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Thread: hey guys-first cycle

  1. #1

    hey guys-first cycle

    Hey guys.....I have been working out for a long time, i really feel i hit a natural plateua im gonna be twenty soon...Im 5'10 210 high body fat..ive been reading this site over for about 3 interested in taking my first cycle, but im scared of hairloss i have no hairloss in my family and i dont; want to lose anything in my hair

    i workout 3-4 times a week, cardio and eat clean except one day a week i eat bad.... i want to do this cycle

    weeks 1-4 Test Prop 100mg EOD
    Weeks 1-10 QV EQ 400mg a week
    and weeks 11-13 50mg ED winny tabs

    i am gonna get clomid and nolv, im not starting till prob Jan. i want to make sure i do this 100%, i am a little on the young side, so i don;t want to mess anything up, what should i supplement with or anything, and whta you guys think about the cycle?
    thanks guys i know you guys are a lot of help, please h elp me
    by the way i wanan cut and keep musscle if possible to add lean muscle...i want to do eveything safe with no hairloss, or acne, or any messing up of my htpa or anything....or my thyroid
    thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Orleans


    I have just about the same stats as you. I am also a novice, but from my knowledge i would stay away from test and try to start with some lighter stuff. Im about to start my first cycle which is ostensibly:
    8 week cycle of...
    30mg/d oxandrolone
    50mg/d winni
    deca durabolin (200mg/w,300,300,400,400,300,300,200)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    hey bro,
    why are you running test for only 4 weeks, but eq for 10? i would do something like this:

    test enan 1-11 400mg week split into 2 shots
    eq 1-10 400mg week split into same 2 shots
    winny 8-13 50mg ed

    you need to have an anti-e on hand in case of gyno sides. better to be safe and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

    peace bb79

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    you should run test all the way through,run the winny for 4 weeks. ijust did a cycle like that.
    Test 400 mg Week 1-10
    Eq 400 mg Week 1-10
    Wistrol 100 mg EOD Week 8-12
    Proviron 50 mg ED Week 1-12
    clomid as follows.
    I gained 25 lbs and lost about 2-3% in BF.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    dammit i'm never the one that gets to answer first.

  6. #6


    bump guys i need a little more help i wanna know how good that cycle looks? why stay away from test? and what other percautions should i take....

  7. #7
    barbells im looking to cut not bulk that is a heavey bulking cycle, can anybody else give me some input please......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    You will get cut on this cycle like i did, just read my post i put on 20-25 lbs of quality muscle and my BF dropped. BB79 gave you excellent advice.

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