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Thread: EQ - Misunderstood ??

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    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    EQ - Misunderstood ??

    OK i'll prob get a lot of flack for this but i LIKE eq. I personally think people use it with unrealistic expectations. I think its great in a bulking or cutting cycle. It is a great what i would call ancillary compound ..i would never use is as a primary compound to cut or bulk along with test...but along with those roids i would use , it works excellent. When it comes to bulking it increases my appetite, increses my workout intensity , and I personally like the pump. When cutting I also get very vascular using it and believe it helps retain LBM. As far as having to use a long time ...i think for lean muscle mass gains thats true ...but the above benfits happen within a few weeks(2-3) with the exception of the vascualrity. These benefits , when used with other compounds, will result in better gains. I do only run it on longer cycles but i usually only do longer cycles. I just think this roid is misunderstood was initially thought of as a possible injectable d-ball and fell so far short of coming close I think bb'rs wrote it off as weak and that has stuck. Oh and UGL's need to get things in line with price on this compound - vet versions are so cheap , but dosed so low per ml... but still mg for mg wayy cheaper than ugl prices. Some ugl prices i see are ridiculous . JMO on EQ guys.
    One note - it is a good idea to keep an eye on blood pressure with eq - i do fine with this ..but I still check it regularly.

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    I have no urge to use it ever just because everyone says its so weak.

  3. #3
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    hell i like eq.. use it quite often

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    If your seeing benefits within the first 2-3 weeks from EQ, i can assure you they are not from EQ, but from the other compounds being used within the cycle. EQ is a weak drug and doesn't aid muscle tissue one bit, this isn't just my own experience but many claim this aswell, so for the guy who hasn't used it yet why should he risk taking something what more or less everyone doesn't respond to? kind of pointless IMHO..

    But yes, ive hear a few people who rate it but it isn't many. Use something what will build muscle and does waste an injection site IMHO.

  5. #5
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    I put on 20lbs on a test 250 / 450wk EQ cycle and kept it all!

  6. #6
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    i have eq. available and thinking of using it for cutting?? let me know how you do with this!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
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    EQ is a great appetite enhancer, I think its better for the opposite!

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    If your seeing benefits within the first 2-3 weeks from EQ, i can assure you they are not from EQ, but from the other compounds being used within the cycle. EQ is a weak drug and doesn't aid muscle tissue one bit, this isn't just my own experience but many claim this aswell, so for the guy who hasn't used it yet why should he risk taking something what more or less everyone doesn't respond to? kind of pointless IMHO..

    But yes, ive hear a few people who rate it but it isn't many. Use something what will build muscle and does waste an injection site IMHO.
    Def get increased apetite , pump , and stamina incrase in 2-3 weeks. The rest is your opinion and i respect that. The jist of my post was more how the effects of eq benefit you in ways that make the primary compounds u r using more (kind of point of stacking). Like i said ..i respect your opinion ...but i'll keep using it. For a guy who hasnt used it he should try it for himself as everyone responds differently ,then he can post his experience on it ..instead of what he reads about it or just bellieve it cause people have said so. Thats 1/2 the prob with juice - people express opinion on things they have no 1st hand experience on (not saying you in this case-understand that) Plus he may find, like me EQ has its place and is IMO a good compound. In your experience that may not be the case...and thats cool.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 11-24-2008 at 01:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Def get increased apetite , pump , and stamina incrase in 2-3 weeks. The rest is your opinion and i respect that. The jist of my post was more how the effects of eq benefit you in ways that make the primary compounds u r using more (kind of point of stacking). Like i said ..i respect your opinion ...but i'll keep using it. For a guy who hasnt used it he should try it for himself as everyone responds differently ,then he can post his experience on it ..instead of what he reads about it or just bellieve it cause people have said so. Thats 1/2 the prob with juice - people express opinion on things they have no 1st hand experience on (not saying you in this case-understand that) Plus he may find, like me EQ has its place and is IMO a good compound. In your experience that may not be the case...and thats cool.
    I agree, people should try all compounds and see what works for them and not what other people may say, problem is with EQ i dont see a 50/50 split i see a larger group of bodybuilders stating its useless which shows what the majority get out of it.Thats why i say use something whats more or less going to build muscle tissue. But of course you should see for yourself, you may be one who does respond to it

