Hey guys, I was planning on doing a Dbol only cycle, and I read up about the post where someone did the Dbol am only and got and kept gains w/ reasonably low water retention. I am planning on as well as gaining quick size and strength at the same time trying to burn excess body fat. I am going to experiment with a DBol only (russain 5mg) cycle along with hydroxycut for 4 weeks. Wk1 20mg ed, Wk 2: 25mg ed, Wk3: 30mg ed, Wk 4: 15mg ed; also with Wk1-4 Hydroxycut or Xenadrine, not quite sure yet. I plan on taking the dbol throughout the day, split up into somewhat even intervals. I am curious to know what you guys think about this, and some suggestions and advice on dosage and times to take the Dbol. I am not looking for insane gains, I am only looking for a quick 10-12 pounds but also at same time lower my bf%. I am not hoping for or expecting anything extreme. I am hoping with a strict diet with tons of protein, low fat, low carb, and some serious cardio, I will add some decent size in muscle. Any advice is appreciated, thanks. By the way, i have 10 amps of sust250 (pakistan), but really wanted to save that for jan.-feb. Thanks in advance. My stats are 6'0 195, about 12%bf? 21 working out seriously for about almost 2 years now. Done deca b4, thats is.