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wow, still no answer to my question. Jimmyinkedup, remotely answered it, but felt he needed to add more sarcasm than personal knowledge. Yes I know how to add Test to this cycle. And yes I know that Deca has water retention. Thats the purpose of a stack with any two+ agents.... So that they can counter act the others short comings. i.e. winny drys out joints; deca lubricats them. Deca retains water; Winny suppresses. Deca bulks, but the amount of bulk is dose dependent. And this brings me to my original question that no one seems to want to answer! people rather make sarcastic comments.
Does anyone know the perfect dosage per week of both Winny and Deca to cut BF%?
Currently I feel I will take 1CC of Winny Monday and one on Thursday, and with the one on Thursday I will combine in the same syringe 1.5 CC of Deca.
Is this too much Deca per week? Is this not enough Winny? Does anyone want to make an educated reply with an answer and a reasoning behind the answer.
Thank you gentleman