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Thread: injection problem

  1. #1

    injection problem

    so about an hour ago i decided to do my second injection of the week on my own.. my friend always does it for me but is not around.. i was worried that something went wrong and i will explain with details

    my friend always does it in the glutes and switches left and right every shot.. never had a problem with the lumps.. and the discomfort lasts for 2 days at max..when he injects he pinches hard and i feel the needle go in and i feel the test being pumped in and its slightly painful.. he never heats the test, so today i decided to run the sink on hot and let the test get warm.. now i didnt want to **** up and reach around to my ass and hit a nerve cause i cant see well back there.. so i did it in my right upper outer thigh.. at this point i was freaking the hell out cause i had friends tell me plenty stories of hitting nerves and getting knocked out.. so i preped up and everything was sterile i pinched my leg and stuck the needle and my leg was shaking with nervousness.. i pulled the plunger back.. no blood.. good.. as i started to inject i felt nothing and that scared me cause it always hurts.. i finished pulled out and cleaned the injection site.. which bled a little.. and my leg felt numb.. now i squeezed the site a little to see if any oil would come out because i wasnt sure if i went in far enough.. nothing came out.. and i put the needle all the way in when i injected at 90 degrees.. now i maybe be freaking out cause i tend to do that.. but can someone please respond and let me know? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The Center Ring
    pinched your leg?, hope not like your doing a subQ inj..
    quads are actually easiest.atleast for me,can use both hands and see what your doing

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulciber View Post
    pinched your leg?, hope not like your doing a subQ inj..
    quads are actually easiest.atleast for me,can use both hands and see what your doing
    I don't see why you would pinch any site for an IM injection.

  4. #4
    thats the way i was taught to do.. he squeezes the skin together and injects where hes pinching.. but anyway i was wonder if oil didnt seep out of the site does that mean the injection was successful? i didnt get knocked out if thats what u were asking.. but the fact i didnt feel the injection like i ususally do it bothered me

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    sounds all good to me. no need to be nervous. maybe you did it better than your friend.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by roccog View Post
    thats the way i was taught to do.. he squeezes the skin together and injects where hes pinching.. but anyway i was wonder if oil didnt seep out of the site does that mean the injection was successful? i didnt get knocked out if thats what u were asking.. but the fact i didnt feel the injection like i ususally do it bothered me
    If this was your first time injecting into your quad, believe me, you will feel it tomorrow! Thruthfuly, I didn't quit understand what your question was in your first post, but if you are asking if you are going to be okay, then it seems as if you are, but you should learn how to give yourself a proper injections. Like stated above there is no need to squeze any area when injecting IM. Just clean the area, insert the neddle, aspirate, inject slowly, pull neddle out and aply preasure on the injection site for about a minute.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by roccog View Post
    thats the way i was taught to do.. he squeezes the skin together and injects where hes pinching.. but anyway i was wonder if oil didnt seep out of the site does that mean the injection was successful? i didnt get knocked out if thats what u were asking.. but the fact i didnt feel the injection like i ususally do it bothered me
    it sounds like he is doing a subcutaneous injection rather than intra-muscular, that is not good for steroids.

  8. #8
    i was wondering since i did not feel the injection one bit, did it go into the muscle.. but thanks for the help.. will stop the squeezing now... and i sure do feel the site now and i should of slowed it down a bit.. thank god it didnt bother me during the leg day.. now its the weekend.. time to rest and be a fat ass

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    Yes bro, it made it into the muscle. No worries...

    Read this link i post. It will help you.

    Injection Info

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