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  1. #1
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    Everyone successful with combat for mpb?

    Im going to be using 400mg of test e for 12 weeks , im pretty prone to baldness and i just wanted to know if the regime of nizoral 2% and dutasteride is going to help me ,and if it helped the majority of people on the forum .

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
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    i have never used a thing and have never lost a piece of hair(thank god) but i know alot of people who use the above mentioned when cycleing and loved it
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  3. #3
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    oh ok , i got noticeablly thinner after a cycle of test e 500mg a week and dbol . i think the dbol got me thin .. i didnt use any hair you think its safe to go on and do another test cycle without the dbol ?

  4. #4
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    bump ?

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your prone to MPB there is nothing you can do about it, certain products may SLOW the process down but the end result is going to be a bald head..

  6. #6
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    yea i know that , but i want to slow the bald head syndrome down for a couple of years im only 22 u dont think i should do this cycle of test?........would i have to stick to dutasteride for the rest of my life..or just throughout the cycle would do ?

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreakofNature23 View Post
    yea i know that , but i want to slow the bald head syndrome down for a couple of years im only 22 u dont think i should do this cycle of test?........would i have to stick to dutasteride for the rest of my life..or just throughout the cycle would do ?
    In some people it slows it down, in others it doesnt, if your prone its coming off. Its up to you if you want to cycle at 22yrs old and run the risk off speeding the MPB,

  8. #8
    user12345654321 is offline Junior Member
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    i'm prone to mpb, i found this out when i started the cycle im on now. 500mg test e/wk. i started with dbol as a kick start but dropped it after a week as my head was itchy and hair was coming out fast. now i'm on 1.25mg finasteride and use nizoral 2% eod. the hair thinning has slowed right down, may even of stopped (no itchy head or hair on the pillow anymore). i'm only 22 aswell, when i first noticed it i was pretty worried but i've come to terms with it now though.

  9. #9
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    should i stay on dutasteride forever? ...i think its pretty much the dbol that thinned my hair out ... i could only resume with trail and error , i guess ill start another test cycle with nizoral and dutasteride and see how it goes. alot of people have had good results im guessing. how do u know if your prone exactly ?. .

  10. #10
    user12345654321 is offline Junior Member
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    i'm pretty sure that there is medical test you can have done (i don't know what it is, something like having your scalp mapped). but i only going on the fact that when i started the cycle hair started falling out. now this probally could have been just the dbol , i think i'm going to wait until the cycle and pct is over and then stop the finasteride and see what happens

  11. #11
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    dbol is the root of all evil when it comes to hairloss!!! test and finasteride and ul be fine. oh and nizorol is good to

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreakofNature23 View Post
    should i stay on dutasteride forever? ...i think its pretty much the dbol that thinned my hair out ... i could only resume with trail and error , i guess ill start another test cycle with nizoral and dutasteride and see how it goes. alot of people have had good results im guessing. how do u know if your prone exactly ?. .
    switch the dutasteride with finasteride and stay on forever if you're really worried, if your hair hasnt stopped thinning or hasnt regrown after 12 months then it means finasteride doesnt work for you and no point in keep using

  13. #13
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    oh ok thanx for the help guys , ! i think it was really the dbol that torched me , altho my dad went bald , and my younger brother is balding at a early age i never had a problem going to use dutast and test with my cycle until the pct is over , and see what happens when i stop. if my hair continues to fall out i guess i will have to get on a full prescription of finasteride or something .

  14. #14
    davpet is offline New Member
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    If you're worried about hairloss, use dutasteride with LOW DOSE test (200-300mg/week) - dutasteride only reduces scalp DHT by 55%.

    You won't get massive, but you won't go bald.

  15. #15
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    ill be using around 400 mg a week .for 12 ? ..with dutasteride 0.5 mg a day and nizoral 2% is that good enough guys ?

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  17. #17
    davpet is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreakofNature23 View Post
    ill be using around 400 mg a week .for 12 ? ..with dutasteride 0.5 mg a day and nizoral 2% is that good enough guys ?
    Personally, i would ADD 1.25mg of finasteride (buy the generic proscar and break into four) to the dutasteride. Start the dutas + finas at least 1 month before your cycle, ideally 3 months if you can wait that long. These two drugs SHOULD work synergistically. Use the Nizoral twice per day. Rogaine (minoxidil) will help as well.

    I would also consider dropping the dosage and the duration (as the androgen build-up is usually what leads to side-effects) i.e. 300mg/week for 8 weeks.
    Last edited by davpet; 11-28-2008 at 09:00 AM.

  18. #18
    Pooks's Avatar
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    U can definitely slow it down, maybe even stop it for a bit, if not longer..

    BUT.. after plenty of experience dealing with this almost 3 years now, since i started getting concerned...

    I would suggest you start with things that do not cause SHEDDING before they start working... propecia, rogaine, and dutasteride, all cause shedding,, which even tho some literature might say is not permanent.. IT MOST LIKELY IS PERMANENT.. before they start to work to preserve your hair..

    so I would go with Nizoral Shampoo the stronger one from Canada.. and also I'd try an anti-adrogent, like Spiro .. both of these do not cause a shedding stage..

    Give them at least a month or so to gain control off the situation, than another month or two to see if it halts your hairloss.. Since there is no shedding stage, you will not be freaking out 2-3months in as with Rogaine and Fina/Duta when it causes the shed stage..

    If it works great.. if it does not.. than U can move on to the stronger products..

    For me, after playing with all the other stuff, that is all I use right now, and it seems to be very effective, I still got a good hairline, and when I run my hands thru my hair when I wash my hair, I have no hairloss.. and I'm on TEST + TREN at the moment.

