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Thread: Winny and Deca stack

  1. #1

    Winny and Deca stack

    OK guys i am looking for some solid information. what i am not looking for is info about deca dick, and sarcastic replies.

    I have been out of the game for over a year and a half. I am what I call fat, 250 27% BF. Before I was 230 18% BF

    I have been in the gym with a solid cutting routine and I know how to eat clean. That doesn't mean I have been, but I know how to and i will once i begin this cycle.

    I am looking for this cycle and diet to burn a lot of fat over 10 weeks. I have 20ml for injection of each. I look to do cardio 30-45 min 3 days a week. And my weight routine is more of a high impact , high rep, low weight. A lot of body weight workouts i.e. push up, pull ups, dips.

    The plan on injections is 1cc 2 times a week of Win. and 1.5 cc once a week of deca with one of the cc's of Win. Does anyone have any better suggestions on how I am taking this in order to cut?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Let me first comment to all those about to post: no flaming guys.
    Now personally I think cutting from 27% should be just diet and cardio, and you already know not many will advocate that cycle, so I'll leave this open for other input.

  3. #3
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    I agree with Big. You should first start with your diet and cardio. Those two things can do the most "cutting" effect than anything else. Plus, using deca with a high bf% can increase side effects.

    If you are worried about deca dic problems then add test into the cycle.

  4. #4
    i understand the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of most drugs. though my bf is 27% i am still a work horse. ran a half marathon at 10:45 avg mile, run the 40 under 4.8, P90x is my routine with cardio. my point is i have a very militant workout routine, I have done this all my life. I have used gear in the past but only 3 10 week cycles to get me yoked.

    as for BIG, i appreciate your advice. But doesnt muscle burn fat? rhetorical question. so the more solid muscle i can keep and put on with deca the more fat i burn and the quicker i do it, correct? i dont care how much the scale says i weigh if my BF is below 20%. winnie with this particular routine should close in my waste line.

    so once again, i am not looking for deca dick replies and im not looking at cardio and diet replies. cardio and diet will be a major part of this anyway.

    im asking on this particular stack, knowing what I wish to accomplish, does anyone have any advice on how i should take the two..... CCs per week of each? advice on the cylcle itself.

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    well you seem to have an answer for all the factors huh? as for the cycle you want to do ill say this:
    winny should be injected every day

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    winny will not reduce your waistline......but you will apparently do what you want anyways

  7. #7
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    agreed. what is the point in asking for advice when you are unwilling to take it? deca will not be the best thing for you, given your goals. If your dead set on running gear involving winnie then stack with test. enjoy some fat burning benefits from the test. But id be hard pressed to disagree with some of the names that already posted in your thread. sounds like gear isnt for you.

  8. #8
    you should be doing more cardio then just 3 times a week... if you really wanna burn those pounds off you should be doing 45minutes to an hour atleast 5 days a week

    throwing some cytomel or clenbuteral or an ECA stack would help to speed up the process of fat burning as well.

    Eat right, get enough protein, drink lots of water and you'll look great in just a few monthes..

    Deca probably isn't the ideal cutting agent, particularly because of all the water retention you'll get from it. That will only slow your progress towards a leaner body. Winstrol wont make you lose weight either...

    You should really only use steroids AFTER you've cut away most of the fat

    good luck
    Last edited by jg42058p; 12-29-2008 at 11:51 AM.

  9. #9
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    No hijacking please...

  10. #10
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    ECA stack and/or Clenbuterol + 45 mins of cardio 5 days a week, will yield more benefits than a teeny bit of winny+deca.

    also, make sure your diet is in check.

  11. #11
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    im not an expert, as ive said before. But without test in a stack you r going to run completely dry on natural test. Deca is incredibly supressive of test levels in the body. I would think your performance would suffer.

  12. #12
    wow, still no answer to my question. Jimmyinkedup, remotely answered it, but felt he needed to add more sarcasm than personal knowledge. Yes I know how to add Test to this cycle. And yes I know that Deca has water retention. Thats the purpose of a stack with any two+ agents.... So that they can counter act the others short comings. i.e. winny drys out joints; deca lubricats them. Deca retains water; Winny suppresses. Deca bulks, but the amount of bulk is dose dependent. And this brings me to my original question that no one seems to want to answer! people rather make sarcastic comments.

    Does anyone know the perfect dosage per week of both Winny and Deca to cut BF%?

    Currently I feel I will take 1CC of Winny Monday and one on Thursday, and with the one on Thursday I will combine in the same syringe 1.5 CC of Deca.

    Is this too much Deca per week? Is this not enough Winny? Does anyone want to make an educated reply with an answer and a reasoning behind the answer.

    Thank you gentleman

  13. #13
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    I suggest you do what most patients who don't get the answer they
    want from a Dr., go shopping, for another less reputable site, who's
    members don't give a fig about you or your health.

    You are clearly not ready for any of this. The compounds you inject
    don't care you run a pretty decent marathon or are a workhorse. As others have said, because of your high body fat and the course you have set your
    mind too, you are staring disaster in the face.

    Telling you what dosage you should take is not our job.

    Your research should have led you to the particular dosages that
    are considered optimal for your particular purposes, then you can post what you think would be good then we can have a discussion about that.

    Not hey guys I'm wicked smart so don't tell me what I'm doing is not a great idea
    but could you tell me what to do?

    I eagerly await your future posts titled,
    "Hey guys my joints hurt and my pecker don't work, What's up with that?"

    Good day and Good Luck,
    Last edited by anon03191970; 12-31-2008 at 12:01 PM.

