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ok i do about 35 min cardio Mon-Fri and on Tuesdays I do a 50 min Spinning class.. I used to eat at noon and and not eat till after the workout, but I read here that cardio isnt good on an empty stomach.
after the cardio sometimes before, we do chest and tri on monday, Tuesday after the spinning I usually do some biceps, Wed we do Legs and traps, Thursdays we do back, and Fridays Shoulders and a little more biceps sometimes we swim for half hour.
We have been doing this with changes every 3 or so months as a group for 3 years. and two of us had been training a few years before that.
the first 2 years we all changed a lot and made good gains which have stayed. now we are all sort of stuck and havent continued to see any changes.
Like I said before my diet isnt perfect I know that, but at the same time it is mostly healthy food. maybe I eating to many of to few times a day?? or my genetics said hey this is it for you??