I have always heard a lot of people talk about their problems with Tren rage/irritability and people need to know there is a way around it! Lower your Test dose!!! 200mg or less a week is best, 300mg max. I have proved this time and time again with over 7 people now including myself. Tren rage or any kind of irritability with Tren never evolves if Test is kept low! I wish I could understand what the hell the correlation is but keeping Test at roughly TRT doses prevents Tren aggression issues completely.
Take myself for example, first time running Tren I used Test Prop 500mg/week and Tren Ace at 50mg/ED and I was a damn anti-social, angry, bastard, screaming at people, wanting to punch a friend just saying hi to me, it was horrible as I am normally the complete opposite of being anything like that. And then reading here and there I stumbled upon someone saying to keep Test low to prevent the aggression associated with Tren. And so next cycle I ended up running Test Prop at 50mg/EOD and Tren Ace at 100mg/ED and there was absolutely no change in my behavior or any irritability of any kind, I couldn't believe it. And so I had a friend that was having the same problem, told him to lower Test and what do you know his Tren rage was non-existent with his second run of it and he ran Tren at a higher dose as I did.
I've had 4 other friends of mine use Tren in two different cycles and had all 4 guys run Test at no more than 250mg/week and none of them ever had any increased aggression what so ever. I wish this advice could be stapled into all Tren articles/profiles/topics and just have everyone know about this because I have proved it with self experience 4 times and several other peoples experiences. This advice needs to be spread into all steroid forums! If you have aggression problems with Tren, try exactly what I suggested and get back to me if you can. I guarantee that Tren rage/irritability will never develop or if it does it will be much lower.