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Thread: Jaundice ???

  1. #1

    Jaundice ???

    I recently ran a simple test & d-bol cycle that went as such....
    500 mgs test E/W 9 weeks
    30 mgs d-bol, e/d the first 3 weeks.,
    I was going to run 10, but got signs of gyno at week 9, so I cut it short & started w/ clomid & nolva, as follows....
    150 clomid e/d 2 wks, + 40 mgs nolva e/d 2 wks, ( this is where I'm at now, 2 wks into pct ) clomid is supposed to reduce to 50mgs e/d for 2 more weeks, & nolva continues at 40 for 2 more weeks, but my girl friend noticed 2 days ago that my eyes are yellow, my skin is not & I don't have any other signs of jaundice, but this has me real worried. should I continue w/ the PCT or just quit it all & see if my eyes turn white again. Has any one ever had this happen to them ? what did you do ?
    I don't want to run off to the Dr, b/c he's just going to run labs, which i already know are elivated above normal, then make me wait 6 weeks & run them again.
    any suggestions that could ease my worries ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    See a doc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    symptom checker reports back 2018 possible causes of yellow eyes.

    see a doc bro. better safe then sorry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    In the gym, getting big.
    I don't think that the yellow eyes, even if it were from the dbol, would last 2 months after you stopped dbol. You only took 30mg for 3 weeks, which is very light for dbol dosing/length of administration.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87 View Post
    I don't think that the yellow eyes, even if it were from the dbol, would last 2 months after you stopped dbol. You only took 30mg for 3 weeks, which is very light for dbol dosing/length of administration.
    you may very well be right. but bottom line the dudes eyes are yellow. may have nothing to do with AAS. only way to know is to see a doc and get some blood work done.

    and to the OP im sure the results will come back distorted. but you will be able to rule out anything serious or any immediate threat. then you go back six weeks later for more test. not a big deal.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    There can be many causes.

    I have light yellow eyes some times better sometime worst and even some times Iam yellow little bit all. Thats becouse I have Gilbert syndrome, benign mutation what affect my billirubine conjugation and thanks to this I have high plasma billirubine and this range from upper normal limit to 3times higher concentration in blood.

    I run many cycles with orals in many and with PCT drugs as well. My liver enzymes were allways good or in acceptable range (2x upper limit after 3months on orals up to 100mg/day).

    I never run clomid so I cant help you. But I run nolva and never had problem my liver enzymes on nolva and aromasin were in range.

    I was really anxious about my yellow eyes and its nothink to worry in my case.

    But to be safe visit M.D.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In the gym, getting big.
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    you may very well be right. but bottom line the dudes eyes are yellow. may have nothing to do with AAS. only way to know is to see a doc and get some blood work done.

    and to the OP im sure the results will come back distorted. but you will be able to rule out anything serious or any immediate threat. then you go back six weeks later for more test. not a big deal.
    You're right. I was just stating my opinion.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87 View Post
    You're right. I was just stating my opinion.
    I know....

  9. #9
    Xnathan gave me the insight I was hoping to find. that's eased my fears a bit. I was diagnosed w/ gilberts syndrome about 4 years ago, chances are it's a temporary thing do tue high billirubin levels.
    i'm going to stay off everything, keep clean, wait a few months & get my labs done again, like i said, i had them checked pre cycle in September & all was good, so I don't think I've caused any major organ damage in that short low dose cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Dude Jaundice is caused by liver distortion whether it be by affecting liver enzymes or liver tissue- the only way to know the diff. is by going to a doctor, i know youve said youve had this disorder, but you seem worried in your first post so you probably werent yellow for a while- go c a doc, theyre not gonna arrest you, just my2cents, peace.

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