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  1. #1
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    Next cycle of test and tren for my goals.

    While on cycle the mind wanders to what will be next...whats the best mix...its a bit mingboggling...and there is no magic right answer.
    My first cycle of sust and anadrol was (bieng my first) really good. Leaned out and put on enough shape that people who hadnt seen me for a year all commented. For a 40 year old this was a good ego stroke,not to mention a motivator extraordinaire.
    But I knew very little about the rest of the puzzle...the diet was weak. This cycle saw me spending more time on diet planning and studying then the aas took up. It also saw me manning up to eod injections...but I will add they did grow tiring after a short while and so I know I should keep it to 2xwk patterns,still a marked improvement over 1x week pinphobia!!
    I am just finishing this cycle of sust -test e and anavar and I am not all that pleased...size was good with gains in my chest and legs (the areas I focussed on) but I did not get my bf down to where I wanted it. I tried hard and dieted well, but at crunch time in the last 3 weeks I tried to go keto and couldnt seem to maintain and it may have been as simple as my chewing gum, regardless my bf did not drop in my last 3 weeks and that was tough.
    But all this bring me to the next cycle.
    I am currently 182 at about 13 % bf
    I am 5'9" and in my fourties.
    Diet knowledge and the discipline to apply it are both good . (so long as I dont try keto again.)
    I am able to workout 5x week and find time for 45-60 min of cardio 5 x.
    So I think my ducks are in a row and want better results next time.
    Here are my plans for your input.
    1-4 dbol @40mg/day
    1-4 sust @ 250mg eod my thinking is the short esters will kick in quicker?
    1-10 tren E @400mg/wk
    5-12 test e @ 250 mg 2 x wk totalling 500mg/week
    4-12 t3 at 40mcg/day
    then time off till pct .
    pct will be pro and nolv and clo .
    Adex is on hand as needed to fend off retained water or gyno and for use perhaps during pct if needed.
    This will be my first 19-nor and I could use some help still on how to counter its sides. It seems like letro for ar-r is whats needed just in case?
    The goal for this cycle is to end with bf down at 10% so the last part of the cycle would be planned to be calorie defecient and increased cardio. I may not need to go down in calories as these products and the cardio alone may result in the changes I want. Thats why I have chosen these products . At the end of the cycle if my 182 lb body ended up at 185 but with lower bf of 5-10lbs I would have hit my goal on the head....are these the right ingredients for that goal?

  2. #2
    T_Own's Avatar
    T_Own is offline Formula1 Aficionado
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    if you think you can deal with tren then go for it. letro isn't always the best for tren sides, caber also helps with the progesterone. 250mg eod of sust is pretty high to then drop down to 500mg/w. i think you would just be better off front loading the test e, with or with out the dbol , and keeping the tren the way it is. t3 might not be best, i think the tren should help you enough to reach your goals along with a good diet. you don't need letro and arimidex , both are ai's, so if you get gyno, letro would be much better

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Id also drop the sustanon run test e from jump and jump start with the dball like u have above. Lose the t3 and use adex .25-.5eod......if u keep etsro donwn the 19 nor progesterone sides should be the adex from jump imo.

    1-4 dball 40mg /day
    1-12 test e 500/week
    1-10 tren e 400/week
    adex .25-.5 eod run up topct...pct 2 weeks post last inj test e
    prov/clom/nolva fine as long as duration and dosage accurate
    yeah and like i said id drop the t3 ....dont like it personally

  4. #4
    daem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonysucks View Post
    At the end of the cycle if my 182 lb body ended up at 185 but with lower bf of 5-10lbs I would have hit my goal on the head....are these the right ingredients for that goal?
    I think your proposed cycle is overkill for that goal...You're talking about a net gain of 8-13 lbs of lean mass when it is all said and done.

    Test alone along with some Winstrol or Anavar would get you to where you want to go...If you didn't lose a lb for 3 weeks when you were trying to diet and go keto while running compounds, you need to really reevaluate your diet and plan.

    Just by reading your new cycle plan, it sounds to me like you are throwing more compounds in since your last cycle didn't live up to expectations and you most likely didn't maximize cardio or diet, hence the overcompensation.

    When did this last cycle end and how long have you taken off?

    Seriously, 1g of test will get you to most ANY goal you have as opposed to a stack of compounds you will be wasting without a completely dialed diet.
    Last edited by daem; 01-05-2009 at 03:26 AM.

  5. #5
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    Test and winny. Tried winny ,but it was noticeable in what it did for my joints,shoulders especially so I cut it out. I have 6 weeks worth of var at 60mg /day.
    The current cycle isnt yet over, I am just finishing it, I am off for a couple weeks on my trip. These plans are bieng figrued on to allow me to order in advance....leaving ordering to the last minute is Badd!

  6. #6
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh gotcha bro...I thought you had just finished your last cycle and were now thinking of hopping back on.

    Let us know what you end up keeping gains-wise after your PCT and we can help more.

  7. #7
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    I started this cycle at about 173-175 and now I am at 185 but again with about 6-8 lbs less fat...similar results to my first cycle. A bit bigger and a bit leaner everytime is the goal.

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