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Thread: Russian Dbol+OTC Fat Burn Stack ADVICE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    East Coast

    Russian Dbol+OTC Fat Burn Stack ADVICE

    Hey guys, I was planning on doing a Dbol only cycle, and I read up about the post where someone did the Dbol am only and got and kept gains w/ reasonably low water retention. I am planning on as well as gaining quick size and strength at the same time trying to burn excess body fat. I am going to experiment with a DBol only (russain 5mg) cycle along with hydroxycut for 4 weeks. Wk1 20mg ed, Wk 2: 25mg ed, Wk3: 30mg ed, Wk 4: 15mg ed; also with Wk1-4 Hydroxycut or Xenadrine, not quite sure yet. I plan on taking the dbol throughout the day, split up into somewhat even intervals. I am curious to know what you guys think about this, and some suggestions and advice on dosage and times to take the Dbol. I am not looking for insane gains, I am only looking for a quick 10-12 pounds but also at same time lower my bf%. I am not hoping for or expecting anything extreme. I am hoping with a strict diet with tons of protein, low fat, low carb, and some serious cardio, I will add some decent size in muscle. Any advice is appreciated, thanks. By the way, i have 10 amps of sust250 (pakistan), but really wanted to save that for jan.-feb. Thanks in advance. My stats are 6'0 195, about 12%bf? 21 working out seriously for about almost 2 years now. Done deca b4, thats is.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Well..i would never use Dbol if you are trying to cut up. It will make you retain water. I would also never do a dbol alone cycle either. You will not be happy and will lose almost all your gains. I would do some research on some cutting cycles. There have been tones posted. Save the sust and dbol for a bulking cycle.

    Make sure you are using clomid post cycle and have your anti-e's on hand if you are using aromitizing AAS'.

    If you are looking for some AAS' that are used in cutting cycles you may want to lean toward prop, fina, eq, winny, clen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    you can use dbol and lean out. its hard cause of water weight like shredz said. diet is what makes you fat or lean,dbol will help with positive nitrogen retension and protein synthisis while cutting and then when drop dbol you lose water and get leaner .
    you should save it and use it with sus for a bulking cycle and save some of the dbol for bridging which is 10mg am only to keep gains--worked great for me
    also when do dbol do 25-30mg per day entire time dont pyramid
    dbol only will not be a good cycle

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