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Thread: Bridging

  1. #1
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    I did a cycle for 10 weeks of test/deca 500mg/week of each, then went right into 6 weeks, 100mg EOD of masteron /tren . My results went from 221 at 15.8% to 212 at 10.8%. My current stats are 27 years old, 5' 8'' 212 at probably 10.8. Im dieting at 2600 callories a day trying to get my bf down to 9%. I know its time to come off and let my body come back alittle but i don't want to lose what ive worked so hard for. During the deca/test i was doing 5 days cardio 45 min sessions, once i came off i dropped 8lbs of water, i stopped cardio completely and just intensified my workout program. Im getting great results. My question is; is there anyway to go into like a test/eq/winny cycle, maybe pct into it or should i pct and come completely off and let my receptors come back. My goal is 225 at 9%.. Also ghg is an option if that will help with my goal, what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HGH is good to run for long periods but briding with steroids is still supressive so wait your time before cycling again but the HGH would be ok.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Come off and recover, do an aggressive PCT and get ready for the next cycle, you can bridge with peptites GH/SLIN/IGF but for your goals there is no need to bridge IMHO,. cycle safe and recover

  4. #4
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah that seems like the best option at this point. Maybe change up my diet so i don't lose to much. Just out of curiosity if i were to go right into a test/eq/winny cycle you think i would have any real gains or is my body pretty much had it for alittle while? For pct i was just gonna go heavy on hcg and clomid and i don't have nolvadex i was gonna try a small dosage of letro. Not sure if letro will do anything to help.

  5. #5
    fit4ever180's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john004 View Post
    Yeah that seems like the best option at this point. Maybe change up my diet so i don't lose to much. Just out of curiosity if i were to go right into a test/eq/winny cycle you think i would have any real gains or is my body pretty much had it for alittle while? For pct i was just gonna go heavy on hcg and clomid and i don't have nolvadex i was gonna try a small dosage of letro. Not sure if letro will do anything to help.
    You went from a 10 week cycle right into another cycle and to boot the second cycle didn't have test in it, but it had 19-nor(tren )?

    You're likely to need an aggressive pct for that!

    Get some nolva!

    Letro is a bad choice for pct because it has a strong estrogen rebounding effect once you come off of it.

    A solid pct would be something like

    nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
    aromasin 25/25/25/25/25

    hcg 500 iu/e3d (this should be started asap and run while on cycle and stopped once you start the other pct compounds)

  6. #6
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok i just am hard headed so i went with the test/eq cycle. I grabbed a shit load of hcg , i was told to run it 2500mcg/week all in 1 shot sub q, should i split it up? I planned on running it 2500mcg/week thru the entire cycle. Also got clomid, i will pick up some nolva and start that today. Cycle looks like this, test cyp 500mg/week, eq 400mg/week, after week 4 winny for 6 weeks at 50mg a day. I thought it would be better to run the winny the first 6 weeks, but from a friend i was told to run it the last 6 weeks. I also always read that eq was better run for 12+ weeks. Any input on this? Friend says do it for 10, i as gonna do it for atleast 12. No sides of any kind from any of the cycle, just late night head aches and morning head aches i will have my blood pressure taken to make sure im still doing ok. Going to stay with the 2600cal diet, but add in 3 extra protien shakes 1 during the day 2 at 1am and the other at 3:30 am, any other advise anyone would like the shed. My only goal is to gain 10lbs of lean muscle, 220-225 at 9% is my lifetime goal. Im 212 at 10.8%. Thanks everyone.

  7. #7
    richtries's Avatar
    richtries is offline Associate Member
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    let me get this straight . . . you done 10 weeks of test/deca , then went straight into a 6 week cycle of tren /mast (no test), now your starting another 10 week stint of test/eq, with no time off or pct between any of it?!!

    And running nolva alongisde the test/eq does not constitute a pct for the previous lapsed cycles . . . if that was what you were thinking.

  8. #8
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah i was thinking the nolva/clomid/hcg would pct me till the test got into my system. I know im not doing it the right way im just trying to figure out the best way to do it the wrong way if that makes sense. I was hoping running the hcg thru the cycle would help not shut down natural test production. I know what im doing is wrong, im just being hard headed, so at this point does anyone have any good pointers or supplements i should add to help my body stabalize. Thanks everyone.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Come off all AAS and do an aggressive PCT, don't go into another cycle your asking for problems and I can just imagine what your next questions are going to be in a few weeks time if you don't listen.

    Recover and maintain DON'T GO INTO ANOTHER CYCLE!

