Ive been reading alot about prolactin lately. I've checked out pheedno's thread along with quite a few others. And, of course, google. I ran deca awhile back without much knowledge @500mg/week and 500mg/week sust 12 weeks. No auxilaries. Nolva only pct. Good gains. Minimal sides. Not exactly ideal though. I'm going to be running tren @50mgs/day prop 70mg/day for 10 weeks with a-dex. Although bromo or caber would be ideal, I'm going to use b-6 and l-dopa to try and combat prolactin. I don't think I'm prone to prolactin sides. I'm thinking b-6@300mgs/day but no real clue on how to use the l-dopa? Any ideas on l-dopa dosage for this particular purpose? Or, for that matter, anything else that might help?
Thanks bros

P.S.-I really don't want to sound like one of those guys posting an OTC PCT thread wondering whether or not novadex xt will give full recovery after a 20 week cycle