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Thread: Clen and Anavar

  1. #1

    Clen and Anavar

    Hey guys so heres the deal, about 9 months ago did a cycle of test E at 500 a week with a kickstart of a50. Finished off with proper pct everything is back to normal and good. I gained about 15 lbs and am currently at 208, with a BF% of 14. This year I was looking to cut down and really refine the mass that I gained last spring.

    I had been reading alot of user posts and threads on the use of clen and several on var. I strictly wanted to drop weight because at my hight of 5'11, 208 is heavy enough for my sport.
    I was thinking about maybe running just clen, or just anavar or them both at the same time, but was concerned with taking 2 oral in respect to my liver.
    Basically my goal is to continue training and dial in my diet and with a little help and hard work get my BF% down in the single digits.
    Any advice is greatly appreciated. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Anavar is a very mild steroid and it is not very liver toxic either. Anavar/clen should be good for leaning up nicely dotn forget to run a pct.

  3. #3
    I was really interested in the fat burning component so thats why I automatically thought of clen. And I went with the anavar because of decent strength gains without aquiring much mass as well as the fact that the gains and fat loss on anavar have a tendancy to stick around. My other thought was running a T3 but would this be so catabolic that i would have to run something like test e while on it?
    What about if I ran just clen on its own?

    If anyone has a better combo or ideas then Im here to listen and learn.

  4. #4
    No one out there can help...ive done my own research, but i know you gurus are out there just give a guy a little help c'mon.

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