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Thread: Prevent Tren rage/irritablility.

  1. #1
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    Post Prevent Tren rage/irritablility.

    I have always heard a lot of people talk about their problems with Tren rage/irritability and people need to know there is a way around it! Lower your Test dose!!! 200mg or less a week is best, 300mg max. I have proved this time and time again with over 7 people now including myself. Tren rage or any kind of irritability with Tren never evolves if Test is kept low! I wish I could understand what the hell the correlation is but keeping Test at roughly TRT doses prevents Tren aggression issues completely.

    Take myself for example, first time running Tren I used Test Prop 500mg/week and Tren Ace at 50mg/ED and I was a damn anti-social, angry, bastard, screaming at people, wanting to punch a friend just saying hi to me, it was horrible as I am normally the complete opposite of being anything like that. And then reading here and there I stumbled upon someone saying to keep Test low to prevent the aggression associated with Tren. And so next cycle I ended up running Test Prop at 50mg/EOD and Tren Ace at 100mg/ED and there was absolutely no change in my behavior or any irritability of any kind, I couldn't believe it. And so I had a friend that was having the same problem, told him to lower Test and what do you know his Tren rage was non-existent with his second run of it and he ran Tren at a higher dose as I did.

    I've had 4 other friends of mine use Tren in two different cycles and had all 4 guys run Test at no more than 250mg/week and none of them ever had any increased aggression what so ever. I wish this advice could be stapled into all Tren articles/profiles/topics and just have everyone know about this because I have proved it with self experience 4 times and several other peoples experiences. This advice needs to be spread into all steroid forums! If you have aggression problems with Tren, try exactly what I suggested and get back to me if you can. I guarantee that Tren rage/irritability will never develop or if it does it will be much lower.

  2. #2
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    I've never had problems concerning anger or irritability with Tren (or any steroid combination that I've tried for that matter), even with Test @ 750mg per week and Tren @ 75mg ED. I have always been more aggressive and have wanted to sexually ravage every chick I saw, but I never felt anything like what you described. I have always actually been more social than ever whenever I'm on Tren because I guess I just feel more confident. Do you know anyone who doesn't experience Tren rage like you say? I just find it strange that your local epidemiology of Tren rage would be so high from what you describe.

    Even though a lot of people may feel angrier and more irritable while they're on Tren, I think that reducing their test doses would hinder gains somewhat. I've always ran test at the least 500mg in every cycle. If I did get Tren rage, unless I was actually affecting anyone else from it especially hurting someone, I'd keep up with the high dose of test.
    Last edited by drummerofgod87; 01-07-2009 at 12:31 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87 View Post
    I've never had problems concerning anger or irritability with Tren (or any steroid combination that I've tried for that matter), even with Test @ 750mg per week and Tren @ 75mg ED. I have always been more aggressive and have wanted to sexually ravage every chick I saw, but I never felt anything like what you described. I have always actually been more social than ever whenever I'm on Tren because I guess I just feel more confident. Do you know anyone who doesn't experience Tren rage like you say? I just find it strange that your local epidemiology of Tren rage would be so high from what you describe.

    Even though a lot of people may feel angrier and more irritable while they're on Tren, I think that reducing their test doses would hinder gains somewhat. I've always ran test at the least 500mg in every cycle. If I did get Tren rage, unless I was actually affecting anyone else from it especially hurting someone, I'd keep up with the high dose of test.
    I have read plenty of people losing their job and even their girlfriends while on Tren. I'm not the only one that has developed Tren rage like that. All you have to do is search and read and you'll see people that are far worse in their experience with increased aggression while on Tren. And hinder gains with lowering Test levels? Tren is already so strong why even waste money on using more of anything else. Tren binds 3 times stronger to the androgen receptor than Test and is 5 times as anabolic and androgenic. Hell just up the Tren dosage 100mg and that would more than make up for the lowered Test levels.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    I have read plenty of people losing their job and even their girlfriends while on Tren. I'm not the only one that has developed Tren rage like that. All you have to do is search and read and you'll see people that are far worse in their experience with increased aggression while on Tren. And hinder gains with lowering Test levels? Tren is already so strong why even waste money on using more of anything else. Tren binds 3 times stronger to the androgen receptor than Test and is 5 times as anabolic and androgenic. Hell just up the Tren dosage 100mg and that would more than make up for the lowered Test levels.
    That's crazy that some people can see such a significant change in mood that they lose a job or a woman.

    True that you can up the Tren dosage to offset the Test somewhat, but there is a synergy between the two that can be partially lost when reducing the dose of Test. Also, sometimes putting the Tren dose up can make become too much for one to handle. Not saying that upping Tren can't be done, I'm just stating some of the cons of doing it. I'll have to see how I react to Tren @ 100mg ED for the cycle coming after my cycle that is starting soon.

    And although the anabolic and androgenic ratings are 5x higher, that doesn't mean that Tren is 5x more anabolic and androgenic than Test. If that were true, we'd all be making Ronnie Coleman look like a 150lb high schooler.

  5. #5
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    I've ran trenbolone by itself and can tell you I was just as screwed up as when I ran 1g of test with it.

