sup a buddy of mines wants to start his first cycle but he wants to get the test via pharmacy because its maad cheap...i know test enanthate taks a while to start shoing results so i figure......
day one: 250mg test e- 100mg test prop
day 3: 100mg test prop
day 4: 250mg test e
the just follow ut with 750mg of test e every week.
btw the guy is 26yrs old and about 225lbs 13%bf5'10 so 750mg of test is a goodfirst cycle..
i havent really played with different esters like this so i dont know if thats enough of test prop to jump start his cycle...
let me know what you guys think (im guessing its not enough) probably needs a week str8of the prop from what im guessing..
or what about 2weeks of dbol would that be considered a kick start?