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I’m recovering from hernia surgery this weekend and getting prepared to start my first cycle around February 1st. I have a several questions and would appreciate help from the members on this forum. So here goes…
before you go anywhere, you need to have bloodwork done, and if you can tell your doc what you are going to be doing so he can monitor you
1) Cycle – I plan to run the following cycle. I realize 250mg is a low dose cycle but I’m not trying to look like Arnold. I just want help reaching my natural size limits.
1-10wk test e 250 mg/weeki think that you could extend this to 12-14 weeks as the dose is low and it takes around 4-5 weeks for test enth to reach peak levels in your blood
PCT wk12-15you were correct to start this 2 weeks after your last injection
Nolva - 20/20/20/20
Clomid - 50/50/25/25i would an an AI like arimidex in here
2) Workout – I’ve been doing the Bill Starr 5x5. Is this a good workout while on a cycle?depends, it is geared a little more towards strength than size IMO but if you like it then do for it I was thinking about adding a few arm exercises during the off days. not a bad idea, you need to make sure you keep everything symmetricalI do HIIT for 20 minutes on an elliptical 5 days per week.if you are bulking i would drop that to steady state cardio 2-3x a week for 30-40 minutes
3) Gear – I realize asking for a source is forbidden but wanted some general information regarding ordering from the internet. I have located a couple sites that look like the real deal. What happens if customs seizes my shipment? you will get a letter saying they have seized it, use the search button for this one, tons of threads Are they looking to prosecute individuals or do they just take your gear?in your case probably just take the gear, you never know though
4) Stats
a. Age – 40have you looked into hgh, might be a good choice if you can afford it
b. Weight – 203
c. Height – 6’ 1”
d. BF – 14%
e. Years lifting – Lifting on and off my entire life. The last year I have been going to the gym 4-5 days per week and have made very nice gains.
f. Diet – My diet consists of 5 meals per days w/ 2 protein shakes during the day. I plan to start a very regimented diet mid December after I recover from my hernia operation and can get back in the gym.
i would like to see a detailed diet for critique, this is the most important part of bodybuilding by far
Please let me know what you think about my plan.