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Thread: My unlucky day (hear me cry)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    My unlucky day (hear me cry)

    Ok so I went to inject (for the ten thousandth time) I'm running 400mg deca/week and 250mg test/week. I load the needle and change pins, going to inject into right glute so I spread skin and poke myself (this is getting harder to reach every fkin week). I feel weird pain, aspirate and of course blood in the top of needle. I take out the needle, wipe my glute (and my leg lol) off of blood and change pins because the top had blood in it and i wouldn't be able to tell if i hit a vein again by aspirating again, so i got the blood out of top of syringe and changed pins. My 2nd go in right glute same result, a fkin vein AGAIN! I take needle out change pins and shot in left glute (didnt hit a vein). Test was wasted in the process when injecting blood left in top of syringe out. My right glute now has a fkin bump on it and it soar. So I come here and rant because I can't complain about this to my mother. Thanks for reading lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BTK View Post
    Ok so I went to inject (for the ten thousandth time) I'm running 400mg deca/week and 250mg test/week. I load the needle and change pins, going to inject into right glute so I spread skin and poke myself (this is getting harder to reach every fkin week). I feel weird pain, aspirate and of course blood in the top of needle. I take out the needle, wipe my glute (and my leg lol) off of blood and change pins because the top had blood in it and i wouldn't be able to tell if i hit a vein again by aspirating again, so i got the blood out of top of syringe and changed pins. My 2nd go in right glute same result, a fkin vein AGAIN! I take needle out change pins and shot in left glute (didnt hit a vein). Test was wasted in the process when injecting blood left in top of syringe out. My right glute now has a fkin bump on it and it soar. So I come here and rant because I can't complain about this to my mother. Thanks for reading lol
    that's two minutes of my life i'll never get back, lol

    jk bro, i came on here and did the same thing the first time i injected(just b12), i fainted and woke up an hour later on my floor, no idea why, probably just nervous to inject myself

  3. #3
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    May 2008
    I'm not nervous lol I just ran about 6 cycles and only had blood in syringe once. Today I hit a vein 2 pokes in a ROW? In a separate location on the top right part of my glute? WHAT ARE THE ODDS? lol

  4. #4
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BTK View Post
    I'm not nervous lol I just ran about 6 cycles and only had blood in syringe once. Today I hit a vein 2 pokes in a ROW? In a separate location on the top right part of my glute? WHAT ARE THE ODDS? lol
    Lol, that's takes talent bro, lol dang it's so dead in here, i'm tracking a spammer right now reporting posts, that's how bored i am

  5. #5
    You mention it's getting harder to reach back there to do glute injections correct?
    Your probably moving the needle around when trying to aspirate causing this. BTW, Doctors & most clinics do not aspirate when injecting aas. So i wouldn't be to worried about it.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2007
    I'm sure this will sound crazy: but I kind of like it when I hit a vein.

    I don't know, it just seems to give me a bit of a rush. The choking cough gives me a strangely euphoric feeling.

    Granted I don't go looking for veins - but every now and then... BTW, why do people try to pin themselves in the ass? It seems incredibly difficult to do. The lateral portion of the thigh works great for me.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post
    You mention it's getting harder to reach back there to do glute injections correct?
    Your probably moving the needle around when trying to aspirate causing this. BTW, Doctors & most clinics do not aspirate when injecting aas. So i wouldn't be to worried about it.
    you shouldn't be giving out bad advice like this

    you are injecting a compound suspended in OIL, veins are deoxygenaged blood that goes to the heart/lungs/etcs. do you really think it a good idea to be injecting oil into your vital organs, i don't

  8. #8
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    ^^^ Nor do I...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    you shouldn't be giving out bad advice like this

    you are injecting a compound suspended in OIL, veins are deoxygenaged blood that goes to the heart/lungs/etcs. do you really think it a good idea to be injecting oil into your vital organs, i don't

    Sorry I explained what licensed medical physicians practice. I could be another parrot like you and just repeat what some pretend a guru said to you 3 years ago and repeat it as if it was gospel , but I decided to think outside the box.

