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Thread: 2nd dbol only,1st gained 25lb's&kept all :-),2nd dbol (low dose,longer period) dose q

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Question 2nd dbol only,1st gained 25lb's&kept all :-),2nd dbol (low dose,longer period) dose q

    Hi,I'm about to start my second dbol only cycle as I am not looking to inject,I wanna just bulk and was very happy with my first dbol only cycle.
    I am taking a different approach this time,first cycle was 30mg/day for 8 weeks (with milk thistle and nolva pct),this one will be 15/20mg for 10 weeks with weekends off.
    I didn't enjoy sides from first cycle,got minor gyno so wasn't going to up dose and after research I believe a lower dose for longer period of time (with milk thistle and nolva pct) with weekends off will work better and without the bloat.
    My question is when would be best time of day to take this 15/20mg dose?.From research seems to point at single morning dose but is this correct?.I ask as know you guys know your stuff,I will be taking 5mg pink thai's.I normally around lunchtime if that helps.
    Any help very much appreciated,thanks guys.
    Last edited by eyeothetiger; 11-24-2008 at 10:23 AM.

  2. #2
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    PCT knowledge
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    And 15/20mg won't do much. Did you do a PCT after cycle one?? I think your thinking about bridging the cycle when you take it in the morning. If it was that small of a dose (which won't do much, but enough to probably to shut you down) I say take it pre workout.

    Oral cycles are a horrible idea, gains are much harder to keep. I doubt you gained 25lbs in 8 weeks and kept all that...

    This is a horrible cycle. Don't do it is my recommendation

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I agree.Not a very good idea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Age 29,5'10",180lb's,very little body fat.
    Pct seemed to work fine last time,I honestly did keep all gains from first cycle.
    If I take the single dose in morning how long will dbol be active in my bod for?,understand why it's best to take in morning as leaves natural test to do it's business in early hours but dont completly understand how long dbol is active for.My main point is dbol being active enough in afternoon through till evening so protein I'm taking in is fully synthesised by dbol.
    Thanks for replying and hope you can help me further.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    dbol only gained you 25lbs....sure buddy hate to tell you it wasnt muscle you gained.

  6. #6
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    Hate to tell you but it did,I have no reason to lie,I would only be cheating myself.
    I am not someone who holds alot of fat and my diet whilst on the dbol didn't change drastically.I have finished my nolva pct and I'm more than a month on from that so I musta kept them hey.

  7. #7
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    Well just telling you it wasnt muscle. There is no way you gained 25 lean pounds on that cycle you are mistaken or flat out lying. Your saying you were only 155 when you first cycled?8 weeks of dbol at 30mg would not yield huge results other than mostly water gain. You are un-educated in the roid world. Post up the before and after pictures of the 25lb gain that you kept. I call bs.

  8. #8
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    I know my own body and I dont agree with the whole more is better trend with dbol,the more you take the more bloat,water you get and sides hence my sensible decision on 2nd cycle.
    I wouldn't post pics up on here for world to see,I want what I take/do to remain my own business hey.The first dbol only was my first cycle ever,this may explain the gains I got.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You didnt gain 25lbs of muscle and keep it.

  10. #10
    Post a pic bro . Oral only cycle is not a good cycle bro.

  11. #11
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    Any posts other than one's by redz more than welcome,think he's got touch of the green eyed monster :-),we dont all have to spend shit loads and pin to get results hey.

  12. #12
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    I am posting the truth you know jack about steroids. You cant gain 25lbs and keep it on 30mg of dbol for 8 weeks. You gained fat and water retention and maybe a few pounds of muscle if that.

  13. #13
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    May 2008
    BOTTOM LINE: I am only on here to get the odd bit of sensible advice.
    I will never pin.
    Steroids done for an extended period of time mess you up,if you dont pay the price now,you will in future,I will not pay that price and refuse to get into the whole injecting thing on principal and also refuse to feel less worthy because of my choice to run just dbol,it works for me and that's it.
    My steroid use is my own business and last thing I'm gonna do is post pic up of me,I have dinstinctive tatts so even a no face aint gonna happen.

  14. #14
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    I will never pin.
    Well then you are not here to take sensible advice.