  10. #10
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    EQ should be used as a "strong supplyment" only not thought of as a roid IMO its a good 4th or 5th compound if you got $ to burn

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    Quote Originally Posted by UncleD View Post
    EQ should be used as a "strong supplyment" only not thought of as a roid IMO its a good 4th or 5th compound if you got $ to burn
    Is that how you have used it most effectively? How did it work (or not work) for you when you used it? I agree it shouldnt be a base at all...its prob my fav 3rd addition to a stack , test being obvious base of stack . For a second cycle i think test/ eq is great for someone. Im glad people are posting ..good to get opposing opinions. I had to edit this in after reading your post over - the strong supp not a roid statement is ridiculous .. you opinion maybe ...but ridiculous. Im awaiting your answer on your fist hand experience like i asked above...
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 11-24-2008 at 07:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by UncleD View Post
    EQ should be used as a "strong supplyment" only not thought of as a roid IMO its a good 4th or 5th compound if you got $ to burn
    Dont agree with this statement...

    5 compounds is nuts. And EQ can be used as a part of a stack with great success...

    Though i dont personally like it...

  13. #13
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    I'm currently on eq and sus seeing great results but i like to take it at a dose of 600mg a week also i plan to use it again take that....

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I have no urge to use it ever just because everyone says its so weak.
    the only reason I could see someone say EQ is weak is because it used to come in such low MG per with higher strength concentrations you can use more effective dosages,,try 400mg+ per week for 10-12wks and you will never consider EQ as a weak anabolic.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    the only reason I could see someone say EQ is weak is because it used to come in such low MG per with higher strength concentrations you can use more effective dosages,,try 400mg+ per week for 10-12wks and you will never consider EQ as a weak anabolic.
    Thats utter rubbish ,,,,,for a start 400mg per wk is not an effective dose. people should try a EQ only cycle and monitor the results, they wont use it again i can assure you!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Thats utter rubbish ,,,,,for a start 400mg per wk is not an effective dose. people should try a EQ only cycle and monitor the results, they wont use it again i can assure you!
    Cmon now Marcus ...u know thats not a fair test! EQ , like 90% of all steroids ...would be a horrible choice for a single compound cycle. It will supress natural test production and of course would suck on its own. It may be a test based steroid but acts totally differently than test and can never replace it. If you tried that test with 90% of all steroids you would never do them again! A fair test for eq would be simialr to a fair test for deca. Test as a base for cycle run with EQ ..for a length of 12-14 weeks & at proper dosages (600mgs/week). I really recommend it as a second cycle with test ( My experience). Youll know how you respond to test and will see if you benfit from eq. If nothing else the effects of eq could ( if fact should) benefit you for the reasons i stated above - increased appetite , workout intensity , increased pump ..and twords end of cycle possbly vasularity depending on cycle type (bulk or cut). I also think in cutting cycle it will help retain LBM. Would you try a deca only cycle ?? Or a tren only cycle? Like alot of compound i think its a good 2nd compound for a beginner and a good third compound if u are more advanced and you find you respond well to it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Cmon now Marcus ...u know thats not a fair test! EQ , like 90% of all steroids ...would be a horrible choice for a single compound cycle. It will supress natural test production and of course would suck on its own. It may be a test based steroid but acts totally differently than test and can never replace it. If you tried that test with 90% of all steroids you would never do them again! A fair test for eq would be simialr to a fair test for deca. Test as a base for cycle run with EQ ..for a length of 12-14 weeks & at proper dosages (600mgs/week). I really recommend it as a second cycle with test ( My experience). Youll know how you respond to test and will see if you benfit from eq. If nothing else the effects of eq could ( if fact should) benefit you for the reasons i stated above - increased appetite , workout intensity , increased pump ..and twords end of cycle possbly vasularity depending on cycle type (bulk or cut). I also think in cutting cycle it will help retain LBM. Would you try a deca only cycle ?? Or a tren only cycle? Like alot of compound i think its a good 2nd compound for a beginner and a good third compound if u are more advanced and you find you respond well to it.
    I feel its a good test of a compound if you used it on its own. Ive done winny cycles, deca only cycles and tren only cycles to name just a few and i know exactly what i respond like to each product. Yes ive done many single compound cycles, havent you! infact deca only cycles was all the rage many yrs ago.

