Of the two cycles...which would you pick if it was offered to you and why...
I have done both....at lower doses of coarse and I prefered the test/tren combo...
Of the two cycles...which would you pick if it was offered to you and why...
I have done both....at lower doses of coarse and I prefered the test/tren combo...
What you eat and how you train is more relavant than which of these cycles would put on more bulk than the other. Both look ok to me for someone fairly lean and 220+lbs. (excluding 7 foot tall of course).
Doses are way too high for me. I used 500mg tren/week before, 800 scares me so I guess I'd go with the deca.
I went test /deca. Id throw in some dbol and have one of my fav mass stacks. Old school maybe but i like it alot. Id prefer to extend both(test/deca) 2 more weeks. I like deca for bulking because it makes me feel so good joints etc...i can go heavy at gym comfortably and feel good ...add in dbol for strength and test as base for cycle. Im totally down. I love tren ...but i like tren a ...i know its same substance diff esther but tren e , even after kicking in, doesnt hit me near as hard as tren a. Test p / tren a / winny to cut - I LOVE it.
No question, TREN!!!!
Never tried it .. kinda old school i guess .. methyl tren is a new one to me. Lets just say i remember when dbol only came in 5 mg / best drol was brazilian hemogenin / cyp said upjohn on the label and later on when anavar came around SPA was the only brand. Not opposed to methyl tren ...just havent tried it yet.
For pure strength? Test and tren beats test and deca for sure at those dosages. Nevermind the bloat you get from deca, and it won't help one bit when compared to tren's strength. Tren rules fellas, everything else is secondary.
Run the test at least 2 weeks longer than the tren and you'll be cool.
tren is superior but so are it's sides. Win/lose situation
well I would have to go with the test & deca but would get some more deca and carry it on to 12 weeks instead of 10. I do love deca, I've run it many times b4. So when do I get my free cycle then?![]()
I did a cycle of test e 500mg a week and deca 400mg a week,
went from 160 - 195, i took out the deca because i had some serious acne, thought that may be the cause because test never really did that to me before.
Anyway i took that out on about week 9,
in replacement i added fina and CLEN to get rid of all my bloat and water retention, (dumb idea? or not) anyway i hardened up and went down to 174, HOLY SHIT THATS ALOT OF WATER, since then i have gone up to 185 and have lost a significant amount of bodyfat. probably about 5%, and it has been about 6 weeks in total on tren.
fina is at 70mg EOD, which seems pretty low compared to all of your dosing, so i could just imagine what 800 mg will do, when 245 a week works perfectly for me.
yes i know its a long cycle and i have hcg aromasin nolvadex and clomid on hand for post cycle.
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