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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1

    First cycle

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here

    I've been considering taking a cycle for a while now, I've been working out for bout a year and a half and while I gained a lot of strength from my super wimp status of before, i still feel small. I am mainly interested in gaining some mass, since my strength to weight ratio is pretty good. I'm 18, weigh 120lbs and I'm 5'6. my bench max runs 185, and i can do 'bout 30 consecutive full extension pull ups with excellent form for the first 23 or so. The thing is I have gained next to nothing in size or weight, I have decent strength i look cut, but I's really small. So I've been considering doing a novice Deca stack I saw recomended on some site, it was a shot every 3 days, and im thinking of doing 125 mg a week for 7 weeks. Until now I was pretty sure about this, but lately I've had people telling me that this is gonna shut down my natural test production, and after seeing a previous post on this board i'm kinda scared. I also don't really understand weather I need an anti-estrogen after this cycle or not since its not that much, but at the smae time deca does aeroatize. Also I've been told that my small size might be because my test levels are naturally low, which kinda scares me because then i really dont need a drop after i come off my cycle. I dont really want to be massive, I think I just need a little help in bulking up, so I figured a low dose should be enough, I'm looking to gain maybe 10 pounds, just so i can fill up my t-shirts, which is something i can't do right now. I wish i had $$ for all these liver and test levels, analysis from doctors , but i dont, so i kinda have to go with whatever seems safest. Any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i'm definantly not an expert, but i've been hanging around this board for like 4-5 months now and this is the advice i think you're gunna see...

    first off, people are going to tell you that you are way too young to consider using AAS. i think the general consensus on minimum age for a cycle is 21-22.

    the kind of gyno caused by deca is not the same as the kind caused by test aromatizing, so anti-e's like armidex and nolvadex won't work against deca gyno.

    most of the novice cycles i've read about here range from like 8-12 weeks. i'm not sure, but i think that is long enough to shutdown natural test production in most people. but everyone uses clomid for 2 weeks (starting 2 weeks after your last test shot) to restart natural test production.

    would any experienced members like to verify my advice and ramblings?

    -- clocky baby

  3. #3
    ergh.. i meant 125 mg pershot BTW... yeah i've been toldi m too young, but i'm getting really frustrated by my lack of size gains. when you go to the beach its not about lifting 250lbs, its about looking like you lift 250lbs.. you know? Any adivce from anyone here on a mild cycle, just something to add 10-15lbs of lean weight? with that extra weight i think i'd be happy and settle for a while and keep pushing my natural gains, i'm just sick of looking like a wimp.. the people who i work out with, who started just like me now are like twice my size, and its really frustrating.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    i feel your pain. i'm a small guy also. i put on roughly 15lbs by working out and dieting...but i'm still small! i'm 5'8'' and 155lbs. it seems i have stopped making weight gains, and my strength gains are going very very slowly. i also agree with you, i don't give a rats ass about strength...its all about the beach look...

    well, i'm prolly gunna get yelled at for giving cycle advice to a young person when i don't have any cycle experience myself, but here goes...=)

    when i first started getting interest in AAS, i wanted to do a pure bulking cycle consisting of:
    week 1-4 30mg/ed dianabol
    week 1-11 500mg/wk test enanthate
    week 1-12 400mg/wk deca
    week 14-15 100mg/ed clomid
    week 15-16 50mg/ed clomid
    and have enough nolvadex onhand to take 20mg/ed for the entire cycle

    from the responses from members here, it seems like that cycle would have put on like 15-20lbs, but would more than likely cause a bit of bloat...

    i've always seen deca recommended like that: 400mg/wk (one shot a week) for a beginner's cycle. i've never really heard of people taking 125mg x3 per week. i don't think its fast acting like test prop, so to keep levels of it steady in your body, you don't need to take such frequent shots.

    months went by and i decided i'd rather want to be kinda hard at the end of the cycle so i changed it to test/eq/winny. i've heard from many people that that will give me like 15lbs, but i'll look harder and leaner at the end...

    there is a post somewhere here called something like "novice cycles" that i've modeled these cycles after...

    but yeah, in the should wait till you're like 21-22...=)

    again, opinions/advice from experienced memebers...??

    -- clocky baby

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Welcome to AR


  6. #6
    well, i'll follow the advice... I have no desire to mess my hormones up. I was under the impression DECA was almost completely safe, i guess not really. what about oxandrolone.. ive heard they give that to kids to promote growth and doesnt aeromatize at all, i know its not too strong, but 10-15 lbs in 12 weeks is not unreasonable is it? I really need some help, natural isn't working too much, but i'm not willing to compromise my health for image either... I've also been told to stay away from most everything at GNC except for protein... any comments on that from people who have tried them?

    I guess i could be more focused... i dont eat right, and i drink a lot, and often.. but i have a pretty well sized caloric intake and i get plenty of protein.. just sometimes not enough fruits n veggies. I stopped drinking 2 weeks ago to focus more on training and feel better already.

    one more think, i recently started doing 20 min of cardio every day before my weight lifting sessions, and i've been getting mixed comments from people, I personally feel it increases my pump a bit and i sleep better, and have more energy, and its healthy.. but people have also told me its inhibiting my muscle gains
    Last edited by Lightning; 11-17-2002 at 10:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Welcome Bro

    Stick around read and research.


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