    The things with EQ, the majority of bodybuilders dont like it, even at high dosages its weak, it doesnt aid any kind of muscle building what so ever, an increase in RBC's and some appetite issue can be grown out of it but as far as building tissue its weak.If you use it for the above thats fine but what a waste of injection in my eyes.

    Like ive said before, people should use it and see for themselves, because they could be some of a small few who do grow of it, but what i keep trying to get over to you is, if that many people think its weak and no good why try it? use something what will build tissue what the majority say works..

  18. #18
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    Bro u recommend 14 weeks of eq (i.e 16 weeks of test cycle) as a second cycle ? Dont u think its a bit too much for anyone who has 1 cycle under the belt to stay a third of the whole year on steroids (1/3 of the year)? I understand u like it and I know cats who do too. I know some people use it as the base instead of testosterone ( they dont substitute test with eq , but use eq as the base with doses 1-2grams weekly). And if I personally had a choice between deca , tren or eq as single compound cycle, I'd took deca or tren but not eq. At least I know that I dont need to run it for min. 15 weeks to see something. I'll run deca for 8-10 weeks or tren for 8 weeks. U'll get shut down regardless , so at least u don't need to stay on for twice as much time which makes recovery easier and u'll have results (visible results) in that period of time.
    Oh yea, could u please clarify the price issue please. I never knew EQ cost more than deca from UGL suppliers. U can make EQ anywhere from 250 to 600mg per ml. So lets say a bottle from UGL 20ml cost 150 usd ( which is too much imo) and its 250mg/ml . The total amount equals to 5gram of raw material. Vet supply even 50ml bottle at 50mg/ml comes as 2,5grams of raw material and cost more than 150usd. So I have no idea , what's misunderstood about this stuff. Its years and years of knowledge here on the boards as well as years and years of experience/self-made mistakes. I had nothing against EQ until I started having panic attacks after 10 weeks on it and after i finished the cycle I got a very bad case of vein thrombosis due to the thick blood. Had to go to the doc and went thru the course of heparin shots to thinner my blood. As soon as i dropped it, I never had this problem again.
    Please dont think that Im trying to have anything against ur opinion bro. I respect ur opinion 100% and if u like it - great . I just belong to an opposite group of people that's all

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I feel its a good test of a compound if you used it on its own. Ive done winny cycles, deca only cycles and tren only cycles to name just a few and i know exactly what i respond like to each product. Yes ive done many single compound cycles, havent you! infact deca only cycles was all the rage many yrs ago.

    The things with EQ, the majority of bodybuilders dont like it, even at high dosages its weak, it doesnt aid any kind of muscle building what so ever, an increase in RBC's and some appetite issue can be grown out of it but as far as building tissue its weak.If you use it for the above thats fine but what a waste of injection in my eyes.