  10. #10
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    A solid PCT would be Clomid and nolva some HCG and aromasin .

  11. #11
    ftony is offline Associate Member
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    So how long would you guys suggest he stay off for?? time on time off concept?

  12. #12
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah time on+pct=time off

  13. #13
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    I have always read time on=time off. I've already start hcg at 2500iu a week. I started test at 500mg/week and eq at 400mg/week. Its gonna end up me being on cycle for 27+ weeks. Clomid and Nolva i will start tomorrow. Hopefully my body reacts and i get where im trying to be, when i come off ill do a super aggressive pct and hope i hold my gains. I respects everyones opinion i just don't want to wait and lose what i worked so hard for. Anything else anyone think i should add in? Gonna go back to light cardio sessions, 30min jogs 3 times a week. I checked my blood pressure it was perfect, my heart rate was very low at 78bpm while i was up and moving, when i woke up this morning exactly at 78bpm as well. Usually my heart rate is 90+ all the time, even resting. Only thing diffrent is my bf is lower then its ever been before. Not sure if that will make it change and be lower. Anyone know?

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    There wasn't one person who suggested you stay on for that length of time, everyone advised you to come off, but you still decided to carry on for 27wks,, kind of pointless asking in the first place if your going to ignore everyone and do what you wanted to do anyway.

    Staying on for 27wks isn't going to give you anymore gains, if staying on worked we all would be walking around 500lbs+ ripped, all its going to do is make things worse when you do decide to come off.

    Your method of cycling is way off and will cause you problems.

  15. #15
    sergioitalian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Staying on for 27wks isn't going to give you anymore gains, if staying on worked we all would be walking around 500lbs+ ripped, all its going to do is make things worse when you do decide to come off.

    Your method of cycling is way off and will cause you problems.
    Problems apart, are you sure marcus about the no more gain thing ?
    I've heard a lot of voices about pros staying on cycles forever, is it just an urban legend ? Or is it true ?
    When and why you stop growing ?

  16. #16
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    they are pros.. way way above what the body can maintain naturally..

  17. #17
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    but your gains also will slow. the body can only build so much muscle at a time. especially with a lesser cycle

  18. #18
    sergioitalian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    but your gains also will slow. the body can only build so much muscle at a time. especially with a lesser cycle
    Ok, that's obvious.
    Is there a defined time window for a faster gain ? Or the gain seems to stop just because the water retention is not anymore increasing ? Protein synthesis may keep going.
    What's for sure that you should check your blood every once in a while.
    My concern is about the down that you have during and after the PTC and possible injuries related to.

  19. #19
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Correct if if I'm wrong but the pros aren't "on a cycle "all year. I think they blast and cruise and will be on at least hrt for the rest of their lives.

  20. #20
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Correct if if I'm wrong but the pros aren't "on a cycle "all year. I think they blast and cruise and will be on at least hrt for the rest of their lives.
    you know that really makes me wonder - is using that much steroids really worth it? If your gonna have to be on HRT the rest of your life you've obviously done some damage to your body...

    It seems like pro's who take steroids year round are probably just addicted to it... from what I gather about the safest way to use steroids is to use them for a few monthes, and then come off and let your body try to maintain the gains naturally.. going beyond that can just be abusive to the body, and just dangerous... cycling for a year or longer on steroids seems kind of stupid in my opinion, especially if it means pernamently shutting down your test production.

  21. #21
    sinny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Correct if if I'm wrong but the pros aren't "on a cycle "all year. I think they blast and cruise and will be on at least hrt for the rest of their lives.
    listen to what your being advised bro,we know what were talking about,i cruise and blast as it was put and never have any intentions of coming off,il be honest and if others are to,coming off i cruise but the decision to do so has to be thought out and not made in haste,you 27 weeks into a cyle without really knowing how to pct,your pct should have been obtained before you got your yourself a favour,run a real good pct,take around 20 weeks of from end of pct and train,eat and learn before going back on

  22. #22
    sinny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jg42058p View Post
    you know that really makes me wonder - is using that much steroids really worth it? If your gonna have to be on HRT the rest of your life you've obviously done some damage to your body...

    It seems like pro's who take steroids year round are probably just addicted to it... from what I gather about the safest way to use steroids is to use them for a few monthes, and then come off and let your body try to maintain the gains naturally.. going beyond that can just be abusive to the body, and just dangerous... cycling for a year or longer on steroids seems kind of stupid in my opinion, especially if it means pernamently shutting down your test production.
    to answer this bro,my brother ran juice for 4,cycle,cruise,cycle etc..ran pct and recoverd ..i know others that do to

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