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Thread: Almost a full cycle

  1. #1

    Almost a full cycle

    Sup guys....i'v been on Dbol for 3 weeks and want to add Test e and deca to my cycle

    Dbol - week 1 / 25mg
    week 2 / 40mg
    week 3 / 50mg
    week 4 / 50mg
    week 5 / 50mg
    Deca (1amp/200mg)
    week 1 thru 10 / 400mg
    Test E (1amp/250mg)
    week 1 thru 10 / 500mg

    Milk Thistle - week 1 thru 6 /around 350mg
    Nolvadex - week 1 thru 15 / 20mg
    week 11 / just Nolvadex
    week 12 / just Nlovadex
    Clomid - week 13 thru 15
    week 13 / 300mg, than 100 throught the week
    week 14 / 4 days 100mg, 3 days 50mg
    week 15 / 50mg
    ...and obviously a mean diet!! : )

    The only real question i have is how do i split the injections?? If iam doing 1ml per shot twice a week for bouth test and deca so i get 500mg of test per week and 400mg of deca per week how do i split them up? For example can i do bouth test and deca the same day lets say Monday and Thursday and since iam injecting in the glutes just do one on the left side and the other one on the right? or bought on the same side one after another.... OR do i simply do Test Monday and Thursday and Deca Tuesday and Friday n still use the opposite sides since iam injecting in the glutes?

    I have great respect for everyone here with experiance so plz let me kno what you guys would do and i would like to thank you in advance

    Ohh and is it fine if i up my dosage of Nolvadex to 30mg since i have sooo damn much of it or am i just waising the tabs?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    you should of started the test when you started the d-bol so it would kick in when your done with the d-bol in week 4 or 5
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  3. #3
    yes i kno and iam rly madddd i was suppose 2 start like that but i came across some problems with receiving the test and deca and unfortunately lost a good amount of money buy trusting the wrong ppl... but i finally got it and i was pretty sure i should do Test E Monday&Thursday and Deca Tuesday&Friday but y not get a second opinion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    do them at same time, same syringe

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you can shoot the test and deca together. I would stop the deca at least a week prior to the test, deca for 10 and test for 12 would be better.

  6. #6
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    New Mexico
    I also wouldn't use nolva through out cycle. Nolva and Deca don't work well together. I like to use Letro on cycle and save the nolva for you pct. By the way, your pct looks horrible. Try it like this:

    Wk 14-18 Nolva 20mg ed
    Wk 14-18 Clomid 50mg ed

    This is assuming you are running the test for 12 weeks, and I would stop the deca early, like big stated.

  7. #7
    so once i draw the test with the same syrange draw out the deca? just change the needles once drawn sounds simple enough....but than wont i b injecting 2 much at once? instead of 1ml a shot ill b injecting 2ml in one that fine??
    idk if i have enought test to run it for 12 weeks if u say its better to stop deca than should i do deca for 8/9 weeks and test for 10?

    also did some test about a year ago...vary mild dosage since i didnt have any other way of getting a full cycle and i didnt want 2 go 2 hard on myself at that age

    turn 22 in july
    BF:if around 20/23% (i'v been bulking 4 a while with a high calorie diet so i guess the high BF% just has to come along with the weigh gains) i started out with 150lbs and around 13% BF
    been training since i was 17 which is pretty late since lots of kids start weight lifting vary early back in Europe

    thank you for your help...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    I would lower your dose of test to make it last 12 weeks and run the deca for 10. FYI, high BF% doesn't have to come with bulking if you eat right, some body fat but not that much. What does your diet look like?

  9. #9
    i didnt have a great diet before i used 2 dring a lott of weight gainers instead of using the food as a the main source of proteins n cals and junk food probably had a lot of impact on my bodyfat i just couldnt stay away from thos bigmac's : )

    i have recently started something like this and iam trying my best 2 fallow this plan wit about 1 cheat meal a week and i have totaly cut off alcochol for about 7months

    meal 1
    12 Egg whites 2 yolks
    1 tbs olive oil
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk
    1 scoop whey protein
    1 large banana

    meal 2
    1 weight gainer shake
    5 egg whites
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk
    2 scoops of pb with 2 slices of whole grain bread

    meal 3
    8 oz chicken breast and whole grain spaghetti /or ground beef
    1 scoop whey protein

    meal 4
    2 tuna cans wit 1 tbs of mayo
    3 Egg whites
    1 scoop whey protein

    meal 5
    6 oz chicken breast
    1 scoop whey protein
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk

    meal 6
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk
    1 weight gainer shake
    1 large banana

    sometimes i might slack off on the egg whites but iam trying 2 stay focused i also want 2 add cottage cheese but dont rlly kno where 2 fit it yet

  10. #10
    so iits ok 2 inject 2ml per shot? iam a lil hesitant because i was under the impression that iam suppose 2 only inject 1ml per shot the most

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    New Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyD View Post
    i didnt have a great diet before i used 2 dring a lott of weight gainers instead of using the food as a the main source of proteins n cals and junk food probably had a lot of impact on my bodyfat i just couldnt stay away from thos bigmac's : )

    i have recently started something like this and iam trying my best 2 fallow this plan wit about 1 cheat meal a week and i have totaly cut off alcochol for about 7months

    meal 1
    12 Egg whites 2 yolks
    1 tbs olive oil
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk
    1 scoop whey protein
    1 large banana

    The oats and eggs should be enough for a meal here.

    meal 2
    1 weight gainer shake
    5 egg whites
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk
    2 scoops of pb with 2 slices of whole grain bread

    Way too many carbs again. Try 6-8oz chicken breast with 3/4 cups of oats or brown rice. No need for the PB in any meal, IMO.

    meal 3
    8 oz chicken breast and whole grain spaghetti /or ground beef
    1 scoop whey protein

    No need for the Protein shake here. How much pasta? I like to stick to oats or brown rice for all meals.

    meal 4
    2 tuna cans wit 1 tbs of mayo
    3 Egg whites
    1 scoop whey protein

    Again, no need for the shake here. You also need carbs. 2 cans of tuna and 3/4 cups of brown rice would be sufficent. I also like to use mustard over mayo unless it's fat free.

    meal 5
    6 oz chicken breast
    1 scoop whey protein
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk

    No need for a shake, the chicken and oats are perfect!

    meal 6
    3/4 cup oats w/ milk
    1 weight gainer shake
    1 large banana

    This is where the cottage chesse would go. Drop the weight gainer and banana.

    sometimes i might slack off on the egg whites but iam trying 2 stay focused i also want 2 add cottage cheese but dont rlly kno where 2 fit it yet
    Now I can tell why your body fat is so high. You eat more then you need to.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyD View Post
    so iits ok 2 inject 2ml per shot? iam a lil hesitant because i was under the impression that iam suppose 2 only inject 1ml per shot the most
    If it's a glute injection you can easily go with a 2 ml injection. Most people like to do long esters injections on Monday morning and the other thursday night. I personaly like short esters, best of luck on changing your diet and body.

  13. #13
    Thank you DS21 u'v been more than helpfull thnks 2 all of u... ill deff make the changes 2 the diet and try 2 rly focus for the duration of the cycle not 2 slack on the diet, Ill post all my results once iam done ...once again thnx

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