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Thread: kickstarting test enanthate with test prop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    kickstarting test enanthate with test prop

    sup a buddy of mines wants to start his first cycle but he wants to get the test via pharmacy because its maad cheap...i know test enanthate taks a while to start shoing results so i figure......

    day one: 250mg test e- 100mg test prop
    day 3: 100mg test prop
    day 4: 250mg test e
    the just follow ut with 750mg of test e every week.

    btw the guy is 26yrs old and about 225lbs 13%bf5'10 so 750mg of test is a goodfirst cycle..

    i havent really played with different esters like this so i dont know if thats enough of test prop to jump start his cycle...

    let me know what you guys think (im guessing its not enough) probably needs a week str8of the prop from what im guessing..

    or what about 2weeks of dbol would that be considered a kick start?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    How do you figure 750 is a good first cycle dose?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    How do you figure 750 is a good first cycle dose?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    500 is better starting point, also if using prop as a kickstart it needs to be done for 4 weeks not 1. dbol or tbol for 4 weeks is another option for the kickstart instead of the prop.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    like i said the guy is 225lbs...hes pretty big and wants to gain a lot wihout mixing up other dont tell me that 750mgweek is worse than 500mg/week along with 400mg of deca...that is a begginer cyle is it not? i figure he gets worse sides i he get deca nd goes wth 500mg of the test..hes been stuck at 225 for overa year

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ok buddy you know all why are you here? dont ask for advice. I never said test/deca for a first cycle. Test only 500mg is a good starting point but your friend at a monsterous 225 needs more because you know best.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    why does test e hit me after week2? anyway ok, 4weeks? after 10days of prop isnt he est fully circulating and saturating?wouldnt the test e take about a week to circulate? half life 2weeks?why in the world would it take 4weeks for it to start working? is it that dose dependant because of its ester? idont get it because after 4days up prop my mucles are fuller stronger and look leaner..same thing happens after 2weeks of enanthate..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ask anyone on here test levels dont peak until weeks 4-6 on test e this doesnt mean you wont feel it at all but using prop for that short a time will cause a spike and dip in test levels leading to a high chance of side effects.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Ok buddy you know all why are you here? dont ask for advice. I never said test/deca for a first cycle. Test only 500mg is a good starting point but your friend at a monsterous 225 needs more because you know best.
    bro s 5'10 im jus asking for theorie on the matter..and the reason why 500 is better that 750..a gram is way over but 750 isnt that the best way to go? not like hes receptors are burned out hes got spaces to accept the 750..btwi dont think i know it all and i def dont stress that..exactly why i asked the question..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    When receptors are fresh the lower dose is going to be very effective. Ther eis no point to starting so high then requiring higher doses in later cycles to get similar results.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    445 only after peak you notice the strength gain?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    For some yes that is true, I agree with you in that there is definitely effects after the first 2 weeks or so but they are subttle and become more pronounced through weeks 4-6. You can get strength gains any time, for me the first time I shot Test that day I maxed my bench to a new level but that was just in my head not the test E.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    When receptors are fresh the lower dose is going to be very effective. Ther eis no point to starting so high then requiring higher doses in later cycles to get similar results.

    that doesnt make sense! so when they arent fresh it takes more mg's for them to let the test attach to them??? isnt it all about up regulating the receptors? so even if youhave done many cycles yes your receptors will be down regulated but after a while they are back to normal so then again you could do a 500mg dose like you say..ive seen it on myself over and over bro..btw hes using proviron so most of the receptors if not all will be used up by that cause it binds 10x better than the test. not sure if that plays any role but im thinkig it should..anyway w/e its a long story i gues ur right..only reason im saying is cause of my results on all the cycles i have had and everything

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    For some yes that is true, I agree with you in that there is definitely effects after the first 2 weeks or so but they are subttle and become more pronounced through weeks 4-6. You can get strength gains any time, for me the first time I shot Test that day I maxed my bench to a new level but that was just in my head not the test E.
    yea i feel you first cycle was insane..i was nutts off day one all in my head..psychologcal aggression...the best type in my book

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