    I personally feel your environment trumps all "chemical interactions" where even a well-tempered individual will crack under stress.

    We all have fight or flight instincts that kick in depending on situations / environmental factors either within or outside of our sphere of control or influence.

    Here's a good one: Don't go out and keep tabs on your girl at a bar and expect everything to be all My Little Pony over the course of the night.

  6. #6
    or call up your ex ..asking her who is she fukn...i dosnt go over well...tren is a jacked up juice..but i cant seem to stop using me 100mg ed...and this is week 9..3 more weeks of hell especially at night with ..all thgat paranoid night sweats yadda yadda

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-ORICLE View Post
    or call up your ex ..asking her who is she fukn...i dosnt go over well...tren is a jacked up juice..but i cant seem to stop using me 100mg ed...and this is week 9..3 more weeks of hell especially at night with ..all thgat paranoid night sweats yadda yadda
    What, you don't like sleeping in an ocean of sweat? I personally make sweat angels on my bed. It's just fun looking at an imprint of yourself on your bed in the morning.

  8. #8
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    IMO its a myth. It really has to do with your personality. I did low doses and high doses of almost everything, no rage what so ever, mood swings..yes, but no rage.

  9. #9
    hmm, i did notice aggression with tren when i was using 100mg prop and 100mg tren ed. I wasn't crazy angry, but i was irritable. Small stuff drove me crazy. I went down to 50mg ed of prop with the 100mg tren ed and i have no problems at all. I'm actually very happy right now and even patient with the little one. I play with a 2 year old every night that is 10 times more cranky than me and she never even gets under my skin.

    I almost never have night sweats but when i do they are bad and usually associated with a disabling mid-night cough too. (weird i know, tren cough is usually post injection but mine happens usually mid-sleep). That has only happened a few times in my whole experience though.

    I can't say exactly that it was the test, because i was running such a high dose of both my body just didn't like all that at once. I think it would have decreased if i dropped either compound down.

  10. #10
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    I've always been very docile while on Tren. The only things I really mind with Tren are the appetite suppression and the decreased aerobic capacity. The appetite suppression is always the worst at the beginning of the cycle. It gets hard to even eat half a sandwich. What really scares me is that I've felt like I was having my throat being constricted some nights and that I have to stay up until I calm down. Maybe it's the stress or a combination between the two.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87 View Post
    I've always been very docile while on Tren. The only things I really mind with Tren are the appetite suppression and the decreased aerobic capacity. The appetite suppression is always the worst at the beginning of the cycle. It gets hard to even eat half a sandwich. What really scares me is that I've felt like I was having my throat being constricted some nights and that I have to stay up until I calm down. Maybe it's the stress or a combination between the two.
    i have that too sometimes (throat thing). feels like asthma almost and then i get nervous and start sweating really bad.

    i don't get appetite suppression on it though, i get so hungry i can't stop eating!

  12. #12
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    I will be starting a Test E only cycle, should I expect any rage/mood changes during the cycle? Its my first cycle and I'm just curious...

  13. #13
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    Im not sure bout you guys but this last cycle of tren test i ran 700mg test/week and 75mg tren ED....really had no aggression issues that worried me at all. I became more irritable at the small things BUT it was easy to blow off, kind of just more edgy most of the time but not as bad as most people say. Everyone is different tho.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    I have read plenty of people losing their job and even their girlfriends while on Tren. I'm not the only one that has developed Tren rage like that. All you have to do is search and read and you'll see people that are far worse in their experience with increased aggression while on Tren. And hinder gains with lowering Test levels? Tren is already so strong why even waste money on using more of anything else. Tren binds 3 times stronger to the androgen receptor than Test and is 5 times as anabolic and androgenic. Hell just up the Tren dosage 100mg and that would more than make up for the lowered Test levels.
    i tend to agree with the part of this statement i put in bold. Tren will def do the lions share in a cycle. upping test really high when using tren is imo a waste.....
    i use run test at 525mg /week (prop ed @ 75 mgs) with tren and im pretty sure i could run it at 50ed (350mg/week)and prob get same/ similar results... i def never run test at 750+ per week anymore with tren...just doesnt make sense for me ...have done it in past and i find i do just as well with lower test dose with the tren...imo

  15. #15
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    When I run tren I want to feel its powerful effects. Running the test dose high seems useless. I like about 300mg a week just because I need test in my system. I want to look bone dry while on tren so why would I want test (possible bloat) to be high? That is my reason for it. I am definitely more aggresive even with that protocol. Next cutting cycle wil be prop 100mg eod/ mast 100mg eod/ tren 100mg eod......should be fun.

  16. #16
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    on 150mg of tren ed
    along with 400mg test per week
    no anger at all

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    on 150mg of tren ed
    along with 400mg test per week
    no anger at all
    150mg ED? That's a pretty high dose. What kinds of sides do you see at that kind of dose?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by drummerofgod87 View Post
    150mg ED? That's a pretty high dose. What kinds of sides do you see at that kind of dose?
    I've run it this high before, it's no big deal. I'm 9 days in and up to 254 pounds from 241.

