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Thread: Tren VS Tren

  1. #1
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Tren VS Tren

    Hello all, Im sorry to trouble you guys with a question that may seem to be a bit trivial...
    Ive been trying to catch the difference between Tren E vs Tren A
    Tren E dosage 600mg/wk less frequent inj
    Tren A dosage 75mg/ed or eod
    I want to run one of these (due to the great reviews I hear) with Cyp, Dbol
    Anyway if any of you guys wouldnt mind putting the difference between the two into moron terms for me I would be greatful.
    thanks, JT
    Last edited by TTexas; 12-01-2008 at 01:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    simply put, the ester is the difference.
    just like with test e or test prop, one is a long ester and one is short.
    tren a is a short ester, needs to be shot ed optimally, tren e is a long ester, twice a week injects are fine.
    short esters hit the system fast and leave fast, long esters need time to build up then linger.

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Well convenience wise obviously tren e would be more convenient...I personally like tren a better ..i know its same compound diff ester but tren a hits me harder ..and not just sooner..harder... better fat burning...i feel/experience better gains .. I know science wise may not make sense my in my experience thats the case.... That being said..i use tren mostly with other compounds while cutting .... if u r running a long bulking cycle i would use tren e .....JMO

  4. #4
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    simply put, the ester is the difference.
    just like with test e or test prop, one is a long ester and one is short.
    tren a is a short ester, needs to be shot ed optimally, tren e is a long ester, twice a week injects are fine.
    short esters hit the system fast and leave fast, long esters need time to build up then linger.
    Thank you very much.
    Is there any benefit to choosing one or the other? Naturally Id like the faster acting stuff, but I want to do what tends to work the best. Do you have a preference between the two?

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    OK. E will stick with you a lot longer than A. Meaning the long ester in e. A is out within a day or two.
    And yes, it's best to run test with it cause it will shut your ass down in a hurry.
    But let's get some stats from you before we go any farther.

  6. #6
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    OK. E will stick with you a lot longer than A. Meaning the long ester in e. A is out within a day or two.
    And yes, it's best to run test with it cause it will shut your ass down in a hurry.
    But let's get some stats from you before we go any farther.

    30 yo
    several cycles years ago

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    you should get the bf% down a bit.
    I always recommend tren a for the first run with tren, the sides from tren are severe for some, if they are too much you can drop the tren a and the sides linger days instead of weeks with tren e.

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    What cycles? Tren is very explosive man. Not for the inexperienced.

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you should get the bf% down a bit.
    I always recommend tren a for the first run with tren, the sides from tren are severe for some, if they are too much you can drop the tren a and the sides linger days instead of weeks with tren e.
    Perfectly said.....And always beating me to it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Well convenience wise obviously tren e would be more convenient...I personally like tren a better ..i know its same compound diff ester but tren a hits me harder ..and not just sooner..harder... better fat burning...i feel/experience better gains .. I know science wise may not make sense my in my experience thats the case.... That being said..i use tren mostly with other compounds while cutting .... if u r running a long bulking cycle i would use tren e .....JMO
    Hmm, I like that quick results like everyone else. Never run tren before. My guy or source is my brother (I think I can say that) and Im wanting to say that he said both or available... but he thinks that I should lose the Test and go with EQ ... BTW he is on shit year round and is much much smaller and weaker (dumber as well) than I

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Hey bro no offense but bf is a little high is a thread with my opinion on it.
    High bf% and cycling

  12. #12
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    you should get the bf% down a bit.
    I always recommend tren a for the first run with tren, the sides from tren are severe for some, if they are too much you can drop the tren a and the sides linger days instead of weeks with tren e.
    Wow, from what I gathered Tren would be great to gain lean mass other than Deca

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Hey bro no offense but bf is a little high is a thread with my opinion on it.
    High bf% and cycling
    Wow, thanks to all of you guys. Im gonna try to get some pics posted up so that I can show you how I look. I know that the bf is a bit high, but Im not just some pathetic POS that doesnt train.
    Man this board is pretty good

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    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    Wow, thanks to all of you guys. Im gonna try to get some pics posted up so that I can show you how I look. I know that the bf is a bit high, but Im not just some pathetic POS that doesnt train.
    Man this board is pretty good
    I hear you re trainging ...that being the case i would focus on 3 / 4 /5 in my post from other thread (so you know tren is a 19 nor roid as is deca - not being wise wasnt sure if you knew)

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    Hmm, I like that quick results like everyone else. Never run tren before. My guy or source is my brother (I think I can say that) and Im wanting to say that he said both or available... but he thinks that I should lose the Test and go with EQ ... BTW he is on shit year round and is much much smaller and weaker (dumber as well) than I
    no offense to your brother, but if he's advising running tren with eq instead of tren with test, don't take any other cycle advise from him.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    Wow, from what I gathered Tren would be great to gain lean mass other than Deca
    tren and test are great for lean mass if combined with proper training and diet, after you reach a good starting point naturally.