    Steroids done for an extended period of time mess you up,if you dont pay the price now,you will in future,I will not pay that price and refuse to get into the whole injecting thing on principal and also refuse to feel less worthy because of my choice to run just dbol,it works for me and that's it.
    When used correctly injectables are far safer than orals. Your liver will pay you back for your foolish decision later in life.
    My steroid use is my own business and last thing I'm gonna do is post pic up of me,I have dinstinctive tatts so even a no face aint gonna happen.
    This is because you are lying and out of shape and never gained 25lbs of lean muscle on a 30mg dbol cycle.

  15. #15
    [QUOTE=redz;4309374]Well then you are not here to take sensible advice.

    When used correctly injectables are far safer than orals. Your liver will pay you back for your foolish decision later in life.

    This is true bro.

  16. #16
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    All they are saying is that it wasnt pure muscle that you put on, most of it, or nearly all of it "was" water weight. If that was me and I put on that much muscle on a dbol only cycle then I'd want the world to see what I'd accomplished. You can kid yourself all you want but thats up to you m8.
    As for injecting steroids mess you up in the future........not necesserily if you do it safely, do all the correct procedures and proper PCT. Orals can be more dangerous than injectables imo anything can be dangerous when used wrongly.

  17. #17
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    My liver wont pay me back as I use 1.5 of milk thistle every day of cycle and continue this throughout my pct too.I've never been a drinker so my liver is in good condition anyway...any thing else redz?

  18. #18
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    Milk thistle will not just protect your liver against long term oral use. It helps but will not shield it from damage, I`m not the only one telling you this look at the other posters^^^

  19. #19
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    Not neccessarily you guys but I think alot of guys who inject fool themselves into believing it's all cool,maybe because they've paid out for gear,dont like to look too far ahead.I know by personal family experience,if you inject,do any type of gear for too long,in later life you are fked.Your muscles may be able to do the weight while on gear but one of main probs is joints in future,by doing gear you're exceeding the normal stress that should be placed on them.
    This is subject close to my heart and I'm only thinking of you guys,it's too easy to get into the whole injecting,I'm doing this,I'm doing that thing,not good scenario.
    Last edited by eyeothetiger; 11-24-2008 at 11:36 AM.

  20. #20
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    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    My liver wont pay me back as I use 1.5 of milk thistle every day of cycle and continue this throughout my pct too.I've never been a drinker so my liver is in good condition anyway...any thing else redz?
    lol Milk thistle doesnt put a force field around your liver to protect it completely.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    you said you did research and came up with a ten week dbol only cycle? You may be lying about that too.

  22. #22
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    Hank if you look into my reasons for this upcoming cycle and details you'll see why.Keep the flaming coming guys,this is quite fun,just because alot of you pin,it dont make you any better or it more effective.Dbol is mg for mg more powerful than test anyway,you just have to use the dbol correctly and know what you're dealing with.

  23. #23
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    Yep milk thistle is worthless. It won't do much but affect the absorption rate of the oral and there is a lack of evidence that milk thistle does much of anything. What you should do is use Liv-52 post cycle during you PCT to aid in the regeneration process, thats it. Liv-52 has a ton of research to back it

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    Hank if you look into my reasons for this upcoming cycle and details you'll see why.Keep the flaming coming guys,this is quite fun,just because alot of you pin,it dont make you any better or it more effective.Dbol is mg for mg more powerful than test anyway,you just have to use the dbol correctly and know what you're dealing with.
    And the gains are too hard to keep to make it worth while. When you start under weight at 155lbs then get to a middle weight level then yeah its probably easier to keep but once you start going from 180 is will be much much harder for you to keep the gains.

