i ended up listening to another body builder at my gym. he told me to do at least 100 mgs a day of winstrol . (oral) along with tren enanthate . so......

about 3 years ago i got very sick from my cycle of tren enanthate and winstrol capsules. my eyes gotyellowand my urine becamea rust color. i didnt think much of it at first, so my stupid ass took another capsule and another shot. it was all downhill from there. i had no appetite, i lost about 30 pounds in about 2 1/2 weeks. my skin and eyes were crayola yellow. my urine just got darker. my billirubin elevated so much that i was itchy all over and couldn't sleep. EVER. my prostate enlarged, i got a staph infection which gave me boils on the lower half of my body, which i went to the ER to have lanceted. that shit hurt. my liver levels i remember were 567 which was out of this world. i let the sickness run its course and after about 3 months of hell i was better.

its been three years of doing nothing and i was wondering if i went with something like anavar for a month, could it be that bad again. i know var has a lower toxicity and is safer than most. or should i just go natural now. everything seems fine and i feel great, but should i even risk it with anavar. any advice will be appreciated.

p.s. feel free to call me an idiot for thinking about another cycle, but i am only human and i want to get back to around where i was before. thanks phil