Bro u recommend 14 weeks of eq (i.e 16 weeks of test cycle) as a second cycle ? Dont u think its a bit too much for anyone who has 1 cycle under the belt to stay a third of the whole year on steroids (1/3 of the year)? I understand u like it and I know cats who do too. I know some people use it as the base instead of testosterone ( they dont substitute test with eq , but use eq as the base with doses 1-2grams weekly). And if I personally had a choice between deca , tren or eq as single compound cycle, I'd took deca or tren but not eq. At least I know that I dont need to run it for min. 15 weeks to see something. I'll run deca for 8-10 weeks or tren for 8 weeks. U'll get shut down regardless , so at least u don't need to stay on for twice as much time which makes recovery easier and u'll have results (visible results) in that period of time.
Oh yea, could u please clarify the price issue please. I never knew EQ cost more than deca from UGL suppliers. U can make EQ anywhere from 250 to 600mg per ml. So lets say a bottle from UGL 20ml cost 150 usd ( which is too much imo) and its 250mg/ml . The total amount equals to 5gram of raw material. Vet supply even 50ml bottle at 50mg/ml comes as 2,5grams of raw material and cost more than 150usd. So I have no idea , what's misunderstood about this stuff. Its years and years of knowledge here on the boards as well as years and years of experience/self-made mistakes. I had nothing against EQ until I started having panic attacks after 10 weeks on it and after i finished the cycle I got a very bad case of vein thrombosis due to the thick blood. Had to go to the doc and went thru the course of heparin shots to thinner my blood. As soon as i dropped it, I never had this problem again.
Please dont think that Im trying to have anything against ur opinion bro. I respect ur opinion 100% and if u like it - great . I just belong to an opposite group of people that's all