Abuddy of mine is 22 and had gyno from puberty. he has never taken steroids and just started workin out about 2 weeks ago. he wants to take letro to try to shrink it down. what dose should he take and for how long?
Abuddy of mine is 22 and had gyno from puberty. he has never taken steroids and just started workin out about 2 weeks ago. he wants to take letro to try to shrink it down. what dose should he take and for how long?
Why does he think he has gyno if hes never used AAS?
If it is bad enough he will need the surgery. I had it done and it's not that big of a deal. The letreo will help but it might not do what he thinks it will do.
k what dose should he take?
I agree with **** ...why not see a dr...even if it is from aas - he can go off...stay off till clears his system...he doent need to tell doc as gyno occurs more than people think in people that have never used aas and get proper medical treatment. Then maybe think about very carefully using juice with well thought out precautions against gyno in future as he is obviously prone if in fact he has gyno with no aas use.
he has had titties since he was like 12. hes got excessive brest tissue from puberty. there r no symptoms. he wants to know if u can get rid of some of it with letro
i had them since 18 without aas,,, i tried letro but it didnt do anything for the glands or fatty tissue,, i think it only helps with gyno attributed to aas use. And the fact that Letro protocol to reverse gyno will make you feel like shit for a month.
Last edited by chuckt12345; 11-19-2008 at 09:15 AM.
so pretty much everybody thinks he shouldnt do it
Previous posters are quite correct in stating that gyno occurs even without using anabolics. It is not an uncommon event for boys to develop gyno at or shortly after puberty when hormones are in a state of flux. Surgery is the usual remedy.
set up the consultation for the surgery.........I mean your friend should
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