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Thread: my cycle resaults for you!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    my cycle resaults for you!!

    hey bros whats up im back now,just got done my 8 week cycle ,dboll (first 3 weeks),deca and sust,im up about 13 lbs,loved it!anyway im thinking of starting my winny and eq for another weeks,what do u guys think???and should i still take my clomid regularly if i do proceed?i guess it would be kinda like bridgeing.any way vets ,info appreciated as allways.

  2. #2
    CYCLEON Guest
    great to hear that you are up 13lbs so far - but more info is needed on any further advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I would think that you could have gained more than 13lbs off D-ball and test...What was your diet like?

  4. #4
    really 13lbs on a dbol sus cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well ,its not my first cycle,so im at the point where off a cycle i get between 10 to 16 lbs depending on the goods(after my first cycle i realy dont blow up on it like most guys i know but i tend to keep it all it makes up for it).i only did 30 mg of dboll for the first three weeks and the sust 500 in the middle three weeks i peaked at 750 then back down,the deca 400 and in the middle 600 then back down,im currently at 190 at diet was good but ithink the calories were not as high as they should of like i posted earlyer im planning to start winny and eq,for another 8 weeks like 50mg of eq every other and 4 to 500 mg eq kinda like bridgeing,but shoulthe clomid be taken regularly like in three weeks?what do u giys think of the wv and the eq?hope thats enough info cyc.

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