  14. #14
    I think part of the problem here is that a lot of people think they can just take a drug and replace that for hard work, and their mentality behind that leads them to the wishful thinking of instant gratification... (ie - getting cut and toned in only a few weeks).

    Bottom line is that drugs wont do anything without hard work, and wishfully thinking that you'll get cut up and toned in a few weeks simply because your on some steroid is nothing more than wishfull thinking.

    Getting cut and toned will take you several months, even if you use some steroid to try to help speed up the process. It just takes time no matter what, and using steroids like deca to cut you up will probably slow the process as you begin to retain a lot of water.

    if you have to use drugs to feel satisfied, then use some kind of cutting agent such as clen, cytomel, ECA, etcetera... dont use steroids as they will only slow the process of weight loss.. and they will probably puff you out making you look fatter than you were to begin with.

  15. #15
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I use deca/winny in every cycle. But yes you are far away from being ready to use gear.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I use deca/winny in every cycle. But yes you are far away from being ready to use gear.
    I agree with BG, your not ready for gear, you need to get some hardwork under your belt with cardio and attack your diet, dont take any kind of hormones to help you achieve your goals, do it by hardwork and dedication.
    Best of luck

  17. #17
    lol lol lol

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    winny will not reduce your waistline......but you will apparently do what you want anyways
    Will winny help reduce your waistline in combined with a clean diet and intermittent cardio?

    I guess my question is, would winny accelerate the weightloss process as long the other 2 factors are in place?

  19. #19
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heist00 View Post
    wow, still no answer to my question. Jimmyinkedup, remotely answered it, but felt he needed to add more sarcasm than personal knowledge. Yes I know how to add Test to this cycle. And yes I know that Deca has water retention. Thats the purpose of a stack with any two+ agents.... So that they can counter act the others short comings. i.e. winny drys out joints; deca lubricats them. Deca retains water; Winny suppresses. Deca bulks, but the amount of bulk is dose dependent. And this brings me to my original question that no one seems to want to answer! people rather make sarcastic comments.

    Does anyone know the perfect dosage per week of both Winny and Deca to cut BF%?

    Currently I feel I will take 1CC of Winny Monday and one on Thursday, and with the one on Thursday I will combine in the same syringe 1.5 CC of Deca.

    Is this too much Deca per week? Is this not enough Winny? Does anyone want to make an educated reply with an answer and a reasoning behind the answer.

    Thank you gentleman

    Bro you preempted the personal knowledge portion by having all the answers. Trust me you wouldnt have liked any personal knowledge id have shared with you (given your conditions in asking for advice) other than the personal knowledge i did ...which was winny ed. Now for being so versed and understanding the" pharmacokinetics and dynamics of most drugs" the you surely must know that in order to give any advice we would require the mg/ml dosages of the steroids you are wishing to run for one. If you want us to ignore the fact that you are the fattest in shape man ive ever encountered and arent concerned with any of the sides of your proposed cycle including risk of cycling with high bodyfat and more ....fine. I kind of think the sarcasm may have originated with your original post and second post. Sorry id like to share personal knowledge but i have never run such a silly cycle under such ridiculous parameters and adverse i have no personal knowledge on this cycle , just intelligent advice based on long term experience but given your conditional request I cant help you.
    (sorry if that constitutes a flame Big but wtf??)

  20. #20
    i guess its too hard for you to say, ive never taken steroids that way so i am not sure exactly how to dose for those results.

    apparently steroids really can make you dumber. I feel dumber after just reading your message; i couldn't imagine actually knowing you. hope that whore in your pic is more of a joke than a significant other. ill get my answers somewhere else then i will post my before and after pics on this thread in 3 months.

    there is more than one way to use gear, other than pushing a max. dosage in your body and pumping iron until you pop a hemorrhoid. i can only imagine how ridiculous you look.

    lata sucka.

  21. #21
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    wow this is quite entertaining. you act like we can read your mind when you say you want to shoot "1cc"....that doesnt help us at all. 1cc can mean many

  22. #22
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    i did deca winny cycle when i didnt know jack shite about juice. I liked it but i wouldnt recommend it. You dont have enough winny anyways and you def dont know the best way to get answers.

  23. #23
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heist00 View Post
    i guess its too hard for you to say, ive never taken steroids that way so i am not sure exactly how to dose for those results.

    apparently steroids really can make you dumber. I feel dumber after just reading your message; i couldn't imagine actually knowing you. hope that whore in your pic is more of a joke than a significant other. ill get my answers somewhere else then i will post my before and after pics on this thread in 3 months.

    there is more than one way to use gear, other than pushing a max. dosage in your body and pumping iron until you pop a hemorrhoid. i can only imagine how ridiculous you look.

    lata sucka.
    as per my new years resolution im trying to take the high road in circumstances like this far so good.
    I wish u all the best in your cycle.

  24. #24
    All above are right on the money with Deca. I you want to bulk, and then cut with Winny, then that's fine. I wasn't fat when I did my first and second cycle, but my body fat was not where it should be. I ended up retaining a LOT of water, and on a long flight home, my feet, ankles, and fingers got really swollen, worried the crap out of more deca for me, I'll stick to Anavar, Test, and HGH.

  25. #25
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    gear is a waste for you bro. it wont do a thing. you need to diet and hit up alot of cardio. steroids will not cut you up especially at a stomping 27%bf. i know you are hoping that you can run steroid and end up getting shredded but it wont happen. you need to put alot of hard work in. go tothe diet section and learn how to eat then reconsider a cycle once you get down around 15%. your bf is way to high and not only will steroids be a waste for you but it will be dangerous. do what you want, i really dont care if you shoot 2000mgs of deca today but this is my insight
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

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