I've been trying to find informations on this cycle but I can't find some interesting ones. I KNOW IT'S A LONG THREAD BUT I NEED YOU GUYS TO READ THE WHOLE THREAD BEFORE ANSWERING. My best friend ordered test e/winny for his first cycle because that's what many people suggested him according to his goals(I know we can argue on this and that it should be a test only cycle but that's not the point of this thread). His stats are: 5'11 21 185 15% bf 3 years lifting first cycle(Again, I know his bf should be lower and yes his diet is in check and yes he can do it naturally but unfortunately he's not on this website and he doesn't have all this knowledge). He used to have a lot of acne when he was younger. After all what people have been telling him about test and that it can make his acne reappear bla bla bla(still no proof about this but enough to scare the s*** out of him), he was scared of using the test and started a winny only cycle. Today, it was his third day and his third shot. I can't even tell you what's the dosage but I know he shoots every day. What I want to know is the following:
1.what are the good and the bad things of this cycle?
2.what results should he expect?
3.assuming that his dosage can be wrong, what dosage should he be taken?
4.should he run something on the cycle other than AAS that could help with the reduction of SHBG that winny causes or should he simply wait until pct?
5.what pct should he run?
6.FINALLY, I tried to do my job as a friend with all the things I learned on this board in the last month and he didn't want to listen to me. If ever I can convince him to stop, will it be too late?
thank you