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Thread: A little help

  1. #1

    A little help

    A fellas whats up? I need some advice. I need to no if anyone can give me a kick ass cutting cycle. I'm talking about the daddy of all cutting cycles. Also before i take a cycle can i go tell my doctor that i'm going to take. he can't tell the cops or anything can he? Also in cali is it legal to buy pins. if not does anyone know where i can get them?

    Thanks bros

    "It ain't worth living, If your not living large"

  2. #2
    If you tell your Doc ask him to keep the conversation "off the charts". Your doc can't tell the cops, but the insurance company gets to see the records, and they all share information. You may get denied health coverage sometime in the future. About the pins, check out If they can ship to California, it is probably legal. I don't know for sure. For a kick ass cutting cycle try fina, var and growth.

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