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Thread: My 1st legit cycle? PCT?

  1. #1

    My 1st legit cycle? PCT?

    Hey guys! Love the forum. Been reading for a couple of months and trying to do some due diligence this time. Didnt do any DD last time and kinda wasted my money.

    Anyway my first legit cycle will be as follows.

    Test E 600mg a week
    Deca 450mg a week .
    D-bol 50 mg a day
    12 week cycle and injecting 2x a week

    My stats.
    38 years old
    6' 3" tall
    270 lbs
    bf 12-13%

    Started the cycle last week and have put on 4.5 lbs. I guess the D-bol really kicks things in like they say it does. I was going to do a PCT of Clomid HCG and 10mg of d-bol(carry over to next cycle). How does this sound? Ive read that Clomid is enough with an HCG. What do you guys think? Do I need more in my PCT?

    Thanks. Love the show here.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Hard to critique the cycle without the durations for each compound listed.
    I don't like the pct and definitely don't like the idea of a dbol bridge.

  3. #3


    Sorry about that I must a have erased the time frame.

    I will be doing a 12 week cycle

    So no D-bol brige? OK. Wasnt sure about that because I only heard it mentioned once but it was on the descriptions page of the site under the Dianabol heading.

    You dont like the PCT. The idea of using only Clomid and an HCG not good?

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    so your running dbol for 12 weeks? not good at all.
    deca needs to be stopped before you stop the test.
    I like clomid/nolva/aromasin for pct, and hcg if needed.

    I was hoping to see something like:

    test e 600mg/week 1-12
    deca 450mg/week 1-10
    dbol 50mg/day week 1-4

  5. #5

    OOPS again!

    Didnt get it the first time.

    dbol weeks 1-4
    deca weeks 1-12?
    test e weeks 1-12

    should I use deca all the through the cycle or drop it in week 10?

  6. #6
    Thanks Big.
    could you give me the reasons and or dosage recomondations for using clomid/nolva/aromasin

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    it's about my bed time, check some of the threads at the top of this section for explanation.

  8. #8

    Thank you

    Right on buddy. Thanks for the input and all the knowledge you share on this board you really give back.


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