    Last time I did a similar cycle, I was asked "are you on steroids?" about 5 times the last week of my cycle. I guess that's kinda an unwanted side. Esp because it happend a few times at work and I have a really professional job. One of the guys who called me out was a brain surgeon and another was a general surgeon.

    No physical sides except I'm sleepy all the time, I wake up a lot at night, piss more often, thirsty, and I want to hump everything with legs, more muscle and less fat.
    Last edited by Kratos; 01-08-2009 at 12:22 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I've run it this high before, it's no big deal. I'm 9 days in and up to 254 pounds from 241.

    Last time I did a similar cycle, I was asked "are you on steroids?" about 5 times the last week of my cycle. I guess that's kinda an unwanted side. Esp because it happend a few times at work and I have a really professional job. One of the guys who called me out was a brain surgeon and another was a general surgeon.

    No physical sides except I'm sleepy all the time, I wake up a lot at night, piss more often, thirsty, and I want to hump everything with legs, more muscle and less fat.
    Maybe in a few years, I'll be up to 150mg ED for Tren, but for now, I'll just bump up the dose to 100mg for my next cycle and call it a day. haha

  20. #20
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    I didn't have any issues with anger or rage on tren...there were a couple of times when I thought about killing someone...but I didn't act out...on the other hand...masteron made me a fukkin angry bastard...I almost pulled a guy out of his car towards the end of cycle...that scared me cause I haven't hurt anyone with my hands(or feet) in 7 years.

  21. #21
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    only combo i remember ever efefcting me was tes/tren/halo ...i got very....... impatient....almost irritable...... tes/tren in any other combo or dosage alone does not have this effect on me....although i have seen aggression/attitude increase in others using tren...ususally in their early experince...and they use need to be told..they dont recognize it...or dont want to recognize it in themselves. That reaction is limited to a few...

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I've run it this high before, it's no big deal. I'm 9 days in and up to 254 pounds from 241.

    Last time I did a similar cycle, I was asked "are you on steroids?" about 5 times the last week of my cycle. I guess that's kinda an unwanted side. Esp because it happend a few times at work and I have a really professional job. One of the guys who called me out was a brain surgeon and another was a general surgeon.

    No physical sides except I'm sleepy all the time, I wake up a lot at night, piss more often, thirsty, and I want to hump everything with legs, more muscle and less fat.

    I have notice while on Tren im pissing loads, mainly at night time though, no not in my bed i make it to the toilet but i normally wake twice a night to piss! i have even cut out all liquids a few hours before bed but does nothing!!!! You would think with the amount of water im loosing sweating at night i wouldnt need to piss!!!!!

  23. #23
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    yeah ..i wouldnt try not to piss on tren....its prob a good idea to keep well hydrated and piss frequently re your kidneys...even if it is a PIA .....JMO

  24. #24
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    i only read the thread posters post... and i agree 100 %

    my last 3 tren cycles ive ran my test at 350mg a week and my sides are zilch. i sleep like a baby. less aggression outside of the gym. and the same gains. due to the fact that i can up my dose of tren cuz im gettin less sides

    ive actually planned a few cycles for my friends and a few ppls on here with low test and higher tren. every one of them hasnt had a complaint yet.

    plus tren is the strongest compound over test. so why run your test at 500?? when the tren is the one doin the work?

    run enough test to keep the body happy or a bit more. and then let the tren do what its good at. building muscle and burning fat
    Last edited by Dukkit; 01-08-2009 at 10:12 AM.

  25. #25
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    I just finished a 600mg/week Test 400mg/week Tren cycle and had virtually no sides other than some mild night sweats that I slept through. In fact my sleep is worse now during pct lol.

  26. #26
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    Interesting study to add to the topic.

  27. #27
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    Im going to bump this thread, great read exactly what i needed!

    Now i know why im feeling the nasty effects of tren that everyone raves about. Im aggressive, irritable, snappy little depressed and my attitude is not good at times, and just picking on ppl. When i ran 200mg cyp 200mg tren e i felt nothing but euphoria, i felt AMAZING ALWAYS HAD A SMILE ON MY FACE!

    Now im running 625mg sus and 200mg tren e, and im ready to bite someones nose off. Im so glad im found this thread, and im starting to put 2 and 2 together now why im feeling like this.

  28. #28
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    We have said this time and time again.But there are a few guys who still like running high test and do good with it.

  29. #29
    I was planning on never using tren again. It seemed to take all the worst parts of my personality and multiply by ten. My poor wife didn't know what to think. I did keep my test at 500/week and tren at 350/week so this explains it. Now I'm tempted to try again...we'll see

  30. #30
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    This is the kind of educational threads we need on this board.

  31. #31
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    How about just having some self control? Working fine for me at 600mg tren 700mg test.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn View Post
    How about just having some self control? Working fine for me at 600mg tren 700mg test.
    Sounds to me like under dosed or bunk gear lol.
    Last edited by boz; 01-29-2013 at 06:51 PM.

  33. #33
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    I run a monster restaurant that is balls to the wall 6 out of 7 days a week. Stress and frustration starts when I walk in till I walk out and have no problem with controlling it. I agree all aas play some roll in heightened aggravation but you just need to put a cap on that shit.

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