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Thread: Manning up ...need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Manning up ...need advice

    I have been posting my cycle and diet and even my 5th week results and all seems to be going well, but I realize that I am short of whats available for results due to my pinphobia and the once a week sust shots. So I am damn proud...I am gonna man up. Twice a week is what I am gonna trying just doin....havent fainted in a while and I am even shaking the lightheadedness so I am winning. I jst dont think 1 cc per injection is sufficient.
    I went ahead and bought some test E thinking that at 2xw I may be better off with the test E. So my question is should I transition over to E or mix it up a bit.
    All my reading would lead me to thinking something like this.
    The e ester is the longest and the sust has the mix which includes shorter my thinking is to increase the frequency of the sust and add the e every other shot.
    Sat am 1 cc sust and 1 cc E 300mg/ml
    wed am 1 cc sust
    sat am 1 cc sust and 1 cc E
    this will see the sust up in frequency (which is good)and the overall test dosage up from 500mg sust only to 800mg per week.
    This can be done to catch my last 6 weeks of shots in my 12 week cycle. Which may be too late for any benefits or is the fact that I already have test in my system going to mean the new test E will be immediately beneficial.
    And of course if this is going to cause level fluctuations that I bieng unexperienced can not see,then do I just transition over to 2xw shots of just test E at 1cc per shot.
    Clear this one up for wednesday am....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    bad idea, the test E takes 3 to 4 weeks to kick in so you would get like 4 useful weeks of test E.. Not worth it IMO, save the test E for next cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Thats the part I can not know about yet with my limited experience...since there is already test in my system why does this new test appear as anything other then more test to my system? Why does it need 4 weeks to kick in when I have been on already for 5....are you sure about that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The Center Ring
    its fine bro.. you can switch to enanthate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    i wouldn't recommend that shooting schedule however. thats 800mg/w
    i thought by manning up you were gonna do it right and shoot the sust every day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tombstone, AZ
    Its because of the esther the test is using. Test e is a long esther so no, it will not peak until around week 7 or so quite possible. Shorter esters like prop are at full blood levels by 8days max. '

    Hell it takes a couple of weeks for my sex drive to even increase on test e, but by a week on test prop I'm nailing chicks left and right.

    I thoughtby manning up you were gonna shoot prop/mast/tren a everyday.

    Now THATS manning up and thats they cycle I am finishing up right now. 10 weeks worth
    Good luck bro, make sure your diet,etc are in line too...Nitro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Yeehaa. the first ever mid week shot was a breeze...1cc warmed to body temp goes in quick and easy compared to the 2 cc once a week shot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Okay the extra shots are only inconvenient...they are actually easier to handle !! Surprised...they are over so much quicker...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    i wouldn't recommend that shooting schedule however. thats 800mg/w
    i thought by manning up you were gonna do it right and shoot the sust every day
    Small steps man.
    Im there now...eod rotating the glutes...1cc sust per shot...puts me at 15 shots per month...that used to be a whole cycles who is the man now... it has gotten easier and I now even dare to move during the shot...yehaaa.
    The change in frequency is an accomplishment but it has brought up expected sides of a bit of acne.
    4 weeks left and its all about losing the bf without losing size in the shoulders (51)and arms (bi's 15.5)and legs and so on.
    Waist is 36 and its got to get down to 34. At this point do I keep eating calories to grow or do I drop to below my daily needs to loose the bf? I have upped the cardio to 45 min 5 days a week...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The eod is getting tough now...cant say why...just my mood I guess...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    In the gym, getting big.
    Quote Originally Posted by sonysucks View Post
    The eod is getting tough now...cant say why...just my mood I guess...
    Try ED or even 2x - 3x ED with stuff like Test suspension. That'll get old even before you start the cycle.

  12. #12
    1ml tren, 1/2ml test ED, water off a ducks back bro, If you select short esters ya gatta shoot more. Use enth or cyp or butch the fluk up and shoot.

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