    My bad, squawk.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post
    Sorry I explained what licensed medical physicians practice. I could be another parrot like you and just repeat what some pretend a guru said to you 3 years ago and repeat it as if it was gospel , but I decided to think outside the box.

    My bad, squawk.
    Lol, okay bro, seeing as several people in my family are licensed surgeons, physicians, OTs, PTs, etc... and i've peronsally asked them what the practices are and they've explained them to me i'll keep "squawking" as most of them have 12+years of schooling and 20+years of experience behind them

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    Lol, okay bro, seeing as several people in my family are licensed surgeons, physicians, OTs, PTs, etc... and i've peronsally asked them what the practices are and they've explained them to me i'll keep "squawking" as most of them have 12+years of schooling and 20+years of experience behind them
    My point was, the original poster seemed upset to post a thread about his experience with blood in the syringe. I just mentioned how it's not that big a deal. Then mentioned, many qualified specialists inject aas without aspirating so I wouldn't get to worked up over it. Some specialists like you mentioned do aspirate which I bet they do. I consider it more of a 'safety blanket' to keep them more comfortable & to make you feel your in control and less wrong could happen.

    I never said do not aspirate , I just mentioned how many very qaulified licensed doctors who are approved of the practice not always do. Then you say I should not give out info based on that statement which I thought was strange. But I understand were you are coming from.

    Considering all the bad publicity steroid use gets nowadays, wouldn't these extreme side effects such as death by injecting into a vein be more noted? Millions of people use aas, but I really haven't seen, or heard of a death of a member on any forum, or the news from injecting into a vein. I'm sure the body has ways of absorbing the oil without causing your organs to blow up like you think..... Just my 2 cents.

    Hell some UGL gear is so thick it's like cement, that crappy made shit probably can kill you lol

  12. #12
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post
    My point was, the original poster seemed upset to post a thread about his experience with blood in the syringe. I just mentioned how it's not that big a deal. Then mentioned, many qualified specialists inject aas without aspirating so I wouldn't get to worked up over it. Some specialists like you mentioned do aspirate which I bet they do. I consider it more of a 'safety blanket' to keep them more comfortable & to make you feel your in control and less wrong could happen.

    I never said do not aspirate , I just mentioned how many very qaulified licensed doctors who are approved of the practice not always do. Then you say I should not give out info based on that statement which I thought was strange. But I understand were you are coming from.

    Considering all the bad publicity steroid use gets nowadays, wouldn't these extreme side effects such as death by injecting into a vein be more noted? Millions of people use aas, but I really haven't seen, or heard of a death of a member on any forum, or the news from injecting into a vein. I'm sure the body has ways of absorbing the oil without causing your organs to blow up like you think..... Just my 2 cents.

    Hell some UGL gear is so thick it's like cement, that crappy made shit probably can kill you lol
    my bad, i kinda blew up and i shouldn't have, you are right that some don't aspirate, though the accepted practice is to aspirate(even on flu shots and such, i just had that talk with my doc a couple weeks ago as he was giving me my inoculation

    you are also right that you probably wouldn't die, but whats the point in taking the chance, especially if you have bad gear and you inject contaminated gear into your heart, that's just asking for problems

    most people that i've heard from that injected into a vein are fine, they just said that they felt like they were going to die when they did it, almost passed out, felt cold, panic, heart racing, etc...
    Last edited by Phate; 11-29-2008 at 12:12 AM.

  13. #13
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    You will not die...

    Does it feel like you will? Yeah lol

    Ive had it happen. Give it time, it happens to everyone.

