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Thread: More compounds vs More mg of testostorone

  1. #1
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    More compounds vs More mg of testostorone

    Say you do your first cycle:

    - 500mg test E (Only).

    Your second cycle:

    - 500mg test E
    - 40mg dbol

    Your third cycle:

    - 600mg test E
    - 50mg dbol
    - 600mg deca/eq

    Why do you have to keep adding compounds?
    I would much rather just up the testostorone.

    1 cycle:

    500mg test E

    2 cycle:

    600mg test E

    3 cycle:

    700mg test E

    * A roof of 1000mg.

    And maybe theeen maybe add some other compounds.

    What you guys think?

    Also testostorone seems pretty good, especially when you see what orals can do to cholesterol, and liver values..

    Not to mention that the other drugs are more expensive (eq, deca, and stuff like that are 2x price here..) You get dbol and winnie for cheap, and testo, thats about it. And I would rather run testo alone, then adding dbol, and especially winstrol.. for its cholesterol altering sideeffects, and possible sideeffects on the liver.

  2. #2
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    you add other compounds for different gains.

    you cant get the same gains off of 750mg of test as you do from 750mg of tren

    so sure.. up your test if you like.

    but if your looking for different affects.. then different compounds are needed

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    there is a synergistic effect stacking compounds may get more say with 500mg test +400mg deca /week than you could 900mgs test alone. There is a point of diminishing returns with any roid cant just do more and more of same compound and get better and better results. Different steroids combine more effectively as a stack. My personal belief is that it has alot to do with the derivative of the steroid ie - test based / dht based /19 nor based. combining different steroid bases in the same stack allows for greater gains via different pathways ...some steroids are strong in areas others are weak from a physiological perspective so combining them is very effective.... JMO...
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-02-2008 at 11:00 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    you add other compounds for different gains.

    you cant get the same gains off of 750mg of test as you do from 750mg of tren

    so sure.. up your test if you like.

    but if your looking for different affects.. then different compounds are needed
    Good answer mate.

    Trenbolone effects is definatelly something you don't get with your good old buddy testostorone.

    If you measure up safety against effectivity I would say that staying on testostorone for a longer time, and not touching anadrol, dbol, winstrol, and all the orals, would be great, my opinion.

    EQ and DECA just don't match up for effect/money (well that kind of depends if you want to take it slow, but you will always have to have a testostorone base for your cycles anyways, if you want to avoid problems).

    Testostorone seems like the number one champ for me.

  5. #5
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    i dont get nearly as vascular, hardened, aggressive off of test. but i dont get as horny off of tren

    so i use both. lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    there is a synergistic effect stacking compounds may get more say with 500mg test +400mg deca /week than you could 900mgs test alone. There is a point of diminishing returns with any roid cant just do more and more of same compound and get better and better results. Different steroids combine more effectively as a stack. My personal belief is that it has alot to do with the derivative of the steroid ie - test based / dht based /19 nor based. combining different steroid bases in the same stack allows for greater gains via different pathways of results. JMO...
    Kind of true there buddy.
    I don't agree that you get better results with

    - 500mg test and 400mg deca

    As apposed to 900mg testo, though.
    Ofcourse there is a point of diminishing returns.

    But I think that you can cycle only testostorone for many cycles, without having to add other compounds to get further gains. In the end the gains mostly depend on diet and workout, and ofcourse by the gear (after the other requiremens are met)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i dont get nearly as vascular, hardened, aggressive off of test. but i dont get as horny off of tren

    so i use both. lol
    Ever tried bulking with test and tren? Seems like a sick stack to get incredible hard gains

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Kind of true there buddy.
    I don't agree that you get better results with

    - 500mg test and 400mg deca

    As apposed to 900mg testo, though.
    Ofcourse there is a point of diminishing returns.

    But I think that you can cycle only testostorone for many cycles, without having to add other compounds to get further gains. In the end the gains mostly depend on diet and workout, and ofcourse by the gear (after the other requiremens are met)
    well you could say that just stickin with test for many cycles and just upping the dose wouldnt be a good idea. i mean youll be burning your receptors out on test. then when you go and add compounds youll have to use a high ass dose of test and a normal dose of tren. but because your burned out on test. your gains may be diminished or your sides may be worse. i run my test low on tren cycles due to the fact that i get better gains and less sides. now i can imagine if i go from runnin 350mg of test with my tren to 1000mg of test with my tren.. my sides would be ridiculous. even if ive been using 1000mg of test for many cycles before.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Ever tried bulking with test and tren? Seems like a sick stack to get incredible hard gains
    all i do is bulk buddy! and with tren and test to boot!!

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Kind of true there buddy.
    I don't agree that you get better results with

    - 500mg test and 400mg deca

    As apposed to 900mg testo, though.
    Ofcourse there is a point of diminishing returns.

    But I think that you can cycle only testostorone for many cycles, without having to add other compounds to get further gains. In the end the gains mostly depend on diet and workout, and ofcourse by the gear (after the other requiremens are met)
    Oh test is def king ..base for almost every stack and best stand alone cycle for most purposes. Everyone is diff ..u might gain better with test only@ higher dose than test deca ..where i may not... then again u might retain more gains by adding in deca...personal experience will dictate what works best. I will say sooner or later to continue making gains stacking IMO will become the optimal way - which compound depends alot on individual... ...
    btw i sad you MAY get better results with deca/test than just test ..not you will.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-03-2008 at 01:30 PM.

  11. #11
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    this thread is making me think

    its been a long time since ive done a test cycle or even a higher/normal dose of test during cycle

    i usually run 350mg. i think ill do just a test cycle next at 750mg.

    see how that goes

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    this thread is making me think

    its been a long time since ive done a test cycle or even a higher/normal dose of test during cycle

    i usually run 350mg. i think ill do just a test cycle next at 750mg.

    see how that goes
    Good to see something good turned out of this thread.
    Yeah, I was also thinking, and using the old gray matter. So therefor I came up with this thread, interesting I think.

    Fun to see what people chime in on this and give their experience/opinions

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Good to see something good turned out of this thread.
    Yeah, I was also thinking, and using the old gray matter. So therefor I came up with this thread, interesting I think.

    Fun to see what people chime in on this and give their experience/opinions
    this is a very interesting topic. I like it...keep it going guys. If I may say, I think a Test only cycle at a high dosage wouldn't be a bad idea, but like some have said already, there are many pathways and receptors that can be accountable for muscle gain, with that said, stacking is always going to be more effective than a single compound in MOST cases. Maybe not all, but definitely the majority. Nice thread though, very interesting.

  14. #14
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    I have thought about this before and always ended up with a moderate dose of test and a good dose of tren, deca, or whatever. One of these times I should just go ahead and try a high dose test only cycle. Who has experience with this?

  15. #15
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    Bumping this and seeing who chimes in

  16. #16
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    I depends what you are looking for, different compouds work in different ways, and give you different look...

  17. #17
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    I know many people that just go crazy with test, and I know others that go low test crazy other stuff.. It all depends on your body, something that works for you may not work for someone else. It's kind of risky but AAS use is kind of an educated trial and error system

  18. #18
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    Test/Tren/Winny will pretty much be what I use over and over again from here on out. Find what works and stick to it!

  19. #19
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    13,329 depends on how much money you have!!lol...More money more juice! Juice is like wanna take em all for a ride!

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