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    out of curiosity, what would your pct be?

  18. #18
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    Like I said nothing has been put together too well just yet, I was just all giddy about the tren and potential gains

    PCT perhaps
    Litro- .25 as needed
    Tomax- still unsure
    Clomid- 30

    Just FWI, Its been 5 years since any gear..
    Other than the last time never had PCT (just unaware)
    Done some really stupid cycles

    For Example my first at 18yo was
    3 vials of Sten/week I didnt even know the MG or if they still make that shit
    Larabolin (with the label ripped off) 2ml EOD
    I didnt even know what protein was (I tried to eat a 5lb sack of potatoes/day) I gained about 45lbs and looked like complete shit.

    Im a RN now in a CVICU unit so Ive become much, much more aware of things

  19. #19
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    Well you came to the right place. Spend some time reading, and in no time you will be telling your brother how cycles should be constructed and why.

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    Here is a link to a pic of me so that maybe I can get suggestions of what I should take since I may be too fat for the I wanted?

  21. #21
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by TTexas View Post
    ... but he thinks that I should lose the Test and go with EQ ...
    dont understand his thinking here..

    ehh anyway, you have never really ran a proper cycle it looks like..
    id just go with test and maybe throw in some dbol the first few weeks..

    something like..

    test e 500mg 1-12
    dbol ehhhh 40mg 1-4

    personally id run an AI through the cycle.. like adex .25 ed

    pct id go with 100mg clomid and 20mg nolvadex for 30 days or maybe drop the clomid down to 50mg the last 2 weeks..
    something simple like that.

    save the tren for later on down the road after you have a few under your belt

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulciber View Post
    dont understand his thinking here..

    ehh anyway, you have never really ran a proper cycle it looks like..
    id just go with test and maybe throw in some dbol the first few weeks..

    something like..

    test e 500mg 1-12
    dbol ehhhh 40mg 1-4

    personally id run an AI through the cycle.. like adex .25 ed

    pct id go with 100mg clomid and 20mg nolvadex for 30 days or maybe drop the clomid down to 50mg the lsave the tren for later on down the road after you have a few under your belt

    Thank you for posting man,
    I have in fact run some poor cycles in the past, however Ive actually done a couple proper ones as well. I actually did a test and dbol cycle almost just as u described. I got great gains, was the best I ever looked.
    Now after a 5 year lay off Ive been back for bout 8 months and now I want to do something more advanced.
    Does my BF look to high for this?

  23. #23
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    hard to tell really.. may be a little high..
    with a 5 year layoff id think that would work pretty well .. hell i cycle all the time and still throw in test only cycles..

    if your dead set on running more compounds maybe throw in 400mg deca a week or, even tho i think you should hold off 400mg tren e


    test e 1-12 500mg
    deca/tren e 1-10 400mg
    dbol 40mg 1-4

    your call brutha

  24. #24
    Darksid3 is offline New Member
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    I ran Tren E in my past cycle at 400mg/wk and didnt experience any real sides. I ran it alongside Test E at 500mg/wk, and gained 24lbs over a 10 week period. It was also my first time using tren, and I was worried at first about the sides people speak of.

    I feel Tren E is just more convenient as I do not like injecting EOD, let alone ED. I shoot Mon and Thurs, and it seemed to work well. I inject the HGH ED though, but you dont feel those

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darksid3 View Post
    I ran Tren E in my past cycle at 400mg/wk and didnt experience any real sides. I ran it alongside Test E at 500mg/wk, and gained 24lbs over a 10 week period. It was also my first time using tren, and I was worried at first about the sides people speak of.

    I feel Tren E is just more convenient as I do not like injecting EOD, let alone ED. I shoot Mon and Thurs, and it seemed to work well. I inject the HGH ED though, but you dont feel those
    Wow, thanks bro. I was a bit worried bout my BF being too high. Im not gonna do any HGH just yet, and I may use Tren A (as suggested by a mod) so that I may stop if quickly if in that highly unlikely situation were I need to stop. I dont mind daily injections.

  26. #26
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    if your going with tren acetate id wait and start the tren week 3 since you are running cyp.. i prefer to have the test reaching peak blood levels before i introduce the tren a.
    also prefer to run the test a few weeks longer.

    cyp 1-12
    tren e 3-10

  27. #27
    TTexas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulciber View Post
    if your going with tren acetate id wait and start the tren week 3 since you are running cyp.. i prefer to have the test reaching peak blood levels before i introduce the tren a.
    also prefer to run the test a few weeks longer.

    cyp 1-12
    tren e 3-10
    Ya know I never thought of that... Maybe I could run Test P along with the Cyp the first 3 weeks????
    U think that Cyp sounds better than En? Ive just had better experience with Cyp

  28. #28
    Mulciber is offline Scammer
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    you could run prop the first few weeks .. cyp/enanthate ..not much difference.almost identical.. if cyp works beffer for you go for it

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