Hey guys and SEXY Girls... I am writing this Editorial due to my Experience with this Board for those who are new Members or not so New and who might be making the same mistake I did... I first have to say that I hold this Board to the highest respect along with many of the Members and that I am not here to Pass a Finale Judgment on the Board or its Members... I am simply giving my Personal Experiences as a Member and where I went wrong....
I have been a Member for a while (12.04.01) but for the most part never really said anything (Due to the fact that I have no AS background).... I just read over the post and tried my best to comprehend the best way for me to Juice.... It has been very Informative and Comical... My downfall is the fact I did not express any views or opinions regardless of my lack of past use or having Zero background... Because I did not make any friends it is hard to get anyone to trust or help me... So if you are New here and reading this Please Talk and Express yourself so you do not run into the same Problems I am... I am not saying that no one here wants to help you (I did finally recv help from some Great people) it is that if you do hold back from making new friends here then how can they trust you... Just reading over the Posts since I have been a member I see that close to 99% of these Members are Great People and will go out of their way to help... So if you are new or even been on for a while but have been Silent... Take my advice Make friends... There are a lot of them here... You and they just dont know your friends yet...
Anyway... Good luck to all New Members... I hope you find and achieve your Personal Goals... HAve fun with the Board as I did... You will Learn much and Laugh your Ass off... Have fun and Grow Well...
Devils Mentor...
I am including a Quote I recv'ed from a Member... It was very enlightening:
I think you are selling yourself a little short my freind. You have been a member here for almost a year. I am sure in that time you have read quite a bit that you could offer advice on as there are a lot of redundent questions. If it makes you feel comfortable, put that you have not used any AS yet in your signature. However, the fact that you have not used does not mean you have nothing to offer.