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  1. #1
    powerviking is offline Junior Member
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    first cycle need guidence to the best cycle for me?

    im 18 years of age 178 height 90kg bf%no idea doesint matter powerlifter but have about 5 extra kilos to being shreded hehe not on stage shreded but ye u know what i mean abs showing that shit ,but i need a good cycle i hear no oral cycles because of the liver , but injecting seems more hardcore i dont know .does any one have good cycle for me including on weeks and rest? and if u have somthing about my age to say i am fully grown and matured and if u want to say ure to young bla bla pls with all respect dont coment on this thread thank you

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    You're too young.
    oops sorry I never was good with following directions.

  3. #3
    lozza89's Avatar
    lozza89 is offline Junior Member
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    read up alot more dude try looking at peoples first time cycle logs to compare your cycle to those, do alot more research first! , personality ppl say wait till your 21 but if you got your mind set then you got your mind set, i aint gna advise a cycle as ive not cycled before but dont add too many compounds, moderate dosages n be safe

  4. #4
    powerviking is offline Junior Member
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    ive bin reading quit allot, and starting to think dbol only cycles are a big NO but some how it seems less hardcore im not scared of injecting at all but just want whats best for me to start with all the local powerlifters here in iceland always say take dbol to start with and here its a big NO

  5. #5
    lozza89's Avatar
    lozza89 is offline Junior Member
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    ahh well ill let the more experienced users help steeru in the right direction

  6. #6
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerviking View Post
    im 18 years of age 178 height 90kg bf%no idea doesint matter powerlifter but have about 5 extra kilos to being shreded hehe not on stage shreded but ye u know what i mean abs showing that shit ,but i need a good cycle i hear no oral cycles because of the liver , but injecting seems more hardcore i dont know .does any one have good cycle for me including on weeks and rest? and if u have somthing about my age to say i am fully grown and matured and if u want to say ure to young bla bla pls with all respect dont coment on this thread thank you
    First off welcome to AR!

    Secondly, i can tell you right now bro, youre too young to begin a cycle.

    You have all the potential in the world right now to be as big as you want.

    Im willing to bet, that with a few diet tweaks you can be where you want to be in no time. I understand this isnt what you wanna hear, but you need to hear it.

    If you honestly think youre ready, your diet is great, your training is good etc...

    Post them both up. Include macros, # of meals, and how much the food weighs. If everything is on par, and you are still not gaining 3 months after a few changes, then i will personally walk you through everything, step by step.

    Looking forward to your response!


  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    First off welcome to AR!

    Secondly, i can tell you right now bro, youre too young to begin a cycle.

    You have all the potential in the world right now to be as big as you want.

    Im willing to bet, that with a few diet tweaks you can be where you want to be in no time. I understand this isnt what you wanna hear, but you need to hear it.

    If you honestly think youre ready, your diet is great, your training is good etc...

    Post them both up. Include macros, # of meals, and how much the food weighs. If everything is on par, and you are still not gaining 3 months after a few changes, then i will personally walk you through everything, step by step.

    Looking forward to your response!

    you can't beat that offer from WAR bro

  8. #8
    Royal MaKo Rumble is offline New Member
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    You are to young!

  9. #9
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    ^^^ Come on guys, he doesnt need this.

    If thats all the advice you have to offer, save it.

    He needs constructive critisism, not just plain critisism.

  10. #10
    powerviking is offline Junior Member
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    well im a powerlifter like i said i dont waigh my food i dont look at bf% but the only thing i do though keep in reguler ruitine is i take a candy day once every 3 weeks and i keep count of carbs eat about i would say 300grams of carbs a day at the moment training is perfact have the worlds best helping me with that but even the worlds best doesint mean worlds healthiest hehe there telling me to start a only dbol cycle to much doesint damage my liver so i do research for myself and what ive cleared out with u guys is that dbol only cycles are shit and damgeing hehe so i need a good cycle step by step ,i am honestly realy mature stopeed growing at age 15 but im here to get the best info for my benifits and the dbol is still a big mystery why they are telling me this??

  11. #11
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Best cycle for you right now=nothing!

  12. #12
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerviking View Post
    well im a powerlifter like i said i dont waigh my food i dont look at bf% but the only thing i do though keep in reguler ruitine is i take a candy day once every 3 weeks and i keep count of carbs eat about i would say 300grams of carbs a day at the moment training is perfact have the worlds best helping me with that but even the worlds best doesint mean worlds healthiest hehe there telling me to start a only dbol cycle to much doesint damage my liver so i do research for myself and what ive cleared out with u guys is that dbol only cycles are shit and damgeing hehe so i need a good cycle step by step ,i am honestly realy mature stopeed growing at age 15 but im here to get the best info for my benifits and the dbol is still a big mystery why they are telling me this??
    first off, how do you know you stopped growing at 15, did you get an epiphyseal test?

    there is a ton of info why dbol /oral only cycles aren't good, use the search function

  13. #13
    powerviking is offline Junior Member
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    i broke my arm when i was 16 and the doc said my bone ends are closed so gorwing done and yes i have read tons about dbol hehe thats why i dont get why the dudes are telling this , but im asking for good cycle from u guys but i need the time on and time rest

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerviking View Post
    i broke my arm when i was 16 and the doc said my bone ends are closed so gorwing done and yes i have read tons about dbol hehe thats why i dont get why the dudes are telling this , but im asking for good cycle from u guys but i need the time on and time rest
    here's the deal bro, the reason we use AS, or the best reason to use them i should say, is not to cheat, but as a tool to get over your genetic plateau(basically the point at which your gains slow down to a crawl because your body doesn't want to gain anymore muscle)

    your body has a pre-determined limit that we call your genetic potential(i know you know this, but i'm laying everything out) and as you near this your gains will start to slow down and you will start plateauing more often. This is the time to use AS to create a new genetic potential, obviously enhanced by steroids , but the thing is, if you use them too early(or as a crutch for bad training/lack of dedication/bad diet/etcetc) then you are restricting the range by which they can expand your potential.

    Let me explain this, let's say your genetic potential is 80kg but you start using when you are 60kg, those 20kg can be achieved using steroids, but to what gain? you could have gotten there naturally. So you have essentially robbed your body of those 20kg because you started early and now your genetic potential with AS is 20kg less then it could've been.

    So here it is, plain and simple, when you start using AS you create a new genetic potential, but that genetic potential is not infinite, it has a limit, so the closer to your natural genetic potential you are when you start, the farther AS will be able to take you

    in closing i would like to state that i know how hard it is to wait, i'm 19 and have been a member here for quite some time, i still train naturally even though everyday i yearn to start, but i know my body isn't at it's natural peak yet so i force myself to keep at it, maybe i'll regret waiting, but i doubt it, even in my short experience in life i've noticed that things waited for are often more gratifying and fulfilling then things hastened upon

    anyway, it's your choice in the end, we can only offer opinions

  15. #15
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Most bros at the gym have learned all they know about AAS from the street. They don't research on proper dosage, stacking or PCT. I've had guys tell me, they don't want to take the time to learn, just be told how. They think Im genetically gifted because I continue to grow at a steady pace, don't have any acne on my back and have no boobs from AAS. It's all about knowledge. DON'T listen to guys that give you such bad advice. I spent a year researching ON MY OWN before I started my first AAS cycle. It's important to know exactly what you're doing.

    Take some time to learn on here and before long you will the AAS guru at your gym.

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