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Thread: Vets-Need PCT Help (bad circumstances)Please

  1. #1

    Vets-Need PCT Help (bad circumstances)Please

    I have been training for over 20 yrs and have cycled irresponsibly in the early 20's and have recently hit it once a year in the spring for the last 4 yrs. I just turned 40, am 5'9" at 205LBS with 11BF% (maybe be a little high being conservative). I have always been a little suseptable to gyno and have really been careful with regard to mixing in Nolv during my cycles. Always light cycles, Test E upto 600 mg per week with EQ at 14 weeks and Winny later 5 weeks. I started my cycle late this year and was going to come off in Late August. Received life altering news regarding my 10 yr old that really fuc_ _ _ me up for a while. Had to do with somene sexually assaualting my kid and I had to focus on therapy for my kid. All is going well and I know have time to focus again on my training. Training keeps me alive and allows me to cope. I ended my cycle abruptly and did not give a shit about PCT, really dumb move but at the time I was not caring about to much. It's been 3.5 months cycle my last shot and I am experiencing minor gyno symptoms. I am sure my body is shut down and i need to get things "kick started" again. I have on hand a blended clomid/nolvadex liquid at 50mg/20 mg, Letro, 250 mg B-6 and HCG. A buddy gave me the HCG as he was not using it. I am not sure how to run the Post Cycle Therapy this far out from the cycle. I can guess but need some direction. Again, I am smarter than this but had a rough go of it for a while, those of you with kids know what I mean.
    Thanks for the help. I plan to get my bloodwork done in the next week or so to check my test and estrogen levels. Thank again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dont take the letro, clomid/nolva and hcg should help you get going. Goood luck and sorry to hear about your tough situation.

  3. #3
    redz- Thanks for response. I planned on 4 weeks- clomid 50,50,25,25 Nolv 40,40,20,20 not sure about the hcg? hard to run clomid as it give me a killer headache. do the amount appear correct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Well first of all I am truly sorry to hear what happened to your child, had it been me I would kill the cvnt that did that !!! I have kids of my own. Now what you need to do before you do anything is go and get a blood test for Test and Estrogen levels. This will give us a base line to work from as you have already suggested you are going to do. There are many options for PCT at where you are but get that blood test first ASAP

  5. #5
    thought someone might suggest that. Even at my worst time I trained 3Xper week and my diet is better than the avg person. Am just bloated and have small lump at nipple. Will get blood work done asap. Do want to get started on something as I do not want the gyno to progress. Thanks for the warm message. The only thing more important than my training and way of life is my kid. he's all i got! Can't wait till he is old enough to train and join me in the gym. He actually does isometrics at home each night. 75 push ups, sit ups and squat jumpers. boy after his dads heart.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Guy View Post
    thought someone might suggest that. Even at my worst time I trained 3Xper week and my diet is better than the avg person. Am just bloated and have small lump at nipple. Will get blood work done asap. Do want to get started on something as I do not want the gyno to progress. Thanks for the warm message. The only thing more important than my training and way of life is my kid. he's all i got! Can't wait till he is old enough to train and join me in the gym. He actually does isometrics at home each night. 75 push ups, sit ups and squat jumpers. boy after his dads heart.
    Well trust me I know how you feel dude, I lost my daughter to cancer when she was just three and a half years old. Have a read of this thread it explains pretty well what to do if you get gyno and this one for PCT

  7. #7
    Sorry with regard to your daughter, can't even imagine that. I have been searching the forum for PCT info (post, post cycle) Thanks for the lead.

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