    But its enough to know that once it happens, you DO NOT want it to happen again.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    my bad, i kinda blew up and i shouldn't have, you are right that some don't aspirate, though the accepted is to aspirate(even on flu shots and such, i just had that talk with my doc a couple weeks ago as he was giving me my inoculation

    you are also right that you probably wouldn't die, but whats the point in taking the chance, especially if you have bad gear and you inject contaminated gear into your heart, that's just asking for problems

    most people that i've heard from that injected into a vein are fine, they just said that they felt like they were going to die when they did it, almost passed out, felt cold, panic, heart racing, etc...
    Glad you sorry , I was ready to throw down with you lol jm.

    Your right, why chance it. Glute shots are less likely to hit nerves/veins which is why many probably do not aspirate. But shoulders, thighs etc are at a higher risk of hitting so It would be best for the user to aspirate just in case they are one of the unlucky ones. Hell, I had a simple blood test and I've been laid up in bed for going on a month because the nurse damaged my nerve and am in extreme pain up my neck down my hand.

    Like you said why take the chance, shit can happen.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post
    Glad you sorry , I was ready to throw down with you lol jm.

    Your right, why chance it. Glute shots are less likely to hit nerves/veins which is why many probably do not aspirate. But shoulders, thighs etc are at a higher risk of hitting so It would be best for the user to aspirate just in case they are one of the unlucky ones. Hell, I had a simple blood test and I've been laid up in bed for going on a month because the nurse damaged my nerve and am in extreme pain up my neck down my hand.

    Like you said why take the chance, shit can happen.
    agreed^^^ and you'd win, i'm tired as hell, just got invited to a party too, contemplating going or not? idk, i don't drink but a couple girls there asked him to call me so i might make a run over

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    You will not die...

    Does it feel like you will? Yeah lol

    Ive had it happen. Give it time, it happens to everyone.

    But its enough to know that once it happens, you DO NOT want it to happen again.


    I'm a big baby, I get worked up as it is. During one glute shot WHICH I ASPIRATED lol, after the injection was over I couldn't breath deep breaths for about 30minutes after the injection. Must have nicked a vein causing my lungs to disperse it or some shit. I also love the injections which cause your muscle to go spasm out of control making you go WTF!?!

  17. #17
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    It happens. Sometimes you go through a vein. Those also suck...

    Same things happen. Muscle spasms. Hard to breath etc...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    agreed^^^ and you'd win, i'm tired as hell, just got invited to a party too, contemplating going or not? idk, i don't drink but a couple girls there asked him to call me so i might make a run over
    What the hell are you doing here still? Get some ass tonight and continue educating/squawking at the rest of us tomorrow lol... If they're hot at least... Don't forget some food!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit4ever180 View Post
    What the hell are you doing here still? Get some ass tonight and continue educating/squawking at the rest of us tomorrow lol... If they're hot at least... Don't forget some food!
    on my way out, and i just ate 5c of veges and 60g of protein from chicken, should slow my digestion enough so i don't have to eat for the next 4-5 hours

  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    inside my mind
    i hit veins almost everytime i shoot so youl be fine just some mild discomfort
    as for getting oil in the blood it sucks ive done it but only with shoulder shoots
    ive even asperated and still hit a vein
    the cough pukeing and somtimes passing out the follows is not a good time but i havent died yet.. but not saying you cant die.. you can if certin things fall in place

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_TRUCK View Post

    I'm a big baby, I get worked up as it is. During one glute shot WHICH I ASPIRATED lol, after the injection was over I couldn't breath deep breaths for about 30minutes after the injection. Must have nicked a vein causing my lungs to disperse it or some shit. I also love the injections which cause your muscle to go spasm out of control making you go WTF!?!
    That WAS the vein ! But I dont believe BTK hit it. A little bit of blood in the base of a needle just shows u hit a blood vessel on the way or sometime a pocket made by injecting AAS before. No need to change needle. Blood is 100% sterile. U can draw blood outta your vein and then inject it back in ur ass. Believe it or not , they used to purify blood this way before the full blood transfusions.
    I know what BIGTRUCK saying cause I felt it with my first ever Fina shot. Couldn't breath ,even coughing, felt it on my tongue too.

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