Hi all
I am look at start my frist time taking some gear. I am look at taking T-bol. The bigest reasons i am look at consdering this gear is that i want to stick to a oral gear and that i liek tht fact that it has low water weight gain and does not produce alot of estrogen. But also i knwo this is a weaker gear and i do want to start off with some thing not top notch righ away.
Is this the best choice for oral form of gear?
Also for T-bol how often woudl i have to take it i know it come in 10mg a serving so would i just take it all at once a day or would i break it up to say 2 or 3 times a day?
also does anybody know how long this stay in your system for blood/piss test?
Also for a pct what would ppl recomend to take to get my body hormons lvls back to normaly and testosteron lvl back to normly (dont want to get thoes man tit's( and down want to shut down my testosteron production either)
And what would be a good doesage to start off with? i was thinking about 20mg a day cause i read the recomadation is 10-50 but i figured sense this is my frist time 20 would be a good place to start . would would u guys say?
thanks for the help in advance!!!