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Thread: Size and strength from this ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Mooresville, NC.

    Size and strength from this ?

    Its time again ... My girlfriend is against it but you know what, When I met her she knew I was using steroids and she accepted me, why should I change ? If she cant support me then she can find the door. I am Looking for size and strength on this cycle, any suggestions ?
    I have a few cycles under my belt, never used anavar though. I am currently 5'11", 235, and around 17% Bf and I want to be 10-12% by the summer, but put on size. I think if I do this, get a little bigger, then cut up I can easily accomplish my goal, or am I crazy ?

    Wks. 1-7 anavar 40mg/ed
    Wks. 1-7 Fina 75mg/eod
    Wks. 1-7 testprop 100 mg/eod
    Wks. 1-8 Arimidex .5 mg/ed
    Wks. 9-11 Clomid and/or nolvadex

    The last time I used prop with fina it stung bad... worse than t-400.
    Is there anyway around the sting ? Should I add something else in ?
    The only reason I want to do fina/prop every other day is because of the sting. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Looks like a good cutting cycle to me. Goodluck with your goals.

  3. #3
    looks good bro,i would just use clomid,no noveldex unless you need it and i would start clomid 3 days out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    the test prop is relatively low, shouldn't need the nolva, just keep it on hand, and the fina wont be affected by the nolva, just some bromo...i really dont think the adex is necessary either being that you dont have anything besides the test prop thats goins to be affected by aromitase enzyme...

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