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Thread: Need Cycle Help

  1. #1
    Short Arms is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002

    Question Need Cycle Help

    Hi Every one from Sunny Australia,

    Wondering if i could have some input on the best / safe cycle on using the below juice.

    Sustanon 250
    Test Enthanate
    Deca (only in 1ml/50MG)

    My doctor will prescribe the above to me, however he will not prescribe HCG , Clomid or Nolvadex as these are intended for Women (so he says). I have tried convincing him but NO is the answer!

    There is no such black market in Australia for Steroids or anti e's etc (not in WA anyway) so i'm stuck with the above and not 100% sure what is the best way to put a safe cycle together with the above.

    So what would be my best option, i have done 4 cycles of sus 250 for 4 weeks and make nice lean gains, without to much gyno, however after 3-4 weeks i go back to where i started (maybe marginally bigger).

    I'm 28, 165CM, true light weight at 162 pounds and about 13% BF. I want a safe cycle with minimal gyno with lean muscle gains.

    Any sugestions which would be the best way to cycle or do i keep on doing what i'm doing.

    Thanks guys for understanding my position.

    Short Arms

  2. #2
    tt333 is offline Senior Member
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    Sust 500mgs 1-10 and Deca 400mgs 1-10

  3. #3
    Short Arms is offline New Member
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    Nov 2002
    Any one else got any comments on this. Think the only cycle mentioned is way to strong to run without having anti e or clomid / HCG available.

    Any thoughts.


  4. #4
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Well Andriol sucks so just forget about that one....

    And actually the Deca you can get sucks too, Only 50mg/ml means you'll be shooting your ass full of oil... but if that's all you can get then you have to use it....

    I would suggest something like this, and I'll explain why in a minute...

    750mg sustanon weeks 1-3
    400mg Test Ent weeks 3-10
    300mg Deca weeks 1-10

    The reason for starting off with the Sustanon is so you can use the fast asting esters in it to kick off your cycle... This means shooting 1 amp of Sustanon EOD for the first 3 weeks...

    If you had access to D-bol I would say just stick with the Test Ent and run the D-bol weeks 1-4, but if this is all you can get I think you'll like this cycle...

    After week 3 you can switch off to the Test Ent... It'll be easier to keep your test levels constant with it more then the Sustanon...

    Deca just run at 300mg thoughout the cycle, this is plenty for your first cycle...

    I have done quite a few cycles and started my current one with sustanon for the first 3 weeks, just becasue I had some extra laying around... I like how the prop and phenylprop kicked in real quick at the start, but I used D-bol with it also....

    This is almost identical to what I'm running, only my doses are slightly higher.... I've gained 16lbs after 4 weeks, so I'd say it's been effective...

    You still will want to have anti-estrogens on hand, never start a cycle without them and a post cycle treatment as well... Either clomid or HCG , or at the very least nolva for post cycle recovery...

  5. #5
    skii96's Avatar
    skii96 is offline Member
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    Getting clomid, anti-e's and nolva is legal, just look around!!!!!

    NOT ME.

  6. #6
    Short Arms is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Thanks guys.

    Where is anti e's and clomid legal. Not in Australia mate!!!!!!

    Thanks guys

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