    Like ive said before, people should use it and see for themselves, because they could be some of a small few who do grow of it, but what i keep trying to get over to you is, if that many people think its weak and no good why try it? use something what will build tissue what the majority say works..
    I honestly have only done a few single compound cycles and never deca, tren, or winny ( dball / test / anavar /primobolan). I did 2 of them early on an in a pretty uneducated fashion as well. It became clear to me not long after doing them that test would be the base for most of my i guess i then based compound effectiveness alot on its interaction or synergy with test. I do recall the deca only fad and in fact one older guy at the gym swears by low dose deca only long term use. You make some great points. While I feel its good for me ..i see your points on this as well.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrideFEDOR View Post
    Bro u recommend 14 weeks of eq (i.e 16 weeks of test cycle) as a second cycle ? Dont u think its a bit too much for anyone who has 1 cycle under the belt to stay a third of the whole year on steroids (1/3 of the year)? I understand u like it and I know cats who do too. I know some people use it as the base instead of testosterone ( they dont substitute test with eq , but use eq as the base with doses 1-2grams weekly). And if I personally had a choice between deca , tren or eq as single compound cycle, I'd took deca or tren but not eq. At least I know that I dont need to run it for min. 15 weeks to see something. I'll run deca for 8-10 weeks or tren for 8 weeks. U'll get shut down regardless , so at least u don't need to stay on for twice as much time which makes recovery easier and u'll have results (visible results) in that period of time.
    Oh yea, could u please clarify the price issue please. I never knew EQ cost more than deca from UGL suppliers. U can make EQ anywhere from 250 to 600mg per ml. So lets say a bottle from UGL 20ml cost 150 usd ( which is too much imo) and its 250mg/ml . The total amount equals to 5gram of raw material. Vet supply even 50ml bottle at 50mg/ml comes as 2,5grams of raw material and cost more than 150usd. So I have no idea , what's misunderstood about this stuff. Its years and years of knowledge here on the boards as well as years and years of experience/self-made mistakes. I had nothing against EQ until I started having panic attacks after 10 weeks on it and after i finished the cycle I got a very bad case of vein thrombosis due to the thick blood. Had to go to the doc and went thru the course of heparin shots to thinner my blood. As soon as i dropped it, I never had this problem again.
    Please dont think that Im trying to have anything against ur opinion bro. I respect ur opinion 100% and if u like it - great . I just belong to an opposite group of people that's all
    Eq/test 12 weeks was my 2nd test based cycle. I can see where that is a long 2nd cycle. I do tend to run longer cycles always have in alot of cases. Good point tho is a long 2nd cycle. I used to get 50ml ganabol or fort dodge eq for around $35... 2500 mg total .. it seems to me that the ugl prices are alot higher than that - ive sure had to pay more but love the higher dosage obviously. Its all good bro - i like different opinions and respect them as well ...I have quite a few years of experience as do lots of people ...and im still learning bro! Its wierd i can know everyone responds diff to comounds ..and i do ...but it is still def harder for me to understand point of view when things work well for me and not for others..and vice versa , but I try to keep an open mind and keep learning.. Like Marcus and I and you have said personal experince with a compound will always dictate your future use or non use.

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    $35 on 50mg bottle of ganabol ? That's nice as hell. I actually like that concentration because u can run the most painful test prop. with it and extra oil in ganabol or other 50mg/ml equipoise delutes it nicely. I agree on the fact that its harder to understand the other side when it worked great for u in the past. Believe it or not , my biggest cycle was never more 400mg of test and one-two secondary compounds at the same (400mg week) or lower doses. I always responded great to AAS and when I see advocates of high doses cycles - I feel in the same shoes you're in right now. Especially when some people suggest that the way to success goes thru 2-3mg of test weekly and up ( yea, there are many people like that). Anyways, good thread. It was great to talk to a guy who didnt thought that he was attacked by other people's opinions ( usually happens with me lol - the way i come off i guess)

  22. #22
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    [QUOTE=marcus300;4310510] even at high dosages its weak, it doesnt aid any kind of muscle building what so ever, QUOTE]

    How can this be true? It's an anabolic/androgenic steroid, it's pharmacology states that equipoise has a very favorable effect on the organism's nitrogen balance so that the main effect consists of a distinctly increased protein synthesis in the muscle cell. Certainly not a great AAS for doing this but it does it nonetheless.
    Or am i missing something?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    even at high dosages its weak, it doesnt aid any kind of muscle building what so ever, QUOTE]

    How can this be true? It's an anabolic/androgenic steroid, it's pharmacology states that equipoise has a very favorable effect on the organism's nitrogen balance so that the main effect consists of a distinctly increased protein synthesis in the muscle cell. Certainly not a great AAS for doing this but it does it nonetheless.
    Or am i missing something?
    Doesnt matter what it says its suppose to do, try it and see if it does it for you or not, the majority of BB's state is worthless for muscle building, in some cases it does work for a small few.

    We are all different and respond in different ways, not everyone will respond to what a drug says its suppose to do, thats why there are so many alternatives. Take winny for an example i grow like mad on winny, some it doesnt touch them at all.......