    I shampoo daily with Nizoral.. leave it in there for a good 10min or so.. massage it into your scalp before rising it off.

    and Spiro I try and use it 2-3 times a week, just leave it on scalp overnight, and wash it off in the morning... sometimes I go a week or so, without using Spiro, but once I feel my head getting itchy, i put it RIGHT ON! to stop the itchiness, ... cause from what I've noticed, that itchiness (inflammation) seems to go hand in hand with hairloss.
    Last edited by Pooks; 11-28-2008 at 11:10 AM.

  19. #19
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    U can definitely slow it down, maybe even stop it for a bit, if not longer..

    BUT.. after plenty of experience dealing with this almost 3 years now, since i started getting concerned...

    I would suggest you start with things that do not cause SHEDDING before they start working... propecia, rogaine, and dutasteride, all cause shedding,, which even tho some literature might say is not permanent.. IT MOST LIKELY IS PERMANENT.. before they start to work to preserve your hair..

    so I would go with Nizoral Shampoo the stronger one from Canada.. and also I'd try an anti-adrogent, like Spiro .. both of these do not cause a shedding stage..

    Give them at least a month or so to gain control off the situation, than another month or two to see if it halts your hairloss.. Since there is no shedding stage, you will not be freaking out 2-3months in as with Rogaine and Fina/Duta when it causes the shed stage..

    If it works great.. if it does not.. than U can move on to the stronger products..

    For me, after playing with all the other stuff, that is all I use right now, and it seems to be very effective, I still got a good hairline, and when I run my hands thru my hair when I wash my hair, I have no hairloss.. and I'm on TEST + TREN at the moment.

    I shampoo daily with Nizoral.. leave it in there for a good 10min or so.. massage it into your scalp before rising it off.

    and Spiro I try and use it 2-3 times a week, just leave it on scalp overnight, and wash it off in the morning... sometimes I go a week or so, without using Spiro, but once I feel my head getting itchy, i put it RIGHT ON! to stop the itchiness, ... cause from what I've noticed, that itchiness (inflammation) seems to go hand in hand with hairloss.
    when does that shedding phase happen and how long does it take cause i believe i am in it now,its my 2nd week on finasteride started it when i started my cycle.peace

  20. #20
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    text book answer is about 3months in there is the shedding phase...

    my personal experience, is about 2months in, and mine usually ends 3months in..

    so there is def. a variance between individuals.

    being 2 weeks in, would be very early.. that's not even a month in.

    I would put an anti-inflammatory on your head.. order some nizoral or spiro.. maybe even Head and shoulders dandruff stuff could work while u wait for the nizoral to arrive.. There is also a US legal to buy nizoral version u can get.. I would imagine it is in the dandruff section of the shampoos..

    Some people put salystic acid, on their head (u can find it in the acne section) to supposedly unclog the hair follicles, and keep those pores from clogging up, getting infected and causing inflammation. Help the DHT and testosterone and the oils (sebum) to be washed out.

    I personally did not like Salystic acid. I did not give it a long time to work, but I do not use it. it seemed to aggravate the situation, maybe due to acidity Ph Level change of the scalp.
    Last edited by Pooks; 11-28-2008 at 12:23 PM.

  21. #21
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    well sometimes i get some hair when i wash my head sometimes not,somedays they are too many and somedays not i always wonder if i am loosing it or just thats the normal rate of hairloss at some days and others not

  22. #22
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    ok pooks , i live in canada so i can get the 2% no problem without a prescription , so your saying try nizoral with my test cycle (400mg a week for 10 weeks) first ....twice a week? ..and if that doesnt work........move on to dutasteride or fin .. ?. will it to be to latee during my cycle ?. i was under the assumption u had to start using this stuff before the test kicks in ?

  23. #23
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    oh sorry u said daily with nizoral my bad . ..and if i have no spiro what can i use instead.

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  25. #25
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    there are other anti-adrogens out there, but I do not have personal experience with them. U might find more info on them on some hairloss forums. There is a guy Dr. Lee that sells all this stuff, u just got to google him, and some other places would too.. anyways...

    Nizoral and spiro and other methods of cleansing yourself u can start at any time, and there is no shed period, thats why I would use them for starts..

    Finasteride, and Dutasteride, Rogaine it takes some time for it to kick in, and than there is the shed period, and then u have to stay on them well the rest of your life i suppose, and when u stop using them u start receading again.

    that said.. I had good results using 10mg (i think its mg).. of Duta a few weeks before a cycle.. and than 20mg during a cycle.. and than 10mg after the cycle..

    but after a year or so side effects were too much, and i dropped it.. It messes with your mind or the CNS too much.

  26. #26
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    20mg a day ur talking about ? im going to try and take 0.5 a day everyday during my cycle of dutast , and use nizoral every 3rd day , to see if its slows down the not on alot of test i think it was just the dbol that thinned me out .

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreakofNature23 View Post
    20mg a day ur talking about ? im going to try and take 0.5 a day everyday during my cycle of dutast , and use nizoral every 3rd day , to see if its slows down the not on alot of test i think it was just the dbol that thinned me out .
    If u're talking about 0.5.. than mine were probably 1.0 while not on.. and 2.0 while on..

    Basically what i did I believe was 10 squirts a day.. and than 20 squirts a day..

    or maybe it was 5 squirts and than 10..

    I forget.. I just remember I was doing twice as much during the cycle than not on cycle... this was 2 years ago now.. so i don't remember the exact dosages.. but it was double the usual dosage while on.. and than the usual dosage while off, and it worked very well after the initial shed and when things stabilized

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