  25. #25
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    Not neccessarily you guys but I think alot of guys who inject fool themselves into believing it's all cool,maybe because they've paid out for gear,dont like to look too far ahead.I know by personal family experience,if you inject,do any type of gear for too long,in later life you are fked.Your muscles may be able to do the weight while on gear but one of main probs is joints in future,by doing gear you're exceeding the normal stress that should be placed on them.
    This is subject close to my heart and I'm only thinking of you guys,it's too easy to get into the whole injecting,I'm doing this,I'm doing that thing,not good scenario.
    Well this all just enforces everything I said about you. No knowledge of steroids. Injectables dont cause joint problems in general some actually improve them. You're a joke and shouldnt even be posting on this site.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    Hank if you look into my reasons for this upcoming cycle and details you'll see why.Keep the flaming coming guys,this is quite fun,just because alot of you pin,it dont make you any better or it more effective.Dbol is mg for mg more powerful than test anyway,you just have to use the dbol correctly and know what you're dealing with.
    theirs load of people on here that use orals and will tell you exactly the same thing. your saying stupid things, so what do you expect, people are going to flame you as you obviously have no knowledge about steroids. you wont listen so carry on with your dbols

  27. #27
    We are not flaming you bro , We are helping you understand that orals are more harmful that pinning. Sometimes its easier to admit that "You are scared of needles" rather than some lame excuse. IMO

  28. #28
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    I ran DBOL for 5 weeks at 60mg/day with Test Cyp at 500mg and I only gained 15lbs.

    Maybe you took 300mg cuz I've never had a single side or bloating form DBOL

  29. #29
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    blue trunks
    answer this question buddy.....What is more harmful to your body, 10 weeks dbol or ten weeks testosterone injections? I want to see what you think.

  30. #30
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    No need to flame the guy people. We sometimes forget no one is born with the knowledge. I'd rather him come here and post instead of going out like an idiot as most steroid users probably do.

    eyeothetiger- Injectable test would be much better for you in the long run. There are studies that say 500mg of test a week can improve health. Your body makes that hormone. Dbol is liver toxic due to the fact it is a 17aa steroid. Test is not liver toxic.

    Here if your willing to do more research and learn a little bit more this is an Excellent! start. Its got everything for you. Pre made cycles, diet, training, tons of learning

    Read up it will serve you well in the long run. Your only 29 and if you do this right you can look better in your thirties then you did in your 20's as long as you do things right. Doing a dbol only cycle is NOT doing things right.

  31. #31
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    blue trunks
    You are right Reed. He did say though that he did research to come up with this cycle and has shot down everything that is being said to him. One day hopefully he'll get it.

  32. #32
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    bet its that "dbol as a supplement" article thats been around 15 years that he read..

  33. #33
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    inside my mind
    bro just pin.. 500mgs week test for 10-12 weeks and youl throw that d bol in the garbage (or use a jumpstart AS ITS INTENTED TO BE USED FOR OMFG) lol...pills arent a real cycle IMHO

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    Not neccessarily you guys but I think alot of guys who inject fool themselves into believing it's all cool,maybe because they've paid out for gear,dont like to look too far ahead.I know by personal family experience,if you inject,do any type of gear for too long,in later life you are fked.Your muscles may be able to do the weight while on gear but one of main probs is joints in future,by doing gear you're exceeding the normal stress that should be placed on them.
    This is subject close to my heart and I'm only thinking of you guys,it's too easy to get into the whole injecting,I'm doing this,I'm doing that thing,not good scenario.
    Bro, Dbol is gear, just like injectables. You're just trying to justify its use because you're afraid to pin. And it gave you some titties too! I've used it to jumpstart cycles. It causes water retention that can help in strength in the beginning of a cycle. As far as Im concerned, that's all its good for.

  35. #35
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Bro - I believe that u honestly think u gained and kept 25 lbs of muscle - not true
    I also believe that u think d bol doesnt count because its oral - not true
    I also believe that you think because its oral its safer - not true
    I also believe if you truly feel the way you say - you shouldny use ANY aas. true
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 11-24-2008 at 04:54 PM.

  36. #36
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    inside my mind
    if you cant pin then your not "tuff enof" for juice, put down the bottle of bloat and back away slowly get in your car, go to gnc and grab a can of celltech then take it..

  37. #37
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    [QUOTE=UncleD;4309714] put down the bottle of bloat and back away slowly

    lmao I dont suppose you work in the police force by any chance?
    Its definatly true though!!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by UncleD View Post
    put down the bottle of bloat and back away slowly

    lmao I dont suppose you work in the police force by any chance?
    Its definatly true though!!
    well not saying i am a "cop" but ya know alot of us.. i mean THEM use juice and dont care about who else does..(that is low level street beats) lol...

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