I want to gain about 10-15 more pounds of muscle, also want to gain some mass but I don't want to get too huge. Just wondering if people think the Anavar will help me complete my goal of 10-15 pounds. Also wondering if theirs a chance of side effects, if so what are they? I've researched it and heard its not a major steroid and the chance of side effect is slim, but i'm just looking for input from someone who has tried it or knows alot about it.
    To answer your question: yes, you could gain 10-15 lbs with Var *HOWEVER,* you could do it just as easily by heading over to the diet forum, reading, and applying your newly acquired knowledge to YOUR actual diet. I promise you that you will never regret waiting to use gear, buddy... At your age, 10-15 lbs is a piece of cake naturally. Good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    In the hills
    drink milk,,,,,,,,,really

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    nice slogan war

    at 190 and 6"1 you definitely have more room to grow on your own. along with a better diet, changing up workouts helps out, and if you take some time off the supps you might respond better to them again.

  14. #14
    the reason why i'm considering doing it is because my genetics for weight isn't very good. the height category is fine but the weight has been an issue i've had to work hard to get up to 190, i've always been skinny, when I first started working out at 16 I was 5'10 135lbs, I find it hard to put on solid weight, genetically I don't think i'm gonna gain much more weight because i'm heavier than everyone in my family. So I still think this could help me maybe?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    as said above . . . post your diet and see if the more experienced guys on here can help, diet/training is priority over gear. Plus if you start on gear soo ealry you`ll be juicing for the rest of your boybuilding days (much harder to gain naturally once you´ve juiced).

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Quote Originally Posted by backcheck View Post
    the reason why i'm considering doing it is because my genetics for weight isn't very good. the height category is fine but the weight has been an issue i've had to work hard to get up to 190, i've always been skinny, when I first started working out at 16 I was 5'10 135lbs, I find it hard to put on solid weight, genetically I don't think i'm gonna gain much more weight because i'm heavier than everyone in my family. So I still think this could help me maybe?

    Did you seriously ignore my post bro?

    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    How about foodadrol?

    But in all seriousness, your problem is most likey a diet one.

    Show me your diet summary/# meals per day.

    Please go into detail and include how much you think the food weighs, as well as macros if you have them.

    Show me in this format;

    Meal 1
    8egg whites
    100G's of oats
    4oz of mixed fruit

    Meal 2
    6 oz of Chicken breast
    7.5oz of Sweet potato
    150G's of Lentils


  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by backcheck View Post
    the reason why i'm considering doing it is because my genetics for weight isn't very good. the height category is fine but the weight has been an issue i've had to work hard to get up to 190, i've always been skinny, when I first started working out at 16 I was 5'10 135lbs, I find it hard to put on solid weight, genetically I don't think i'm gonna gain much more weight because i'm heavier than everyone in my family. So I still think this could help me maybe?
    You have to compare apples to apples, though. Do these family members weight train? Do they have a proper diet for weight gain? I mean, we all know people that are NATURALLY bigger than the rest of their families... and you, as quoted above, are one of them. You've already disproven your own logic there, bro: "...i'm heavier than everyone in my family".

    Don't get me wrong, genetics play a huge role in this game; however, so does diet and training. I'm not flaming you, buddy, I just want you to realize that gear is not the answer at your age... you've proven that. Good luck, man.
    Last edited by fanatic; 11-19-2008 at 08:12 PM.

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