anyone tried synthol inj in calves?
anyone tried synthol inj in calves?
people who consider synthol in the calves have probably not done calve shots or synthol.
you couldn't pay me to do it.
hope walking isnt a priority in your life....very very painful bro ..not to mention there are numerous reasons why synthol is prob not right for you (several synthol threads here .... id read em)..........
its just that my calfs ruins my body real bad i am very down,i dont wear shorts cause i nearly have no calfs![]()
don't wear shorts. I've followed your threads and posts, you don't need synthol at all, anywhere, period.
if i had small calves id rather get implants then do calves shots with synthol.. wow multiple daily shots in calve... atlest surgery pain would leave a few weeks after and you would have pain meds.. forget that....OUCH!!
synthol is used to stretch the muscle fascia when through proper diet and training and supplementation you have met your natural limits and wish to alter, re-shape, or enlarge the muscle being injected. it is very easy to do wrong, and there are many exapmles of how bad it looks when used improperly. when used properly, it is rather painful, and the pain lingers and is constant until the course is finished. imagine your muscle like a baloon, and it is inflated to normal maximum capacity. if you put in more air, the surface of the baloon is stretched beyond it's normal limits, and is close to breaking. when that baloon surface is your muscle fascia, it litterally feels like it is tearing, ripping the fibers as it stretches. you must know exactly where to inject, how much to inject, and how often so as to keep a natural shape. if not, you will end up with a cartoon like grotesque bloated muscle that any true bodybuilder, and most other people, will find unpleasant and probably make fun of.
as to the reason behind my statement, you have not posted anything that makes me think you have already met your maximum genetic potential, I'd wager you are far from it.
you should post some pics and show us what you are working with.
i am gonna post some new pics soon,check them up big and criticise me as i am looking for improvements..thanks
I've injected gear in shoulders, bis, tris, butt, and legs. But there's no way I'd inject ANYTHING into my calves! Of all the muscles that have been overworked and unbelievably soar, calves are, hands down the worst frigg'in pain there is!
I think "BIG" as said it all regarding SEO's, so i wont comment, except train your calfs, dropsets to total failure and beyond, they will grow!
i think if your calves are lagging behind that badly you don't train them right.
i've never really worked on mine, but i like the smaller, but very toned look of them. from running track for 8 years, soccer for 15, basketball/baseball for 7, mine are pretty solid. i find that running works them better for me than lifting and its more beneficial to your whole body
but i would get implants before synthol. it would be much quicker, much less painful, and guaranteed to look how you want them
calf raises anyone?
Someone mentions Calfs?
i am sure there are lots of guys in the same boat like me
Make sure you train your calves on a seperate day from thighs if they are giving you trouble. You split up your upper body so why not lower body also. I think a lot of people do a few calf raises after they pound legs and wonder why they won't grow. I've been training them with shoulders or back for several years and they have responded well.
i train them twice and sometimes 3 times per week
I heard a story about Arnold, that he cut the legs off all his sweat pants so he would have to look at his calves, that were under developed at the time. tall guys tend to have skinny calves, I'm 5'10" and have calves like Hercules, but I digress. He just worked them to the point of failure over and over, you know the rest.
Intresting, I really don't give a crap about my calfs and thighs that much. I do legs more to just give them a workout and symmetry rather than "OMG I WANT HUGE THIGHS/CALVES!!!"
Idk why, I have never been a lower body guy that much....I mean I would like to have them bigger, but not anywhere to the point they are big enough to gain attention. I want the attention focused on the upper body.![]()
ill tell ya what.. i dont want to have a big upper body and some chicken legs.. see that all day at the gym.. i hit legs hard.. keep the back door open because on leg day there is a good possibility id heading out the back door to
one good thing about those chicken leg fukers running around the gym..when leg day comes.. squat rack is free... woot woot
Yeah, im tall (little over 6 foot) so my legs aren't exactly the best part of my body, currently im battling a hemorrhoidso im really paranoid to do either deadlifts or squats. Once you bleed out of your ass, you never want it to happen again
Losing deadlifts and squats is terrible, but I weigh the options, if I f@$k my shit up more they could possibly bulge out and surgery would put me out 6 months.
lol.. i hear ya.. roids are hell.. been there..done that
im 6'1 btw..
Tomorrow is leg day and that roids comment just scared me into doing leg extensions only.....thanks a lot!
Bro I didn't get them from roids lol, I was clean when I first got them because of heavy deadlifting. I got them roughly 6 months ago and you know as a precautionary i stopped doing deadlift and squats so not to aggravate them.
Surgery is horrible they basically burn off the veins so they don't bleed.
It's not really from roids, its improper breathing and too much "pushing" like your going to take a shit that does it.
Always wear a belt for deadlifts/squats, it prevents you from pushing with your abs and butt too much lol.
i just want my calfs to look average nothing impressive,now its just bones and skin
so if synthol is used to stretch and reshape the muscle can it but used to close the gap between the chest muscle? so have the close gap pecs (gustavo,wolf, dexter etc, and some have a gap such as david henry.
i guess yes jay112 but if you are the guy in your avatar i believe bulking will fill out your pecs nicely
the gap between pecs is more determined by genetics than anything else. the protocol for shooting pecs is 6 sites in each pec, a row of 3 lower and a row of 3 upper in each pec. shooting just the inner area would not work, the oil would simply spread out within the muscle.
who is mac dre?also do you have your pics posted anywhere?you are saying you aint a dick but from your attitude you seem like one bro dont you thinkOriginally Posted by ShadetreeJones;4348***
can calf injections cause embolism or any serious issues other than pain??
i am sure there are guys here who have experience on synthol use
I have vast experience with synthol, but as stated I would never consider using it in calves, so I can't help much with your specific question. Genetics play a huge role in developement, one of my best friends is a bit overweight and doesn't train at all, but has huge fairly defined calves.
This thread has over ten times as many views as replies, chances are most also wouldn't care to use synthol in calves therefore they don't reply.
If you really want to try it that bad, go for it, keep us posted on the results, although it would be a good idea to have a wheelchair near by.
the thing is, one injection will do nothing for you other than cause pain. If I were to do calves (hypothetically) I would use 5 injection points in each calve, so that's 10 calve shots per day, every day, for around 6 weeks.
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