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by LATS60 View Post

    Doesnt matter what it says its suppose to do, try it and see if it does it for you or not, the majority of BB's state is worthless for muscle building, in some cases it does work for a small few.

    We are all different and respond in different ways, not everyone will respond to what a drug says its suppose to do, thats why there are so many alternatives. Take winny for an example i grow like mad on winny, some it doesnt touch them at all.......
    I have tried it many times. I just disagree with your statement that it doesn't help in building muscle when it cleary does by the very mechanics of it's nature, all i'm saying is it's not nowhere near as good at doing it as other aas, but to say it has no muscle building qualities what so ever, is wrong.

  25. #25
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    I ran dose for dose EQ vs Deca with the same amount of test as a base and I gained more size and more strength on the EQ.

    GO figure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    I have tried it many times. I just disagree with your statement that it doesn't help in building muscle when it cleary does by the very mechanics of it's nature, all i'm saying is it's not nowhere near as good at doing it as other aas, but to say it has no muscle building qualities what so ever, is wrong.
    I am sure you can guess i hate eq, reason being ive tried it many times over the yrs at different dosages and it never built any kind of muscle on me, many of my clients it didnt build any tissue and many of the people i know who have use it state the same, so thats why i say the majortiy of people who use it say its worthless for building muscle tissue...If you can build tissue fine, all good.

    Many people who use this compound use it along side others and with all my experience i would state the building qualities what some people say they have had is from other compunds use within the cycle and not with eq.

    But if your happy with the results and what it does for you, carry on

  27. #27
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    skyman, if that is true, you are one in a million

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyman2345 View Post
    I ran dose for dose EQ vs Deca with the same amount of test as a base and I gained more size and more strength on the EQ.

    GO figure.
    The only way that would be possible was that something else changed, IE, diet/training.

  29. #29
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    A close friend of mine used it in a cycle with just test and said that his endurance was higher than any other cycle. Also he was rarely ever winded from lifting or running. Out of curiosity skyman, which cycle did you do first deca or EQ?

  30. #30
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    I ran the EQ first. Diet was pretty much identical. Training was a little bit more often on the Deca, but not a huge difference.

  31. #31
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    wtf , why bring this post up to advertise ,

  32. #32
    good reading here

  33. #33
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    Guess everyone is different and you should try it to know. But here is the other problem - the shity superlong undecanoate ester. If it doesnt work on you, there is not much you can do for the following 6-8 weeks after it had kicked in. On the other side you can easily replace winny r mast if their bunk. I have never tried EQ, I would if i can get my hands on boldenone prop r phenilprop, but not undecanoate.

  34. #34
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    This is what I love about the internet.

    Im a member on many other boards.... and there is a 10 page thread on another site where most of the members like it.

    Here... not so much. lol

  35. #35
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    Living in the tropics with oppressive heat and humidity makes it difficult to eat. The environment suppress the appetite.

    Seems like EQ would be a good remedy for this?

  36. #36
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    EQ sucks balls...... period!

    I ran it at 1,000mg's/wk along with test and while my hunger was up a little..... it wasn't worth the syringe space. That 5ml per week of EQ could have 3-4mls of tren instead. I only tried it again because before that I only ran it at 600mg's and saw nothing. So I figured I'd give it another shot at 1,000mg's/wk and what do you know..... It sucked every bit as much as marcus says it does LOL!

    It's really a useless compound IMO..... but if others want to spend their money on it..... so be it.


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    2008 thread bumped, wise cookie

  38. #38
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    Well I look at it like this.The stuff aint cheap.So I ask questions.I have read Marcus's view on eq more than once.I can see it in my sleep.I really value Marcus's Haz And Hawaiian Prides view on things.For every guy who says eq is great.There are 1000 who says it sucks.So if it works for you.Great I personally aint going to roll the dice.I know tren works.I will stick with that.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    2008 thread bumped, wise cookie
    I saw that lol..... figured i'd express my opinion anyways lol

    I see your opinion hasn't changed much


  40. #40
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    Some people have already made their mind up.They are just lookin for people to agree with them.Pres Bush WMDs

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