I have been training for over 20 yrs and have cycled irresponsibly in the early 20's and have recently hit it once a year in the spring for the last 4 yrs. I just turned 40, am 5'9" at 205LBS with 11BF% (maybe be a little high being conservative). I have always been a little suseptable to gyno and have really been careful with regard to mixing in Nolv during my cycles. Always light cycles, Test E upto 600 mg per week with EQ at 14 weeks and Winny later 5 weeks. I started my cycle late this year and was going to come off in Late August. Received life altering news regarding my 10 yr old that really fuc_ _ _ me up for a while. Had to do with somene sexually assaualting my kid and I had to focus on therapy for my kid. All is going well and I know have time to focus again on my training. Training keeps me alive and allows me to cope. I ended my cycle abruptly and did not give a shit about PCT, really dumb move but at the time I was not caring about to much. It's been 3.5 months cycle my last shot and I am experiencing minor gyno symptoms. I am sure my body is shut down and i need to get things "kick started" again. I have on hand a blended clomid/nolvadex liquid at 50mg/20 mg, Letro, 250 mg B-6 and HCG. A buddy gave me the HCG as he was not using it. I am not sure how to run the Post Cycle Therapy this far out from the cycle. I can guess but need some direction. Again, I am smarter than this but had a rough go of it for a while, those of you with kids know what I mean.
Thanks for the help. I plan to get my bloodwork done in the next week or so to check my test and estrogen levels. Thank again