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  1. #1
    BigLT is offline New Member
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    Angry Bad reaction to test?HELP

    I am four weeks into my cycle and have been taking 1cc of enantat 250 once per week. I was injecting into my delt and they have been more painful than expected so I switched to my glute. It has been 4 days since my injection and the pain in my glute is almost unbearable. I can barely flex it or stretch. There is definitely swelling of the muscle but its a burning pain. I have also been getting slight fevers and flu symptoms throughout the week. Can my body be rejecting this stuff? I am posotive I took all the right sterile procedures. There have been gains but not as profound as my last cycle. What should my next step be?

  2. #2
    Vaj10's Avatar
    Vaj10 is offline Associate Member
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    same exact thing happened to me around week 4 with fake deca . Make sure your gear is real.

  3. #3
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sounds like the sus flu. I wouldn't be overly alarmed it only last for about a week. As far as the painful injection sites that seems to be a common complaint about QV enanthate 250. Mix it with another type of gear if you can.

  4. #4
    winy is offline New Member
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    Thumbs down

    Definatly sounds like bunk gear! I had the same reaction on some Brovel i got in mexico. What are you using and where did you get it?

  5. #5
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    the gear isn't bunk, mexican/vet shit has lots of BA in it, in no way does this mean your gear is 'bad'...means its sterile for the most part...mixing it unfortunatley didn't help me (if your using the qv250 from the 50cc jug), i mixed 1.5 cc bold with it and it still hurts for 4-7 days after the shot...i plan on stopping it and taking something else completely...good luck

  6. #6
    kazual's Avatar
    kazual is offline Junior Member
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    What type of gear is it? The qv250 has had a lot of press lately with its painful injection sites, but I guess everyone who has used it has gotten past the pain or either change products.

  7. #7
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    sucks to hear that...espeacially since I just ordered my 50cc QV enanthate i'm gonna mix it with Ttokyo EQ and hope it isnt quite so bad....this should prove interesting....

    goodluck with your soreness...try massaging the area after injecting and keeping it warm and loose afterwards...


  8. #8
    durbin22's Avatar
    durbin22 is offline Member
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    That's why I stick with human grade.

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