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  1. #1
    Rugbyboy8 is offline Junior Member
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    D-Bol - build up or start at 40mgs?

    first cycle a and will be using the dbol to kickstart for 4 weeks whilst the test e kicks in.

    wanted to know people opinions on whether to start straight away on 40mgs a day or whether to start on 25 and work up to 40?

    Also is 40 the max you would use? i'm 6"4, 230lbs

  2. #2
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbyboy8 View Post
    first cycle a and will be using the dbol to kickstart for 4 weeks whilst the test e kicks in.

    wanted to know people opinions on whether to start straight away on 40mgs a day or whether to start on 25 and work up to 40?

    Also is 40 the max you would use? i'm 6"4, 230lbs
    You may not need the whole 40mg dose,,so working up may find your sweet spot,,,,but for most I would say just start from day 1 with the 40mg.

  3. #3
    drummerofgod87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbyboy8 View Post
    first cycle a and will be using the dbol to kickstart for 4 weeks whilst the test e kicks in.

    wanted to know people opinions on whether to start straight away on 40mgs a day or whether to start on 25 and work up to 40?

    Also is 40 the max you would use? i'm 6"4, 230lbs
    You can use 40 if you want. I think 50 would be fine too, but don't go higher than that for this cycle.

  4. #4
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    well, I wouldn't take the Dbols if it's your first cycle. save them. You WILL not need them at all for your first time. your face will already blow up like a balloon, and your hormones will be raging, from the test..

    the reason you i wouldn't want to take both is because if something goes wrong i'd like to know absolutely which ester is making me react badly so I could avoid it in the future. But if you aren't going to take my advice, then just take 40mg of the d-bol a day for 6 days a week, for the first 4 weeks of your cycle. Do not build up by taking 25 / 25 / 40 / 40.. or something silly like that. just remember: keep dosages constant.... this can also help in avoiding side-affects.

    Finally, get your blood work done before, during, and post cycle...Also, remember eat like a silverback in mating season, while on your cycle.

    oh... and no 40mg is not the "max" people have reported taking up to 100+mg per day. However, I would not recommend taking more then 40mg if you're using this to kickstart your first cycle.

  5. #5
    drummerofgod87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post

    well, I wouldn't take the Dbols if it's your first cycle. save them. You WILL not need them at all for your first time. your face will already blow up like a balloon, and your hormones will be raging, from the test..

    the reason you i wouldn't want to take both is because if something goes wrong i'd like to know absolutely which ester is making me react badly so I could avoid it in the future. But if you aren't going to take my advice, then just take 40mg of the d-bol a day for 6 days a week, for the first 4 weeks of your cycle. Do not build up by taking 25 / 25 / 40 / 40.. or something silly like that. just remember: keep dosages constant.... this can also help in avoiding side-affects.

    Finally, get your blood work done before, during, and post cycle...Also, remember eat like a silverback in mating season, while on your cycle.

    oh... and no 40mg is not the "max" people have reported taking up to 100+mg per day. However, I would not recommend taking more then 40mg if you're using this to kickstart your first cycle.
    6 days a week? Who does that? If you want to keep steady blood levels, you will want to be taking dbol every day. There's no reason not to take it 7 days a week.

  6. #6
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    my bad. i didn't proof-read. haha.. didn't even notice I hit 6.

    Thanks for the correction Drummer.

  7. #7
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    I started it at 50mg/ed and stayed at that dose for 4 weeks. IMO dbol is over-rated and not for me. 50mg is a high end dose somewhat and i had high bp problems and nose bleeds from it. I could suggest a prob kickstart instead of the orals

  8. #8
    Rugbyboy8 is offline Junior Member
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    ok i'll start with 40mgs a day from the off then,

    a few people have told me that i should take them before i work out as it will give me a bit of a boost, is this true? also they say it could raise my aggression levels, anyone had this??

    What i was wondering was if i should take it for a boost before workout how long before i work out should i take it?

    Also if it is going to raise my aggression levels then on a sat when i play rugby a higher aggression level can be useful so i was thinking if i took a double dose before i play - i.e. - 9am take 10mgs as normal then 1pm (1hour before kick off) take 20mgs for an extra boost and then 7pm take the final 10mgs would that be at all benficial?

  9. #9
    drummerofgod87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbyboy8 View Post
    ok i'll start with 40mgs a day from the off then,

    a few people have told me that i should take them before i work out as it will give me a bit of a boost, is this true? also they say it could raise my aggression levels, anyone had this??

    What i was wondering was if i should take it for a boost before workout how long before i work out should i take it?

    Also if it is going to raise my aggression levels then on a sat when i play rugby a higher aggression level can be useful so i was thinking if i took a double dose before i play - i.e. - 9am take 10mgs as normal then 1pm (1hour before kick off) take 20mgs for an extra boost and then 7pm take the final 10mgs would that be at all benficial?
    I personally split up my doses throughout the day, like every 4 - 6 hours.

  10. #10
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    I started it at 50mg/ed and stayed at that dose for 4 weeks. IMO dbol is over-rated and not for me. 50mg is a high end dose somewhat and i had high bp problems and nose bleeds from it. I could suggest a prob kickstart instead of the orals
    X2^ I didn't get the results that I had always heard about. I didn't even try them until my 4 cycle or so. My current cycle I kicked started with drol and that stuff works. But, never a good choice for a first cycle. Side effects from dbol were worse believe it or not. I started it at 30mg and increased it to 50mg. Maybe you'll have better luck.

  11. #11
    Rugbyboy8 is offline Junior Member
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    any answers on taking them before workout or rugby?

  12. #12
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugbyboy8 View Post
    any answers on taking them before workout or rugby?
    Yes. Some people like to take 1 - 2 pills prior to an intense workout. Or rugby. I can't say if it works or not... but my friends claim it does boost aggression.

    I'd suggest doing what the others have said. Split your doses evenly throughout the day.. every 3 - 4 hours. I'd also suggest having them with / after a protein based meal. (Have 1 or 2 maybe half an hour before rugby practice..)

  13. #13
    VR4's Avatar
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    I would really suggest starting low and finding your sweet spot. I got the same exact gains from 25mgs/day and 50mg/day.
    I also noticed my pumps were waaaaay better when I split the doses up throughout the day. I took 5mgs every 5 hours, and got much better results than when I took 25mg's every 12 hours.
    much smaller dose...and no sides other than back pumps.

  14. #14
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    50's the sweet spot!

  15. #15
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    25mg when i wake up and half at maybe 2pm. if im feeling fruity ill break it up into 3 doses

  16. #16
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    i personally feel if goal is to jump start and its an early cycle (3rd or less) just start it from jump at 30mgs and keep it there all 4 weeks.....seems to transition nicely to a 400-500mg test/week cycle. I really like a test only 1st cycle but if are gonna add anything dball should be it and imo 30mg/day for 1st 4 weeks.... 3 doses @ 10mg each

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